// Boost.Geometry Index // // Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Adam Wulkiewicz, Lodz, Poland. // // This file was modified by Oracle on 2019. // Modifications copyright (c) 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_EQUAL_TO_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_EQUAL_TO_HPP #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index { namespace detail { template ::type> struct equals { template inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, Strategy const&) { return geometry::equals(g1, g2); } }; template struct equals { inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, default_strategy const&) { return geometry::equals(g1, g2); } template inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, Strategy const&) { return geometry::equals(g1, g2, typename Strategy::within_point_point_strategy_type()); } }; template struct equals { inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, default_strategy const&) { return geometry::equals(g1, g2); } template inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, Strategy const&) { // NOTE: there is no strategy for equals(box, box) so pass dummy variable // TODO: there should be a strategy even if it is the same for all CSes in case undefined_cs was used return geometry::equals(g1, g2, 0); } }; template struct equals { inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, default_strategy const&) { return geometry::equals(g1, g2); } template inline static bool apply(Geometry const& g1, Geometry const& g2, Strategy const& s) { return geometry::equals(g1, g2, s.get_relate_segment_segment_strategy()); } }; template struct equals { template inline static bool apply(const Geometry * g1, const Geometry * g2, Strategy const&) { return g1 == g2; } }; template struct equals { template inline static bool apply(T const& v1, T const& v2, Strategy const&) { return v1 == v2; } }; template struct equals { template inline static bool apply(const T * v1, const T * v2, Strategy const&) { return v1 == v2; } }; template struct tuple_equals { template inline static bool apply(Tuple const& t1, Tuple const& t2, Strategy const& strategy) { typedef typename boost::tuples::element::type T; return equals::apply(boost::get(t1), boost::get(t2), strategy) && tuple_equals::apply(t1, t2, strategy); } }; template struct tuple_equals { template inline static bool apply(Tuple const&, Tuple const&, Strategy const&) { return true; } }; // TODO: Consider this: Since equal_to<> is using geometry::equals() it's possible that // two compared Indexables are not exactly the same! They will be spatially equal // but not strictly equal. Consider 2 Segments with reversed order of points. // Therefore it's possible that during the Value removal different value will be // removed than the one that was passed. /*! \brief The function object comparing Values. It compares Geometries using geometry::equals() function. Other types are compared using operator==. The default version handles Values which are Indexables. This template is also specialized for std::pair and boost::tuple<...>. \tparam Value The type of objects which are compared by this function object. \tparam IsIndexable If true, Values are compared using boost::geometry::equals() functions. */ template ::value> struct equal_to { /*! \brief The type of result returned by function object. */ typedef bool result_type; /*! \brief Compare values. If Value is a Geometry geometry::equals() function is used. \param l First value. \param r Second value. \return true if values are equal. */ template inline bool operator()(Value const& l, Value const& r, Strategy const& strategy) const { return detail::equals::apply(l, r, strategy); } }; /*! \brief The function object comparing Values. This specialization compares values of type std::pair. It compares pairs' first values, then second values. \tparam T1 The first type. \tparam T2 The second type. */ template struct equal_to, false> { /*! \brief The type of result returned by function object. */ typedef bool result_type; /*! \brief Compare values. If pair<> Value member is a Geometry geometry::equals() function is used. \param l First value. \param r Second value. \return true if values are equal. */ template inline bool operator()(std::pair const& l, std::pair const& r, Strategy const& strategy) const { return detail::equals::apply(l.first, r.first, strategy) && detail::equals::apply(l.second, r.second, strategy); } }; /*! \brief The function object comparing Values. This specialization compares values of type boost::tuple<...>. It compares all members of the tuple from the first one to the last one. */ template struct equal_to, false> { typedef boost::tuple value_type; /*! \brief The type of result returned by function object. */ typedef bool result_type; /*! \brief Compare values. If tuple<> Value member is a Geometry geometry::equals() function is used. \param l First value. \param r Second value. \return true if values are equal. */ template inline bool operator()(value_type const& l, value_type const& r, Strategy const& strategy) const { return detail::tuple_equals< value_type, 0, boost::tuples::length::value >::apply(l, r, strategy); } }; }}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index::detail #if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TUPLE) && !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES) #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index { namespace detail { template struct std_tuple_equals { template inline static bool apply(Tuple const& t1, Tuple const& t2, Strategy const& strategy) { typedef typename std::tuple_element::type T; return equals::apply(std::get(t1), std::get(t2), strategy) && std_tuple_equals::apply(t1, t2, strategy); } }; template struct std_tuple_equals { template inline static bool apply(Tuple const&, Tuple const&, Strategy const&) { return true; } }; /*! \brief The function object comparing Values. This specialization compares values of type std::tuple. It's defined if the compiler supports tuples and variadic templates. It compares all members of the tuple from the first one to the last one. */ template struct equal_to, false> { typedef std::tuple value_type; /*! \brief The type of result returned by function object. */ typedef bool result_type; /*! \brief Compare values. If tuple<> Value member is a Geometry geometry::equals() function is used. \param l First value. \param r Second value. \return true if values are equal. */ template bool operator()(value_type const& l, value_type const& r, Strategy const& strategy) const { return detail::std_tuple_equals< value_type, 0, std::tuple_size::value >::apply(l, r, strategy); } }; }}}} // namespace boost::geometry::index::detail #endif // !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TUPLE) && !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES) namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace index { /*! \brief The function object comparing Values. The default version handles Values which are Indexables, std::pair, boost::tuple<...> and std::tuple<...> if STD tuples and variadic templates are supported. All members are compared from left to right, Geometries using boost::geometry::equals() function, other types using operator==. \tparam Value The type of objects which are compared by this function object. */ template struct equal_to : detail::equal_to { /*! \brief The type of result returned by function object. */ typedef typename detail::equal_to::result_type result_type; /*! \brief Compare Values. \param l First value. \param r Second value. \return true if Values are equal. */ inline bool operator()(Value const& l, Value const& r) const { return detail::equal_to::operator()(l, r, default_strategy()); } template inline bool operator()(Value const& l, Value const& r, Strategy const& strategy) const { return detail::equal_to::operator()(l, r, strategy); } }; }}} // namespace boost::geometry::index #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_INDEX_EQUAL_TO_HPP