// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Vissarion Fysikopoulos, on behalf of Oracle // Contributed and/or modified by Menelaos Karavelas, on behalf of Oracle // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_SPHERICAL_ENVELOPE_MULTIPOINT_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_SPHERICAL_ENVELOPE_MULTIPOINT_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace strategy { namespace envelope { class spherical_multipoint { private: template struct coordinate_less { template inline bool operator()(Point const& point1, Point const& point2) const { return math::smaller(geometry::get(point1), geometry::get(point2)); } }; template static inline void analyze_point_coordinates(MultiPoint const& multipoint, bool& has_south_pole, bool& has_north_pole, OutputIterator oit) { typedef typename boost::range_value::type point_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator < MultiPoint const >::type iterator_type; // analyze point coordinates: // (1) normalize point coordinates // (2) check if any point is the north or the south pole // (3) put all non-pole points in a container // // notice that at this point in the algorithm, we have at // least two points on the spheroid has_south_pole = false; has_north_pole = false; for (iterator_type it = boost::begin(multipoint); it != boost::end(multipoint); ++it) { point_type point; normalize::spherical_point::apply(*it, point); if (math::equals(geometry::get<1>(point), Constants::min_latitude())) { has_south_pole = true; } else if (math::equals(geometry::get<1>(point), Constants::max_latitude())) { has_north_pole = true; } else { *oit++ = point; } } } template static inline Value maximum_gap(SortedRange const& sorted_range, Value& max_gap_left, Value& max_gap_right) { typedef typename boost::range_iterator < SortedRange const >::type iterator_type; iterator_type it1 = boost::begin(sorted_range), it2 = it1; ++it2; max_gap_left = geometry::get<0>(*it1); max_gap_right = geometry::get<0>(*it2); Value max_gap = max_gap_right - max_gap_left; for (++it1, ++it2; it2 != boost::end(sorted_range); ++it1, ++it2) { Value gap = geometry::get<0>(*it2) - geometry::get<0>(*it1); if (math::larger(gap, max_gap)) { max_gap_left = geometry::get<0>(*it1); max_gap_right = geometry::get<0>(*it2); max_gap = gap; } } return max_gap; } template < typename Constants, typename PointRange, typename LongitudeLess, typename CoordinateType > static inline void get_min_max_longitudes(PointRange& range, LongitudeLess const& lon_less, CoordinateType& lon_min, CoordinateType& lon_max) { typedef typename boost::range_iterator < PointRange const >::type iterator_type; // compute min and max longitude values std::pair min_max_longitudes = boost::minmax_element(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), lon_less); lon_min = geometry::get<0>(*min_max_longitudes.first); lon_max = geometry::get<0>(*min_max_longitudes.second); // if the longitude span is "large" compute the true maximum gap if (math::larger(lon_max - lon_min, Constants::half_period())) { std::sort(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range), lon_less); CoordinateType max_gap_left = 0, max_gap_right = 0; CoordinateType max_gap = maximum_gap(range, max_gap_left, max_gap_right); CoordinateType complement_gap = Constants::period() + lon_min - lon_max; if (math::larger(max_gap, complement_gap)) { lon_min = max_gap_right; lon_max = max_gap_left + Constants::period(); } } } template < typename Constants, typename Iterator, typename LatitudeLess, typename CoordinateType > static inline void get_min_max_latitudes(Iterator const first, Iterator const last, LatitudeLess const& lat_less, bool has_south_pole, bool has_north_pole, CoordinateType& lat_min, CoordinateType& lat_max) { if (has_south_pole && has_north_pole) { lat_min = Constants::min_latitude(); lat_max = Constants::max_latitude(); } else if (has_south_pole) { lat_min = Constants::min_latitude(); lat_max = geometry::get<1>(*std::max_element(first, last, lat_less)); } else if (has_north_pole) { lat_min = geometry::get<1>(*std::min_element(first, last, lat_less)); lat_max = Constants::max_latitude(); } else { std::pair min_max_latitudes = boost::minmax_element(first, last, lat_less); lat_min = geometry::get<1>(*min_max_latitudes.first); lat_max = geometry::get<1>(*min_max_latitudes.second); } } public: template static inline void apply(MultiPoint const& multipoint, Box& mbr) { typedef typename point_type::type point_type; typedef typename coordinate_type::type coordinate_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator < MultiPoint const >::type iterator_type; typedef math::detail::constants_on_spheroid < coordinate_type, typename geometry::detail::cs_angular_units::type > constants; if (boost::empty(multipoint)) { geometry::detail::envelope::initialize::value>::apply(mbr); return; } geometry::detail::envelope::initialize::apply(mbr); if (boost::size(multipoint) == 1) { return dispatch::envelope < typename boost::range_value::type >::apply(range::front(multipoint), mbr, strategy::envelope::spherical_point()); } // analyze the points and put the non-pole ones in the // points vector std::vector points; bool has_north_pole = false, has_south_pole = false; analyze_point_coordinates(multipoint, has_south_pole, has_north_pole, std::back_inserter(points)); coordinate_type lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max; if (points.size() == 1) { // we have one non-pole point and at least one pole point lon_min = geometry::get<0>(range::front(points)); lon_max = geometry::get<0>(range::front(points)); lat_min = has_south_pole ? constants::min_latitude() : constants::max_latitude(); lat_max = has_north_pole ? constants::max_latitude() : constants::min_latitude(); } else if (points.empty()) { // all points are pole points BOOST_GEOMETRY_ASSERT(has_south_pole || has_north_pole); lon_min = coordinate_type(0); lon_max = coordinate_type(0); lat_min = has_south_pole ? constants::min_latitude() : constants::max_latitude(); lat_max = (has_north_pole) ? constants::max_latitude() : constants::min_latitude(); } else { get_min_max_longitudes(points, coordinate_less<0>(), lon_min, lon_max); get_min_max_latitudes(points.begin(), points.end(), coordinate_less<1>(), has_south_pole, has_north_pole, lat_min, lat_max); } typedef typename helper_geometry < Box, coordinate_type, typename geometry::detail::cs_angular_units::type >::type helper_box_type; helper_box_type helper_mbr; geometry::set(helper_mbr, lon_min); geometry::set(helper_mbr, lat_min); geometry::set(helper_mbr, lon_max); geometry::set(helper_mbr, lat_max); // now transform to output MBR (per index) geometry::detail::envelope::envelope_indexed_box_on_spheroid::apply(helper_mbr, mbr); geometry::detail::envelope::envelope_indexed_box_on_spheroid::apply(helper_mbr, mbr); // compute envelope for higher coordinates iterator_type it = boost::begin(multipoint); geometry::detail::envelope::envelope_one_point<2, dimension::value>::apply(*it, mbr); for (++it; it != boost::end(multipoint); ++it) { strategy::expand::detail::point_loop < 2, dimension::value >::apply(mbr, *it); } } }; #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_STRATEGY_SPECIALIZATIONS namespace services { template struct default_strategy { typedef strategy::envelope::spherical_multipoint type; }; template struct default_strategy { typedef strategy::envelope::spherical_multipoint type; }; template struct default_strategy { typedef strategy::envelope::spherical_multipoint type; }; } // namespace services #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_STRATEGY_SPECIALIZATIONS }} // namespace strategy::envelope }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_STRATEGIES_SPHERICAL_ENVELOPE_MULTIPOINT_HPP