/*! @file Forward declares `boost::hana::Ring`. @copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.md or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_RING_HPP #define BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_RING_HPP #include BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN //! @ingroup group-concepts //! @defgroup group-Ring Ring //! The `Ring` concept represents `Group`s that also form a `Monoid` //! under a second binary operation that distributes over the first. //! //! A [Ring][1] is an algebraic structure built on top of a `Group` //! which requires a monoidal structure with respect to a second binary //! operation. This second binary operation must distribute over the //! first one. Specifically, a `Ring` is a triple `(S, +, *)` such that //! `(S, +)` is a `Group`, `(S, *)` is a `Monoid` and `*` distributes //! over `+`, i.e. //! @code //! x * (y + z) == (x * y) + (x * z) //! @endcode //! //! The second binary operation is often written `*` with its identity //! written `1`, in reference to the `Ring` of integers under //! multiplication. The method names used here refer to this exact ring. //! //! //! Minimal complete definintion //! ---------------------------- //! `one` and `mult` satisfying the laws //! //! //! Laws //! ---- //! For all objects `x`, `y`, `z` of a `Ring` `R`, the following laws must //! be satisfied: //! @code //! mult(x, mult(y, z)) == mult(mult(x, y), z) // associativity //! mult(x, one()) == x // right identity //! mult(one(), x) == x // left identity //! mult(x, plus(y, z)) == plus(mult(x, y), mult(x, z)) // distributivity //! @endcode //! //! //! Refined concepts //! ---------------- //! `Monoid`, `Group` //! //! //! Concrete models //! --------------- //! `hana::integral_constant` //! //! //! Free model for non-boolean arithmetic data types //! ------------------------------------------------ //! A data type `T` is arithmetic if `std::is_arithmetic::%value` is //! true. For a non-boolean arithmetic data type `T`, a model of `Ring` is //! automatically defined by using the provided `Group` model and setting //! @code //! mult(x, y) = (x * y) //! one() = static_cast(1) //! @endcode //! //! @note //! The rationale for not providing a Ring model for `bool` is the same //! as for not providing Monoid and Group models. //! //! //! Structure-preserving functions //! ------------------------------ //! Let `A` and `B` be two `Ring`s. A function `f : A -> B` is said to //! be a [Ring morphism][2] if it preserves the ring structure between //! `A` and `B`. Rigorously, for all objects `x, y` of data type `A`, //! @code //! f(plus(x, y)) == plus(f(x), f(y)) //! f(mult(x, y)) == mult(f(x), f(y)) //! f(one()) == one() //! @endcode //! Because of the `Ring` structure, it is easy to prove that the //! following will then also be satisfied: //! @code //! f(zero()) == zero() //! f(negate(x)) == negate(f(x)) //! @endcode //! which is to say that `f` will then also be a `Group` morphism. //! Functions with these properties interact nicely with `Ring`s, //! which is why they are given such a special treatment. //! //! //! [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_(mathematics) //! [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_homomorphism template struct Ring; BOOST_HANA_NAMESPACE_END #endif // !BOOST_HANA_FWD_CONCEPT_RING_HPP