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Hook outcome

The final step is to add ADL discovered event hooks for the very specific case of when our localised outcome is copy or move constructed from our localised result.

You ought to be very careful that the noexcept-ness of these matches the noexcept-ness of the types in the outcome. You may have noticed that poke_exception() creates a std::string and appends to it. This can throw an exception. If the copy and/or move constructors of T, EC and EP are noexcept, then so will be outcome’s copy and/or move constructor. Thus if poke_exception() throws, instant program termination would occur, which is bad.

We avoid that problem in this case by wrapping poke_exception() in a try...catch which throws away any exceptions thrown.

namespace error_code_extended
  // Specialise the outcome copy and move conversion hook for when our localised result
  // is used as the source for copy construction our localised outcome
  template <class T, class U> inline void hook_outcome_copy_construction(outcome<T> *res, const result<U> & /*unused*/) noexcept
      // when copy constructing from a result<T>, poke in an exception
      // Do nothing
  template <class T, class U> inline void hook_outcome_move_construction(outcome<T> *res, result<U> && /*unused*/) noexcept
      // when move constructing from a result<T>, poke in an exception
      // Do nothing
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Last revised: February 08, 2019 at 22:18:08 UTC

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