// Copyright W.P. McNeill 2010. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // This program uses the A-star search algorithm in the Boost Graph Library to // solve a maze. It is an example of how to apply Boost Graph Library // algorithms to implicit graphs. // // This program generates a random maze and then tries to find the shortest // path from the lower left-hand corner to the upper right-hand corner. Mazes // are represented by two-dimensional grids where a cell in the grid may // contain a barrier. You may move up, down, right, or left to any adjacent // cell that does not contain a barrier. // // Once a maze solution has been attempted, the maze is printed. If a // solution was found it will be shown in the maze printout and its length // will be returned. Note that not all mazes have solutions. // // The default maze size is 20x10, though different dimensions may be // specified on the command line. /* IMPORTANT: ~~~~~~~~~~ This example appears to be broken and crashes at runtime, see https://github.com/boostorg/graph/issues/148 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include boost::mt19937 random_generator; // Distance traveled in the maze typedef double distance; #define GRID_RANK 2 typedef boost::grid_graph grid; typedef boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef boost::graph_traits::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type; // A hash function for vertices. struct vertex_hash { typedef vertex_descriptor argument_type; typedef std::size_t result_type; std::size_t operator()(vertex_descriptor const& u) const { std::size_t seed = 0; boost::hash_combine(seed, u[0]); boost::hash_combine(seed, u[1]); return seed; } }; typedef boost::unordered_set vertex_set; typedef boost::vertex_subset_complement_filter::type filtered_grid; // A searchable maze // // The maze is grid of locations which can either be empty or contain a // barrier. You can move to an adjacent location in the grid by going up, // down, left and right. Moving onto a barrier is not allowed. The maze can // be solved by finding a path from the lower-left-hand corner to the // upper-right-hand corner. If no open path exists between these two // locations, the maze is unsolvable. // // The maze is implemented as a filtered grid graph where locations are // vertices. Barrier vertices are filtered out of the graph. // // A-star search is used to find a path through the maze. Each edge has a // weight of one, so the total path length is equal to the number of edges // traversed. class maze { public: friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const maze&); friend void random_maze(maze&); maze():m_grid(create_grid(0, 0)),m_barrier_grid(create_barrier_grid()) {}; maze(std::size_t x, std::size_t y):m_grid(create_grid(x, y)), m_barrier_grid(create_barrier_grid()) {}; // The length of the maze along the specified dimension. vertices_size_type length(std::size_t d) const {return m_grid.length(d);} bool has_barrier(vertex_descriptor u) const { return m_barriers.find(u) != m_barriers.end(); } // Try to find a path from the lower-left-hand corner source (0,0) to the // upper-right-hand corner goal (x-1, y-1). vertex_descriptor source() const {return vertex(0, m_grid);} vertex_descriptor goal() const { return vertex(num_vertices(m_grid)-1, m_grid); } bool solve(); bool solved() const {return !m_solution.empty();} bool solution_contains(vertex_descriptor u) const { return m_solution.find(u) != m_solution.end(); } private: // Create the underlying rank-2 grid with the specified dimensions. grid create_grid(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) { boost::array lengths = { {x, y} }; return grid(lengths); } // Filter the barrier vertices out of the underlying grid. filtered_grid create_barrier_grid() { return boost::make_vertex_subset_complement_filter(m_grid, m_barriers); } // The grid underlying the maze grid m_grid; // The barriers in the maze vertex_set m_barriers; // The underlying maze grid with barrier vertices filtered out filtered_grid m_barrier_grid; // The vertices on a solution path through the maze vertex_set m_solution; // The length of the solution path distance m_solution_length; }; // Euclidean heuristic for a grid // // This calculates the Euclidean distance between a vertex and a goal // vertex. class euclidean_heuristic: public boost::astar_heuristic { public: euclidean_heuristic(vertex_descriptor goal):m_goal(goal) {}; double operator()(vertex_descriptor v) { return sqrt(pow(double(m_goal[0] - v[0]), 2) + pow(double(m_goal[1] - v[1]), 2)); } private: vertex_descriptor m_goal; }; // Exception thrown when the goal vertex is found struct found_goal {}; // Visitor that terminates when we find the goal vertex struct astar_goal_visitor:public boost::default_astar_visitor { astar_goal_visitor(vertex_descriptor goal):m_goal(goal) {}; void examine_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, const filtered_grid&) { if (u == m_goal) throw found_goal(); } private: vertex_descriptor m_goal; }; // Solve the maze using A-star search. Return true if a solution was found. bool maze::solve() { boost::static_property_map weight(1); // The predecessor map is a vertex-to-vertex mapping. typedef boost::unordered_map pred_map; pred_map predecessor; boost::associative_property_map pred_pmap(predecessor); // The distance map is a vertex-to-distance mapping. typedef boost::unordered_map dist_map; dist_map distance; boost::associative_property_map dist_pmap(distance); vertex_descriptor s = source(); vertex_descriptor g = goal(); euclidean_heuristic heuristic(g); astar_goal_visitor visitor(g); try { astar_search(m_barrier_grid, s, heuristic, boost::weight_map(weight). predecessor_map(pred_pmap). distance_map(dist_pmap). visitor(visitor) ); } catch(found_goal fg) { // Walk backwards from the goal through the predecessor chain adding // vertices to the solution path. for (vertex_descriptor u = g; u != s; u = predecessor[u]) m_solution.insert(u); m_solution.insert(s); m_solution_length = distance[g]; return true; } return false; } #define BARRIER "#" // Print the maze as an ASCII map. std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const maze& m) { // Header for (vertices_size_type i = 0; i < m.length(0)+2; i++) output << BARRIER; output << std::endl; // Body for (int y = m.length(1)-1; y >= 0; y--) { // Enumerate rows in reverse order and columns in regular order so that // (0,0) appears in the lower left-hand corner. This requires that y be // int and not the unsigned vertices_size_type because the loop exit // condition is y==-1. for (vertices_size_type x = 0; x < m.length(0); x++) { // Put a barrier on the left-hand side. if (x == 0) output << BARRIER; // Put the character representing this point in the maze grid. vertex_descriptor u = {{x, vertices_size_type(y)}}; if (m.solution_contains(u)) output << "."; else if (m.has_barrier(u)) output << BARRIER; else output << " "; // Put a barrier on the right-hand side. if (x == m.length(0)-1) output << BARRIER; } // Put a newline after every row except the last one. output << std::endl; } // Footer for (vertices_size_type i = 0; i < m.length(0)+2; i++) output << BARRIER; if (m.solved()) output << std::endl << "Solution length " << m.m_solution_length; return output; } // Return a random integer in the interval [a, b]. std::size_t random_int(std::size_t a, std::size_t b) { if (b < a) b = a; boost::uniform_int<> dist(a, b); boost::variate_generator > generate(random_generator, dist); return generate(); } // Generate a maze with a random assignment of barriers. void random_maze(maze& m) { vertices_size_type n = num_vertices(m.m_grid); vertex_descriptor s = m.source(); vertex_descriptor g = m.goal(); // One quarter of the cells in the maze should be barriers. int barriers = n/4; while (barriers > 0) { // Choose horizontal or vertical direction. std::size_t direction = random_int(0, 1); // Walls range up to one quarter the dimension length in this direction. vertices_size_type wall = random_int(1, m.length(direction)/4); // Create the wall while decrementing the total barrier count. vertex_descriptor u = vertex(random_int(0, n-1), m.m_grid); while (wall) { // Start and goal spaces should never be barriers. if (u != s && u != g) { wall--; if (!m.has_barrier(u)) { m.m_barriers.insert(u); barriers--; } } vertex_descriptor v = m.m_grid.next(u, direction); // Stop creating this wall if we reached the maze's edge. if (u == v) break; u = v; } } } int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) { // The default maze size is 20x10. A different size may be specified on // the command line. std::size_t x = 20; std::size_t y = 10; if (argc == 3) { x = boost::lexical_cast(argv[1]); y = boost::lexical_cast(argv[2]); } random_generator.seed(std::time(0)); maze m(x, y); random_maze(m); if (m.solve()) std::cout << "Solved the maze." << std::endl; else std::cout << "The maze is not solvable." << std::endl; std::cout << m << std::endl; return 0; }