--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/FarJourneyFreeport/atreasurechest.lua Script Author : LethalEncounter Script Date : 2020.07.02 Script Purpose : : --]] function spawn(NPC) ChangeHandIcon(NPC, 0) SpawnSet(NPC, "targetable", 0, true, true) end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function open(NPC, Player) SendStateCommand(NPC, 399) AddTimer(NPC, 2000, "finished_open_animation") if HasPendingLoot(NPC, Player) then ShowLootWindow(Player, NPC) DisplayText(Player, 12, "There appears to be something inside this box.") InstructionWindow(Player, -1.0, "This screen shows the contents of the box you just opened. Left click on the loot all button to take the items from the box.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_013_f0780e49.mp3", 1581263773, 1569244108, "tutorial_stage_17", "Left click on the loot all button.", "server") SetTutorialStep(player, 16) else DisplayText(Player, 12, "This box is empty.") ChangeHandIcon(NPC, 0) SpawnSet(NPC, "targetable", 0, true, true) end end function finished_open_animation(NPC) SendStateCommand(NPC, 400) end