/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 2018 John Maddock // Distributed under the Boost // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_HYPERGEOMETRIC_PFQ_SERIES_HPP_ #define BOOST_HYPERGEOMETRIC_PFQ_SERIES_HPP_ #ifndef BOOST_MATH_PFQ_MAX_B_TERMS # define BOOST_MATH_PFQ_MAX_B_TERMS 5 #endif #include #include namespace boost { namespace math { namespace detail { template unsigned set_crossover_locations(const Seq& aj, const Seq& bj, const Real& z, unsigned int* crossover_locations) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING unsigned N_terms = 0; if(aj.size() == 1 && bj.size() == 1) { // // For 1F1 we can work out where the peaks in the series occur, // which is to say when: // // (a + k)z / (k(b + k)) == +-1 // // Then we are at either a maxima or a minima in the series, and the // last such point must be a maxima since the series is globally convergent. // Potentially then we are solving 2 quadratic equations and have up to 4 // solutions, any solutions which are complex or negative are discarded, // leaving us with 4 options: // // 0 solutions: The series is directly convergent. // 1 solution : The series diverges to a maxima before coverging. // 2 solutions: The series is initially convergent, followed by divergence to a maxima before final convergence. // 3 solutions: The series diverges to a maxima, converges to a minima before diverging again to a second maxima before final convergence. // 4 solutions: The series converges to a minima before diverging to a maxima, converging to a minima, diverging to a second maxima and then converging. // // The first 2 situations are adequately handled by direct series evalution, while the 2,3 and 4 solutions are not. // Real a = *aj.begin(); Real b = *bj.begin(); Real sq = 4 * a * z + b * b - 2 * b * z + z * z; if (sq >= 0) { Real t = (-sqrt(sq) - b + z) / 2; if (t >= 0) { crossover_locations[N_terms] = itrunc(t); ++N_terms; } t = (sqrt(sq) - b + z) / 2; if (t >= 0) { crossover_locations[N_terms] = itrunc(t); ++N_terms; } } sq = -4 * a * z + b * b + 2 * b * z + z * z; if (sq >= 0) { Real t = (-sqrt(sq) - b - z) / 2; if (t >= 0) { crossover_locations[N_terms] = itrunc(t); ++N_terms; } t = (sqrt(sq) - b - z) / 2; if (t >= 0) { crossover_locations[N_terms] = itrunc(t); ++N_terms; } } std::sort(crossover_locations, crossover_locations + N_terms, std::less()); // // Now we need to discard every other terms, as these are the minima: // switch (N_terms) { case 0: case 1: break; case 2: crossover_locations[0] = crossover_locations[1]; --N_terms; break; case 3: crossover_locations[1] = crossover_locations[2]; --N_terms; break; case 4: crossover_locations[0] = crossover_locations[1]; crossover_locations[1] = crossover_locations[3]; N_terms -= 2; break; } } else { unsigned n = 0; for (auto bi = bj.begin(); bi != bj.end(); ++bi, ++n) { crossover_locations[n] = *bi >= 0 ? 0 : itrunc(-*bi) + 1; } std::sort(crossover_locations, crossover_locations + bj.size(), std::less()); N_terms = (unsigned)bj.size(); } return N_terms; } template std::pair hypergeometric_pFq_checked_series_impl(const Seq& aj, const Seq& bj, const Real& z, const Policy& pol, const Terminal& termination, int& log_scale) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING Real result = 1; Real abs_result = 1; Real term = 1; Real term0 = 0; Real tol = boost::math::policies::get_epsilon(); boost::uintmax_t k = 0; Real upper_limit(sqrt(boost::math::tools::max_value())), diff; Real lower_limit(1 / upper_limit); int log_scaling_factor = itrunc(boost::math::tools::log_max_value()) - 2; Real scaling_factor = exp(Real(log_scaling_factor)); Real term_m1; int local_scaling = 0; if ((aj.size() == 1) && (bj.size() == 0)) { if (fabs(z) > 1) { if ((z > 0) && (floor(*aj.begin()) != *aj.begin())) { Real r = policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq", "Got p == 1 and q == 0 and |z| > 1, result is imaginary", z, pol); return std::make_pair(r, r); } std::pair r = hypergeometric_pFq_checked_series_impl(aj, bj, Real(1 / z), pol, termination, log_scale); Real mul = pow(-z, -*aj.begin()); r.first *= mul; r.second *= mul; return r; } } if (aj.size() > bj.size()) { if (aj.size() == bj.size() + 1) { if (fabs(z) > 1) { Real r = policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq", "Got p == q+1 and |z| > 1, series does not converge", z, pol); return std::make_pair(r, r); } if (fabs(z) == 1) { Real s = 0; for (auto i = bj.begin(); i != bj.end(); ++i) s += *i; for (auto i = aj.begin(); i != aj.end(); ++i) s -= *i; if ((z == 1) && (s <= 0)) { Real r = policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq", "Got p == q+1 and |z| == 1, in a situation where the series does not converge", z, pol); return std::make_pair(r, r); } if ((z == -1) && (s <= -1)) { Real r = policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq", "Got p == q+1 and |z| == 1, in a situation where the series does not converge", z, pol); return std::make_pair(r, r); } } } else { Real r = policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq", "Got p > q+1, series does not converge", z, pol); return std::make_pair(r, r); } } while (!termination(k)) { for (auto ai = aj.begin(); ai != aj.end(); ++ai) { term *= *ai + k; } if (term == 0) { // There is a negative integer in the aj's: return std::make_pair(result, abs_result); } for (auto bi = bj.begin(); bi != bj.end(); ++bi) { if (*bi + k == 0) { // The series is undefined: result = boost::math::policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq<%1%>", "One of the b values was the negative integer %1%", *bi, pol); return std::make_pair(result, result); } term /= *bi + k; } term *= z; ++k; term /= k; //std::cout << k << " " << *bj.begin() + k << " " << result << " " << term << /*" " << term_at_k(*aj.begin(), *bj.begin(), z, k, pol) <<*/ std::endl; result += term; abs_result += abs(term); //std::cout << "k = " << k << " term = " << term * exp(log_scale) << " result = " << result * exp(log_scale) << " abs_result = " << abs_result * exp(log_scale) << std::endl; // // Rescaling: // if (fabs(abs_result) >= upper_limit) { abs_result /= scaling_factor; result /= scaling_factor; term /= scaling_factor; log_scale += log_scaling_factor; local_scaling += log_scaling_factor; } if (fabs(abs_result) < lower_limit) { abs_result *= scaling_factor; result *= scaling_factor; term *= scaling_factor; log_scale -= log_scaling_factor; local_scaling -= log_scaling_factor; } if ((abs(result * tol) > abs(term)) && (abs(term0) > abs(term))) break; if (abs_result * tol > abs(result)) { // We have no correct bits in the result... just give up! result = boost::math::policies::raise_evaluation_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq<%1%>", "Cancellation is so severe that no bits in the reuslt are correct, last result was %1%", Real(result * exp(Real(log_scale))), pol); return std::make_pair(result, result); } term0 = term; } //std::cout << "result = " << result << std::endl; //std::cout << "local_scaling = " << local_scaling << std::endl; //std::cout << "Norm result = " << std::setprecision(35) << boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_50(result) * exp(boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_50(local_scaling)) << std::endl; // // We have to be careful when one of the b's crosses the origin: // if(bj.size() > BOOST_MATH_PFQ_MAX_B_TERMS) policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq<%1%>(Seq, Seq, %1%)", "The number of b terms must be less than the value of BOOST_MATH_PFQ_MAX_B_TERMS (" BOOST_STRINGIZE(BOOST_MATH_PFQ_MAX_B_TERMS) "), but got %1%.", Real(bj.size()), pol); unsigned crossover_locations[BOOST_MATH_PFQ_MAX_B_TERMS]; unsigned N_crossovers = set_crossover_locations(aj, bj, z, crossover_locations); bool terminate = false; // Set to true if one of the a's passes through the origin and terminates the series. for (unsigned n = 0; n < N_crossovers; ++n) { if (k < crossover_locations[n]) { for (auto ai = aj.begin(); ai != aj.end(); ++ai) { if ((*ai < 0) && (floor(*ai) == *ai) && (*ai > crossover_locations[n])) return std::make_pair(result, abs_result); // b's will never cross the origin! } // // local results: // Real loop_result = 0; Real loop_abs_result = 0; int loop_scale = 0; // // loop_error_scale will be used to increase the size of the error // estimate (absolute sum), based on the errors inherent in calculating // the pochhammer symbols. // Real loop_error_scale = 0; //boost::multiprecision::mpfi_float err_est = 0; // // b hasn't crossed the origin yet and the series may spring back into life at that point // so we need to jump forward to that term and then evaluate forwards and backwards from there: // unsigned s = crossover_locations[n]; boost::uintmax_t backstop = k; int s1(1), s2(1); term = 0; for (auto ai = aj.begin(); ai != aj.end(); ++ai) { if ((floor(*ai) == *ai) && (*ai < 0) && (-*ai <= s)) { // One of the a terms has passed through zero and terminated the series: terminate = true; break; } else { int ls = 1; Real p = log_pochhammer(*ai, s, pol, &ls); s1 *= ls; term += p; loop_error_scale = (std::max)(p, loop_error_scale); //err_est += boost::multiprecision::mpfi_float(p); } } //std::cout << "term = " << term << std::endl; if (terminate) break; for (auto bi = bj.begin(); bi != bj.end(); ++bi) { int ls = 1; Real p = log_pochhammer(*bi, s, pol, &ls); s2 *= ls; term -= p; loop_error_scale = (std::max)(p, loop_error_scale); //err_est -= boost::multiprecision::mpfi_float(p); } //std::cout << "term = " << term << std::endl; Real p = lgamma(Real(s + 1), pol); term -= p; loop_error_scale = (std::max)(p, loop_error_scale); //err_est -= boost::multiprecision::mpfi_float(p); p = s * log(fabs(z)); term += p; loop_error_scale = (std::max)(p, loop_error_scale); //err_est += boost::multiprecision::mpfi_float(p); //err_est = exp(err_est); //std::cout << err_est << std::endl; // // Convert loop_error scale to the absolute error // in term after exp is applied: // loop_error_scale *= tools::epsilon(); // // Convert to relative error after exp: // loop_error_scale = fabs(expm1(loop_error_scale)); // // Convert to multiplier for the error term: // loop_error_scale /= tools::epsilon(); if (z < 0) s1 *= (s & 1 ? -1 : 1); if (term <= tools::log_min_value()) { // rescale if we can: int scale = itrunc(floor(term - tools::log_min_value()) - 2); term -= scale; loop_scale += scale; } if (term > 10) { int scale = itrunc(floor(term)); term -= scale; loop_scale += scale; } //std::cout << "term = " << term << std::endl; term = s1 * s2 * exp(term); //std::cout << "term = " << term << std::endl; //std::cout << "loop_scale = " << loop_scale << std::endl; k = s; term0 = term; int saved_loop_scale = loop_scale; bool terms_are_growing = true; bool trivial_small_series_check = false; do { loop_result += term; loop_abs_result += fabs(term); //std::cout << "k = " << k << " term = " << term * exp(loop_scale) << " result = " << loop_result * exp(loop_scale) << " abs_result = " << loop_abs_result * exp(loop_scale) << std::endl; if (fabs(loop_result) >= upper_limit) { loop_result /= scaling_factor; loop_abs_result /= scaling_factor; term /= scaling_factor; loop_scale += log_scaling_factor; } if (fabs(loop_result) < lower_limit) { loop_result *= scaling_factor; loop_abs_result *= scaling_factor; term *= scaling_factor; loop_scale -= log_scaling_factor; } term_m1 = term; for (auto ai = aj.begin(); ai != aj.end(); ++ai) { term *= *ai + k; } if (term == 0) { // There is a negative integer in the aj's: return std::make_pair(result, abs_result); } for (auto bi = bj.begin(); bi != bj.end(); ++bi) { if (*bi + k == 0) { // The series is undefined: result = boost::math::policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq<%1%>", "One of the b values was the negative integer %1%", *bi, pol); return std::make_pair(result, result); } term /= *bi + k; } term *= z / (k + 1); ++k; diff = fabs(term / loop_result); terms_are_growing = fabs(term) > fabs(term_m1); if (!trivial_small_series_check && !terms_are_growing) { // // Now that we have started to converge, check to see if the value of // this local sum is trivially small compared to the result. If so // abort this part of the series. // trivial_small_series_check = true; Real d; if (loop_scale > local_scaling) { int rescale = local_scaling - loop_scale; if (rescale < tools::log_min_value()) d = 1; // arbtrary value, we want to keep going else d = fabs(term / (result * exp(Real(rescale)))); } else { int rescale = loop_scale - local_scaling; if (rescale < tools::log_min_value()) d = 0; // terminate this loop else d = fabs(term * exp(Real(rescale)) / result); } if (d < boost::math::policies::get_epsilon()) break; } } while (!termination(k - s) && ((diff > boost::math::policies::get_epsilon()) || terms_are_growing)); //std::cout << "Norm loop result = " << std::setprecision(35) << boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_50(loop_result)* exp(boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_50(loop_scale)) << std::endl; // // We now need to combine the results of the first series summation with whatever // local results we have now. First though, rescale abs_result by loop_error_scale // to factor in the error in the pochhammer terms at the start of this block: // boost::uintmax_t next_backstop = k; loop_abs_result += loop_error_scale * fabs(loop_result); if (loop_scale > local_scaling) { // // Need to shrink previous result: // int rescale = local_scaling - loop_scale; local_scaling = loop_scale; log_scale -= rescale; Real ex = exp(Real(rescale)); result *= ex; abs_result *= ex; result += loop_result; abs_result += loop_abs_result; } else if (local_scaling > loop_scale) { // // Need to shrink local result: // int rescale = loop_scale - local_scaling; Real ex = exp(Real(rescale)); loop_result *= ex; loop_abs_result *= ex; result += loop_result; abs_result += loop_abs_result; } else { result += loop_result; abs_result += loop_abs_result; } // // Now go backwards as well: // k = s; term = term0; loop_result = 0; loop_abs_result = 0; loop_scale = saved_loop_scale; trivial_small_series_check = false; do { --k; if (k == backstop) break; term_m1 = term; for (auto ai = aj.begin(); ai != aj.end(); ++ai) { term /= *ai + k; } for (auto bi = bj.begin(); bi != bj.end(); ++bi) { if (*bi + k == 0) { // The series is undefined: result = boost::math::policies::raise_domain_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq<%1%>", "One of the b values was the negative integer %1%", *bi, pol); return std::make_pair(result, result); } term *= *bi + k; } term *= (k + 1) / z; loop_result += term; loop_abs_result += fabs(term); if (!trivial_small_series_check && (fabs(term) < fabs(term_m1))) { // // Now that we have started to converge, check to see if the value of // this local sum is trivially small compared to the result. If so // abort this part of the series. // trivial_small_series_check = true; Real d; if (loop_scale > local_scaling) { int rescale = local_scaling - loop_scale; if (rescale < tools::log_min_value()) d = 1; // keep going else d = fabs(term / (result * exp(Real(rescale)))); } else { int rescale = loop_scale - local_scaling; if (rescale < tools::log_min_value()) d = 0; // stop, underflow else d = fabs(term * exp(Real(rescale)) / result); } if (d < boost::math::policies::get_epsilon()) break; } //std::cout << "k = " << k << " result = " << result << " abs_result = " << abs_result << std::endl; if (fabs(loop_result) >= upper_limit) { loop_result /= scaling_factor; loop_abs_result /= scaling_factor; term /= scaling_factor; loop_scale += log_scaling_factor; } if (fabs(loop_result) < lower_limit) { loop_result *= scaling_factor; loop_abs_result *= scaling_factor; term *= scaling_factor; loop_scale -= log_scaling_factor; } diff = fabs(term / loop_result); } while (!termination(s - k) && ((diff > boost::math::policies::get_epsilon()) || (fabs(term) > fabs(term_m1)))); //std::cout << "Norm loop result = " << std::setprecision(35) << boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_50(loop_result)* exp(boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float_50(loop_scale)) << std::endl; // // We now need to combine the results of the first series summation with whatever // local results we have now. First though, rescale abs_result by loop_error_scale // to factor in the error in the pochhammer terms at the start of this block: // loop_abs_result += loop_error_scale * fabs(loop_result); // if (loop_scale > local_scaling) { // // Need to shrink previous result: // int rescale = local_scaling - loop_scale; local_scaling = loop_scale; log_scale -= rescale; Real ex = exp(Real(rescale)); result *= ex; abs_result *= ex; result += loop_result; abs_result += loop_abs_result; } else if (local_scaling > loop_scale) { // // Need to shrink local result: // int rescale = loop_scale - local_scaling; Real ex = exp(Real(rescale)); loop_result *= ex; loop_abs_result *= ex; result += loop_result; abs_result += loop_abs_result; } else { result += loop_result; abs_result += loop_abs_result; } // // Reset k to the largest k we reached // k = next_backstop; } } return std::make_pair(result, abs_result); } struct iteration_terminator { iteration_terminator(boost::uintmax_t i) : m(i) {} bool operator()(boost::uintmax_t v) const { return v >= m; } boost::uintmax_t m; }; template Real hypergeometric_pFq_checked_series_impl(const Seq& aj, const Seq& bj, const Real& z, const Policy& pol, int& log_scale) { BOOST_MATH_STD_USING iteration_terminator term(boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations()); std::pair result = hypergeometric_pFq_checked_series_impl(aj, bj, z, pol, term, log_scale); // // Check to see how many digits we've lost, if it's more than half, raise an evaluation error - // this is an entirely arbitrary cut off, but not unreasonable. // if (result.second * sqrt(boost::math::policies::get_epsilon()) > abs(result.first)) { return boost::math::policies::raise_evaluation_error("boost::math::hypergeometric_pFq<%1%>", "Cancellation is so severe that fewer than half the bits in the result are correct, last result was %1%", Real(result.first * exp(Real(log_scale))), pol); } return result.first; } template inline Real hypergeometric_1F1_checked_series_impl(const Real& a, const Real& b, const Real& z, const Policy& pol, int& log_scale) { boost::array aj = { a }; boost::array bj = { b }; return hypergeometric_pFq_checked_series_impl(aj, bj, z, pol, log_scale); } } } } // namespaces #endif // BOOST_HYPERGEOMETRIC_PFQ_SERIES_HPP_