// Boost.Geometry - gis-projections (based on PROJ4) // Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // This file was modified by Oracle on 2017, 2018, 2019. // Modifications copyright (c) 2017-2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // Contributed and/or modified by Adam Wulkiewicz, on behalf of Oracle. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // This file is converted from PROJ4, http://trac.osgeo.org/proj // PROJ4 is originally written by Gerald Evenden (then of the USGS) // PROJ4 is maintained by Frank Warmerdam // PROJ4 is converted to Boost.Geometry by Barend Gehrels // Last updated version of proj: 5.0.0 // Original copyright notice: // Purpose: Implementation of the HEALPix and rHEALPix projections. // For background see . // Authors: Alex Raichev (raichev@cs.auckland.ac.nz) // Michael Speth (spethm@landcareresearch.co.nz) // Notes: Raichev implemented these projections in Python and // Speth translated them into C here. // Copyright (c) 2001, Thomas Flemming, tf@ttqv.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER // DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_HEALPIX_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_HEALPIX_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace geometry { namespace projections { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace healpix { /* Fuzz to handle rounding errors: */ static const double epsilon = 1e-15; template struct par_healpix { T qp; detail::apa apa; int north_square; int south_square; }; template struct cap_map { T x, y; /* Coordinates of the pole point (point of most extreme latitude on the polar caps). */ int cn; /* An integer 0--3 indicating the position of the polar cap. */ enum region_type {north, south, equatorial} region; }; template struct point_xy { T x, y; }; /* IDENT, R1, R2, R3, R1 inverse, R2 inverse, R3 inverse:*/ static double rot[7][2][2] = { /* Identity matrix */ {{1, 0},{0, 1}}, /* Matrix for counterclockwise rotation by pi/2: */ {{ 0,-1},{ 1, 0}}, /* Matrix for counterclockwise rotation by pi: */ {{-1, 0},{ 0,-1}}, /* Matrix for counterclockwise rotation by 3*pi/2: */ {{ 0, 1},{-1, 0}}, {{ 0, 1},{-1, 0}}, // 3*pi/2 {{-1, 0},{ 0,-1}}, // pi {{ 0,-1},{ 1, 0}} // pi/2 }; /** * Returns the sign of the double. * @param v the parameter whose sign is returned. * @return 1 for positive number, -1 for negative, and 0 for zero. **/ template inline T pj_sign (T const& v) { return v > 0 ? 1 : (v < 0 ? -1 : 0); } /** * Return the index of the matrix in {{{1, 0},{0, 1}}, {{ 0,-1},{ 1, 0}}, {{-1, 0},{ 0,-1}}, {{ 0, 1},{-1, 0}}, {{ 0, 1},{-1, 0}}, {{-1, 0},{ 0,-1}}, {{ 0,-1},{ 1, 0}}}. * @param index ranges from -3 to 3. */ inline int get_rotate_index(int index) { switch(index) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; case 3: return 3; case -1: return 4; case -2: return 5; case -3: return 6; } return 0; } /** * Return 1 if point (testx, testy) lies in the interior of the polygon * determined by the vertices in vert, and return 0 otherwise. * See http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonmesh/ for more details. * @param nvert the number of vertices in the polygon. * @param vert the (x, y)-coordinates of the polygon's vertices **/ template inline int pnpoly(int nvert, T vert[][2], T const& testx, T const& testy) { int i; int counter = 0; T xinters; point_xy p1, p2; /* Check for boundrary cases */ for (i = 0; i < nvert; i++) { if (testx == vert[i][0] && testy == vert[i][1]) { return 1; } } p1.x = vert[0][0]; p1.y = vert[0][1]; for (i = 1; i < nvert; i++) { p2.x = vert[i % nvert][0]; p2.y = vert[i % nvert][1]; if (testy > (std::min)(p1.y, p2.y) && testy <= (std::max)(p1.y, p2.y) && testx <= (std::max)(p1.x, p2.x) && p1.y != p2.y) { xinters = (testy-p1.y)*(p2.x-p1.x)/(p2.y-p1.y)+p1.x; if (p1.x == p2.x || testx <= xinters) counter++; } p1 = p2; } if (counter % 2 == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } /** * Return 1 if (x, y) lies in (the interior or boundary of) the image of the * HEALPix projection (in case proj=0) or in the image the rHEALPix projection * (in case proj=1), and return 0 otherwise. * @param north_square the position of the north polar square (rHEALPix only) * @param south_square the position of the south polar square (rHEALPix only) **/ template inline int in_image(T const& x, T const& y, int proj, int north_square, int south_square) { static const T pi = detail::pi(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi(); static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi(); if (proj == 0) { T healpixVertsJit[][2] = { {-pi - epsilon, fourth_pi}, {-3.0*fourth_pi, half_pi + epsilon}, {-half_pi, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {-fourth_pi, half_pi + epsilon}, {0.0, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {fourth_pi, half_pi + epsilon}, {half_pi, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {3.0*fourth_pi, half_pi + epsilon}, {pi + epsilon, fourth_pi}, {pi + epsilon, -fourth_pi}, {3.0*fourth_pi, -half_pi - epsilon}, {half_pi, -fourth_pi - epsilon}, {fourth_pi, -half_pi - epsilon}, {0.0, -fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-fourth_pi, -half_pi - epsilon}, {-half_pi, -fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-3.0*fourth_pi, -half_pi - epsilon}, {-pi - epsilon, -fourth_pi} }; return pnpoly((int)sizeof(healpixVertsJit)/ sizeof(healpixVertsJit[0]), healpixVertsJit, x, y); } else { T rhealpixVertsJit[][2] = { {-pi - epsilon, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {-pi + north_square*half_pi - epsilon, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {-pi + north_square*half_pi - epsilon, 3.0*fourth_pi + epsilon}, {-pi + (north_square + 1.0)*half_pi + epsilon, 3.0*fourth_pi + epsilon}, {-pi + (north_square + 1.0)*half_pi + epsilon, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {pi + epsilon, fourth_pi + epsilon}, {pi + epsilon, -fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-pi + (south_square + 1.0)*half_pi + epsilon, -fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-pi + (south_square + 1.0)*half_pi + epsilon, -3.0*fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-pi + south_square*half_pi - epsilon, -3.0*fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-pi + south_square*half_pi - epsilon, -fourth_pi - epsilon}, {-pi - epsilon, -fourth_pi - epsilon} }; return pnpoly((int)sizeof(rhealpixVertsJit)/ sizeof(rhealpixVertsJit[0]), rhealpixVertsJit, x, y); } } /** * Return the authalic latitude of latitude alpha (if inverse=0) or * return the approximate latitude of authalic latitude alpha (if inverse=1). * P contains the relavent ellipsoid parameters. **/ template inline T auth_lat(const Parameters& par, const par_healpix& proj_parm, T const& alpha, int inverse) { if (inverse == 0) { /* Authalic latitude. */ T q = pj_qsfn(sin(alpha), par.e, 1.0 - par.es); T qp = proj_parm.qp; T ratio = q/qp; if (math::abs(ratio) > 1) { /* Rounding error. */ ratio = pj_sign(ratio); } return asin(ratio); } else { /* Approximation to inverse authalic latitude. */ return pj_authlat(alpha, proj_parm.apa); } } /** * Return the HEALPix projection of the longitude-latitude point lp on * the unit sphere. **/ template inline void healpix_sphere(T const& lp_lam, T const& lp_phi, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) { static const T pi = detail::pi(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi(); static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi(); T lam = lp_lam; T phi = lp_phi; T phi0 = asin(T(2.0)/T(3.0)); /* equatorial region */ if ( fabsl(phi) <= phi0) { xy_x = lam; xy_y = 3.0*pi/8.0*sin(phi); } else { T lamc; T sigma = sqrt(3.0*(1 - math::abs(sin(phi)))); T cn = floor(2*lam / pi + 2); if (cn >= 4) { cn = 3; } lamc = -3*fourth_pi + half_pi*cn; xy_x = lamc + (lam - lamc)*sigma; xy_y = pj_sign(phi)*fourth_pi*(2 - sigma); } return; } /** * Return the inverse of healpix_sphere(). **/ template inline void healpix_sphere_inverse(T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lam, T& lp_phi) { static const T pi = detail::pi(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi(); static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi(); T x = xy_x; T y = xy_y; T y0 = fourth_pi; /* Equatorial region. */ if (math::abs(y) <= y0) { lp_lam = x; lp_phi = asin(8.0*y/(3.0*pi)); } else if (fabsl(y) < half_pi) { T cn = floor(2.0*x/pi + 2.0); T xc, tau; if (cn >= 4) { cn = 3; } xc = -3.0*fourth_pi + (half_pi)*cn; tau = 2.0 - 4.0*fabsl(y)/pi; lp_lam = xc + (x - xc)/tau; lp_phi = pj_sign(y)*asin(1.0 - math::pow(tau, 2)/3.0); } else { lp_lam = -1.0*pi; lp_phi = pj_sign(y)*half_pi; } return; } /** * Return the vector sum a + b, where a and b are 2-dimensional vectors. * @param ret holds a + b. **/ template inline void vector_add(const T a[2], const T b[2], T ret[2]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret[i] = a[i] + b[i]; } } /** * Return the vector difference a - b, where a and b are 2-dimensional vectors. * @param ret holds a - b. **/ template inline void vector_sub(const T a[2], const T b[2], T ret[2]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ret[i] = a[i] - b[i]; } } /** * Return the 2 x 1 matrix product a*b, where a is a 2 x 2 matrix and * b is a 2 x 1 matrix. * @param ret holds a*b. **/ template inline void dot_product(const T1 a[2][2], const T2 b[2], T2 ret[2]) { int i, j; int length = 2; for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { ret[i] = 0; for(j = 0; j < length; j++) { ret[i] += a[i][j]*b[j]; } } } /** * Return the number of the polar cap, the pole point coordinates, and * the region that (x, y) lies in. * If inverse=0, then assume (x,y) lies in the image of the HEALPix * projection of the unit sphere. * If inverse=1, then assume (x,y) lies in the image of the * (north_square, south_square)-rHEALPix projection of the unit sphere. **/ template inline cap_map get_cap(T x, T const& y, int north_square, int south_square, int inverse) { static const T pi = detail::pi(); static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi(); static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi(); cap_map capmap; T c; capmap.x = x; capmap.y = y; if (inverse == 0) { if (y > fourth_pi) { capmap.region = cap_map::north; c = half_pi; } else if (y < -fourth_pi) { capmap.region = cap_map::south; c = -half_pi; } else { capmap.region = cap_map::equatorial; capmap.cn = 0; return capmap; } /* polar region */ if (x < -half_pi) { capmap.cn = 0; capmap.x = (-3.0*fourth_pi); capmap.y = c; } else if (x >= -half_pi && x < 0) { capmap.cn = 1; capmap.x = -fourth_pi; capmap.y = c; } else if (x >= 0 && x < half_pi) { capmap.cn = 2; capmap.x = fourth_pi; capmap.y = c; } else { capmap.cn = 3; capmap.x = 3.0*fourth_pi; capmap.y = c; } } else { if (y > fourth_pi) { capmap.region = cap_map::north; capmap.x = (-3.0*fourth_pi + north_square*half_pi); capmap.y = half_pi; x = x - north_square*half_pi; } else if (y < -fourth_pi) { capmap.region = cap_map::south; capmap.x = (-3.0*fourth_pi + south_square*pi/2); capmap.y = -half_pi; x = x - south_square*half_pi; } else { capmap.region = cap_map::equatorial; capmap.cn = 0; return capmap; } /* Polar Region, find the HEALPix polar cap number that x, y moves to when rHEALPix polar square is disassembled. */ if (capmap.region == cap_map::north) { if (y >= -x - fourth_pi - epsilon && y < x + 5.0*fourth_pi - epsilon) { capmap.cn = (north_square + 1) % 4; } else if (y > -x -fourth_pi + epsilon && y >= x + 5.0*fourth_pi - epsilon) { capmap.cn = (north_square + 2) % 4; } else if (y <= -x -fourth_pi + epsilon && y > x + 5.0*fourth_pi + epsilon) { capmap.cn = (north_square + 3) % 4; } else { capmap.cn = north_square; } } else if (capmap.region == cap_map::south) { if (y <= x + fourth_pi + epsilon && y > -x - 5.0*fourth_pi + epsilon) { capmap.cn = (south_square + 1) % 4; } else if (y < x + fourth_pi - epsilon && y <= -x - 5.0*fourth_pi + epsilon) { capmap.cn = (south_square + 2) % 4; } else if (y >= x + fourth_pi - epsilon && y < -x - 5.0*fourth_pi - epsilon) { capmap.cn = (south_square + 3) % 4; } else { capmap.cn = south_square; } } } return capmap; } /** * Rearrange point (x, y) in the HEALPix projection by * combining the polar caps into two polar squares. * Put the north polar square in position north_square and * the south polar square in position south_square. * If inverse=1, then uncombine the polar caps. * @param north_square integer between 0 and 3. * @param south_square integer between 0 and 3. **/ template inline void combine_caps(T& xy_x, T& xy_y, int north_square, int south_square, int inverse) { static const T half_pi = detail::half_pi(); static const T fourth_pi = detail::fourth_pi(); T v[2]; T c[2]; T vector[2]; T v_min_c[2]; T ret_dot[2]; const double (*tmpRot)[2]; int pole = 0; cap_map capmap = get_cap(xy_x, xy_y, north_square, south_square, inverse); if (capmap.region == cap_map::equatorial) { xy_x = capmap.x; xy_y = capmap.y; return; } v[0] = xy_x; v[1] = xy_y; c[0] = capmap.x; c[1] = capmap.y; if (inverse == 0) { /* Rotate (xy_x, xy_y) about its polar cap tip and then translate it to north_square or south_square. */ if (capmap.region == cap_map::north) { pole = north_square; tmpRot = rot[get_rotate_index(capmap.cn - pole)]; } else { pole = south_square; tmpRot = rot[get_rotate_index(-1*(capmap.cn - pole))]; } } else { /* Inverse function. Unrotate (xy_x, xy_y) and then translate it back. */ /* disassemble */ if (capmap.region == cap_map::north) { pole = north_square; tmpRot = rot[get_rotate_index(-1*(capmap.cn - pole))]; } else { pole = south_square; tmpRot = rot[get_rotate_index(capmap.cn - pole)]; } } vector_sub(v, c, v_min_c); dot_product(tmpRot, v_min_c, ret_dot); { T a[2]; /* Workaround cppcheck git issue */ T* pa = a; // TODO: in proj4 5.0.0 this line is used instead //pa[0] = -3.0*fourth_pi + ((inverse == 0) ? 0 : capmap.cn) *half_pi; pa[0] = -3.0*fourth_pi + ((inverse == 0) ? pole : capmap.cn) *half_pi; pa[1] = half_pi; vector_add(ret_dot, a, vector); } xy_x = vector[0]; xy_y = vector[1]; } template struct base_healpix_ellipsoid { par_healpix m_proj_parm; // FORWARD(e_healpix_forward) ellipsoid // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y) inline void fwd(Parameters const& par, T const& lp_lon, T lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const { lp_lat = auth_lat(par, m_proj_parm, lp_lat, 0); return healpix_sphere(lp_lon, lp_lat, xy_x, xy_y); } // INVERSE(e_healpix_inverse) ellipsoid // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat) inline void inv(Parameters const& par, T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const { /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the HEALPix image. */ if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 0, 0, 0) == 0) { lp_lon = HUGE_VAL; lp_lat = HUGE_VAL; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) ); } healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat); lp_lat = auth_lat(par, m_proj_parm, lp_lat, 1); } static inline std::string get_name() { return "healpix_ellipsoid"; } }; template struct base_healpix_spheroid { par_healpix m_proj_parm; // FORWARD(s_healpix_forward) sphere // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y) inline void fwd(Parameters const& , T const& lp_lon, T const& lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const { return healpix_sphere(lp_lon, lp_lat, xy_x, xy_y); } // INVERSE(s_healpix_inverse) sphere // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat) inline void inv(Parameters const& , T const& xy_x, T const& xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const { /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the HEALPix image */ if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 0, 0, 0) == 0) { lp_lon = HUGE_VAL; lp_lat = HUGE_VAL; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) ); } return healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat); } static inline std::string get_name() { return "healpix_spheroid"; } }; template struct base_rhealpix_ellipsoid { par_healpix m_proj_parm; // FORWARD(e_rhealpix_forward) ellipsoid // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y) inline void fwd(Parameters const& par, T const& lp_lon, T lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const { lp_lat = auth_lat(par, m_proj_parm, lp_lat, 0); healpix_sphere(lp_lon, lp_lat, xy_x, xy_y); combine_caps(xy_x, xy_y, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square, 0); } // INVERSE(e_rhealpix_inverse) ellipsoid // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat) inline void inv(Parameters const& par, T xy_x, T xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const { /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the rHEALPix image. */ if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 1, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square) == 0) { lp_lon = HUGE_VAL; lp_lat = HUGE_VAL; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) ); } combine_caps(xy_x, xy_y, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square, 1); healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat); lp_lat = auth_lat(par, m_proj_parm, lp_lat, 1); } static inline std::string get_name() { return "rhealpix_ellipsoid"; } }; template struct base_rhealpix_spheroid { par_healpix m_proj_parm; // FORWARD(s_rhealpix_forward) sphere // Project coordinates from geographic (lon, lat) to cartesian (x, y) inline void fwd(Parameters const& , T const& lp_lon, T const& lp_lat, T& xy_x, T& xy_y) const { healpix_sphere(lp_lon, lp_lat, xy_x, xy_y); combine_caps(xy_x, xy_y, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square, 0); } // INVERSE(s_rhealpix_inverse) sphere // Project coordinates from cartesian (x, y) to geographic (lon, lat) inline void inv(Parameters const& , T xy_x, T xy_y, T& lp_lon, T& lp_lat) const { /* Check whether (x, y) lies in the rHEALPix image. */ if (in_image(xy_x, xy_y, 1, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square) == 0) { lp_lon = HUGE_VAL; lp_lat = HUGE_VAL; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_invalid_x_or_y) ); } combine_caps(xy_x, xy_y, this->m_proj_parm.north_square, this->m_proj_parm.south_square, 1); return healpix_sphere_inverse(xy_x, xy_y, lp_lon, lp_lat); } static inline std::string get_name() { return "rhealpix_spheroid"; } }; // HEALPix template inline void setup_healpix(Parameters& par, par_healpix& proj_parm) { if (par.es != 0.0) { proj_parm.apa = pj_authset(par.es); /* For auth_lat(). */ proj_parm.qp = pj_qsfn(1.0, par.e, par.one_es); /* For auth_lat(). */ par.a = par.a*sqrt(0.5*proj_parm.qp); /* Set par.a to authalic radius. */ pj_calc_ellipsoid_params(par, par.a, par.es); /* Ensure we have a consistent parameter set */ } else { } } // rHEALPix template inline void setup_rhealpix(Params const& params, Parameters& par, par_healpix& proj_parm) { proj_parm.north_square = pj_get_param_i(params, "north_square", srs::dpar::north_square); proj_parm.south_square = pj_get_param_i(params, "south_square", srs::dpar::south_square); /* Check for valid north_square and south_square inputs. */ if ((proj_parm.north_square < 0) || (proj_parm.north_square > 3)) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_axis) ); } if ((proj_parm.south_square < 0) || (proj_parm.south_square > 3)) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( projection_exception(error_axis) ); } if (par.es != 0.0) { proj_parm.apa = pj_authset(par.es); /* For auth_lat(). */ proj_parm.qp = pj_qsfn(1.0, par.e, par.one_es); /* For auth_lat(). */ par.a = par.a*sqrt(0.5*proj_parm.qp); /* Set par.a to authalic radius. */ // TODO: why not the same as in healpix? //pj_calc_ellipsoid_params(par, par.a, par.es); par.ra = 1.0/par.a; } else { } } }} // namespace detail::healpix #endif // doxygen /*! \brief HEALPix projection \ingroup projections \tparam Geographic latlong point type \tparam Cartesian xy point type \tparam Parameters parameter type \par Projection characteristics - Spheroid - Ellipsoid \par Example \image html ex_healpix.gif */ template struct healpix_ellipsoid : public detail::healpix::base_healpix_ellipsoid { template inline healpix_ellipsoid(Params const& , Parameters & par) { detail::healpix::setup_healpix(par, this->m_proj_parm); } }; /*! \brief HEALPix projection \ingroup projections \tparam Geographic latlong point type \tparam Cartesian xy point type \tparam Parameters parameter type \par Projection characteristics - Spheroid - Ellipsoid \par Example \image html ex_healpix.gif */ template struct healpix_spheroid : public detail::healpix::base_healpix_spheroid { template inline healpix_spheroid(Params const& , Parameters & par) { detail::healpix::setup_healpix(par, this->m_proj_parm); } }; /*! \brief rHEALPix projection \ingroup projections \tparam Geographic latlong point type \tparam Cartesian xy point type \tparam Parameters parameter type \par Projection characteristics - Spheroid - Ellipsoid \par Projection parameters - north_square (integer) - south_square (integer) \par Example \image html ex_rhealpix.gif */ template struct rhealpix_ellipsoid : public detail::healpix::base_rhealpix_ellipsoid { template inline rhealpix_ellipsoid(Params const& params, Parameters & par) { detail::healpix::setup_rhealpix(params, par, this->m_proj_parm); } }; /*! \brief rHEALPix projection \ingroup projections \tparam Geographic latlong point type \tparam Cartesian xy point type \tparam Parameters parameter type \par Projection characteristics - Spheroid - Ellipsoid \par Projection parameters - north_square (integer) - south_square (integer) \par Example \image html ex_rhealpix.gif */ template struct rhealpix_spheroid : public detail::healpix::base_rhealpix_spheroid { template inline rhealpix_spheroid(Params const& params, Parameters & par) { detail::healpix::setup_rhealpix(params, par, this->m_proj_parm); } }; #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { // Static projection BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_STATIC_PROJECTION_FI2(srs::spar::proj_healpix, healpix_spheroid, healpix_ellipsoid) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_STATIC_PROJECTION_FI2(srs::spar::proj_rhealpix, rhealpix_spheroid, rhealpix_ellipsoid) // Factory entry(s) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_ENTRY_FI2(healpix_entry, healpix_spheroid, healpix_ellipsoid) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_ENTRY_FI2(rhealpix_entry, rhealpix_spheroid, rhealpix_ellipsoid) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_INIT_BEGIN(healpix_init) { BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_INIT_ENTRY(healpix, healpix_entry) BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_DETAIL_FACTORY_INIT_ENTRY(rhealpix, rhealpix_entry) } } // namespace detail #endif // doxygen } // namespace projections }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_PROJECTIONS_HEALPIX_HPP