Days Alive Calculate the number of days you have been living using durations and dates. /* Short example that calculates the number of days since user was born. * Demonstrates comparisons of durations, use of the day_clock, * and parsing a date from a string. */ #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace boost::gregorian; std::string s; std::cout << "Enter birth day YYYY-MM-DD (eg: 2002-02-01): "; std::cin >> s; try { date birthday(from_simple_string(s)); date today = day_clock::local_day(); days days_alive = today - birthday; days one_day(1); if (days_alive == one_day) { std::cout << "Born yesterday, very funny" << std::endl; } else if (days_alive < days(0)) { std::cout << "Not born yet, hmm: " << days_alive.days() << " days" <<std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Days alive: " << days_alive.days() << std::endl; } } catch(...) { std::cout << "Bad date entered: " << s << std::endl; } return 0; }