// Copyright 2004-5 Trustees of Indiana University // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // graphviz_test.cpp - Test cases for the Boost.Spirit implementation of a // Graphviz DOT Language reader. // // Author: Ronald Garcia #define BOOST_GRAPHVIZ_USE_ISTREAM #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestGraphviz #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace boost::assign; typedef std::string node_t; typedef std::pair edge_t; typedef std::map mass_map_t; typedef std::map weight_map_t; template bool test_graph(std::istream& dotfile, graph_t& graph, std::size_t correct_num_vertices, mass_map_t const& masses, weight_map_t const& weights, std::string const& node_id, std::string const& g_name, NameMap name, MassMap mass, WeightMap weight); template bool test_graph(std::istream& dotfile, std::size_t correct_num_vertices, mass_map_t const& masses, weight_map_t const& weights, std::string const& node_id = "node_id", std::string const& g_name = std::string()) { graph_t g; return test_graph(dotfile, g, correct_num_vertices, masses, weights, node_id, g_name, get(vertex_name, g), get(vertex_color, g), get(edge_weight, g)); } template bool test_graph(std::istream& dotfile, graph_t& graph, std::size_t correct_num_vertices, mass_map_t const& masses, weight_map_t const& weights, std::string const& node_id, std::string const& g_name, NameMap name, MassMap mass, WeightMap weight) { // Construct a graph and set up the dynamic_property_maps. dynamic_properties dp(ignore_other_properties); dp.property(node_id,name); dp.property("mass",mass); dp.property("weight",weight); boost::ref_property_map gname( get_property(graph,graph_name)); dp.property("name",gname); bool result = true; #ifdef BOOST_GRAPHVIZ_USE_ISTREAM if(read_graphviz(dotfile,graph,dp,node_id)) { #else std::string data; dotfile >> std::noskipws; std::copy(std::istream_iterator(dotfile), std::istream_iterator(), std::back_inserter(data)); if(read_graphviz(data.begin(),data.end(),graph,dp,node_id)) { #endif // check correct vertex count BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(num_vertices(graph), correct_num_vertices); // check masses if(!masses.empty()) { // assume that all the masses have been set // for each vertex: typename graph_traits::vertex_iterator i,j; for(boost::tie(i,j) = vertices(graph); i != j; ++i) { // - get its name std::string node_name = get(name,*i); // - get its mass float node_mass = get(mass,*i); BOOST_CHECK(masses.find(node_name) != masses.end()); float ref_mass = masses.find(node_name)->second; // - compare the mass to the result in the table BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(node_mass, ref_mass, 0.01f); } } // check weights if(!weights.empty()) { // assume that all weights have been set /// for each edge: typename graph_traits::edge_iterator i,j; for(boost::tie(i,j) = edges(graph); i != j; ++i) { // - get its name std::pair edge_name = make_pair(get(name, source(*i,graph)), get(name, target(*i,graph))); // - get its weight double edge_weight = get(weight,*i); BOOST_CHECK(weights.find(edge_name) != weights.end()); double ref_weight = weights.find(edge_name)->second; // - compare the weight to teh result in the table BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(edge_weight, ref_weight, 0.01); } } if(!g_name.empty()) { std::string parsed_name = get_property(graph,graph_name); BOOST_CHECK(parsed_name == g_name); } } else { std::cerr << "Parsing Failed!\n"; result = false; } return result; } // int test_main(int, char*[]) { typedef istringstream gs_t; typedef property < vertex_name_t, std::string, property < vertex_color_t, float > > vertex_p; typedef property < edge_weight_t, double > edge_p; typedef property < graph_name_t, std::string > graph_p; struct vertex_p_bundled {std::string name; float color;}; struct edge_p_bundled {double weight;}; // Basic directed graph tests BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_directed_graph_1) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",7.7f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("digraph { a node [mass = 7.7] c e [mass = 6.66] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t()))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_directed_graph_2) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("digraph { a node [mass = 7.7] \"a\" e [mass = 6.66] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,2,masses,weight_map_t()))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_directed_graph_3) { weight_map_t weights; insert( weights )(make_pair("a","b"),0.0) (make_pair("c","d"),7.7)(make_pair("e","f"),6.66) (make_pair("d","e"),0.5)(make_pair("e","a"),0.5); gs_t gs("digraph { a -> b eDge [weight = 7.7] " "c -> d e-> f [weight = 6.66] " "d ->e->a [weight=.5]}"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,6,mass_map_t(),weights))); } // undirected graph with alternate node_id property name BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (undirected_graph_alternate_node_id) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",7.7f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("graph { a node [mass = 7.7] c e [mass = 6.66] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, undirectedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t(), "nodenames"))); } // Basic undirected graph tests BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_undirected_graph_1) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",7.7f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("graph { a node [mass = 7.7] c e [mass =\\\n6.66] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, undirectedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t()))); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_undirected_graph_2) { weight_map_t weights; insert( weights )(make_pair("a","b"),0.0) (make_pair("c","d"),7.7)(make_pair("e","f"),6.66); gs_t gs("graph { a -- b eDge [weight = 7.7] " "c -- d e -- f [weight = 6.66] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, undirectedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,6,mass_map_t(),weights))); } // Mismatch directed graph test BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (mismatch_directed_graph) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",7.7f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("graph { a nodE [mass = 7.7] c e [mass = 6.66] }"); try { typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t()); BOOST_ERROR("Failed to throw boost::undirected_graph_error."); } catch (boost::undirected_graph_error&) { } catch (boost::directed_graph_error&) { BOOST_ERROR("Threw boost::directed_graph_error, should have thrown boost::undirected_graph_error."); } } // Mismatch undirected graph test BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (mismatch_undirected_graph) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",7.7f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("digraph { a node [mass = 7.7] c e [mass = 6.66] }"); try { typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, undirectedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t()); BOOST_ERROR("Failed to throw boost::directed_graph_error."); } catch (boost::directed_graph_error&) {} } // Complain about parallel edges BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (complain_about_parallel_edges) { BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT("Complain about parallel edges"); weight_map_t weights; insert( weights )(make_pair("a","b"),7.7); gs_t gs("diGraph { a -> b [weight = 7.7] a -> b [weight = 7.7] }"); try { typedef adjacency_list < setS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; test_graph(gs,2,mass_map_t(),weights); BOOST_ERROR("Failed to throw boost::bad_parallel_edge."); } catch (boost::bad_parallel_edge&) {} } // Handle parallel edges gracefully BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (handle_parallel_edges_gracefully) { weight_map_t weights; insert( weights )(make_pair("a","b"),7.7); gs_t gs("digraph { a -> b [weight = 7.7] a -> b [weight = 7.7] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,2,mass_map_t(),weights))); } // Graph Property Test 1 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (graph_property_test_1) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",0.0f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("digraph { graph [name=\"foo \\\"escaped\\\"\"] a c e [mass = 6.66] }"); std::string graph_name("foo \"escaped\""); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t(),"", graph_name))); } // Graph Property Test 2 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (graph_property_test_2) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",0.0f) ("e", 6.66f); gs_t gs("digraph { name=\"fo\"+ \"\\\no\" a c e [mass = 6.66] }"); std::string graph_name("foo"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t(),"", graph_name))); } // Graph Property Test 3 (HTML) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (graph_property_test_3) { mass_map_t masses; insert ( masses ) ("a",0.0f) ("c",0.0f) ("e", 6.66f); std::string graph_name = "foo]]>bar\n
\nbaz"; gs_t gs("digraph { name=" + graph_name + " a c e [mass = 6.66] }"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,3,masses,weight_map_t(),"", graph_name))); } // Comments embedded in strings BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (comments_embedded_in_strings) { gs_t gs( "digraph { " "a0 [ label = \"//depot/path/to/file_14#4\" ];" "a1 [ label = \"//depot/path/to/file_29#9\" ];" "a0 -> a1 [ color=gray ];" "}"); typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, directedS, vertex_p, edge_p, graph_p > graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,2,mass_map_t(),weight_map_t()))); } #if 0 // Currently broken BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_csr_directed_graph) { weight_map_t weights; insert( weights )(make_pair("a","b"),0.0) (make_pair("c","d"),7.7)(make_pair("e","f"),6.66) (make_pair("d","e"),0.5)(make_pair("e","a"),0.5); gs_t gs("digraph { a -> b eDge [weight = 7.7] " "c -> d e-> f [weight = 6.66] " "d ->e->a [weight=.5]}"); typedef compressed_sparse_row_graph graph_t; BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,6,mass_map_t(),weights,"node_id","",&vertex_p_bundled::name,&vertex_p_bundled::color,&edge_p_bundled::weight))); } #endif BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (basic_csr_directed_graph_ext_props) { weight_map_t weights; insert( weights )(make_pair("a","b"),0.0) (make_pair("c","d"),7.7)(make_pair("e","f"),6.66) (make_pair("d","e"),0.5)(make_pair("e","a"),0.5); gs_t gs("digraph { a -> b eDge [weight = 7.7] " "c -> d e-> f [weight = 6.66] " "d ->e->a [weight=.5]}"); typedef compressed_sparse_row_graph graph_t; graph_t g; vector_property_map::const_type> vertex_name(get(vertex_index, g)); vector_property_map::const_type> vertex_color(get(vertex_index, g)); vector_property_map::const_type> edge_weight(get(edge_index, g)); BOOST_CHECK((test_graph(gs,g,6,mass_map_t(),weights,"node_id","",vertex_name,vertex_color,edge_weight))); } // return 0; // }