/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. */ #include "../common/debug.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "net.h" #include "client.h" #include "../common/EQStream.h" #include "../common/packet_dump.h" #include "../common/packet_functions.h" #include "../common/emu_opcodes.h" #include "../common/MiscFunctions.h" #include "LWorld.h" #include "LoginDatabase.h" #include "../common/ConfigReader.h" #include "../common/Log.h" extern NetConnection net; extern LWorldList world_list; extern ClientList client_list; extern LoginDatabase database; extern mapEQOpcodeManager; extern ConfigReader configReader; using namespace std; Client::Client(EQStream* ieqnc) { eqnc = ieqnc; ip = eqnc->GetrIP(); port = ntohs(eqnc->GetrPort()); account_id = 0; lsadmin = 0; worldadmin = 0; lsstatus = 0; version = 0; kicked = false; verified = false; memset(bannedreason, 0, sizeof(bannedreason)); //worldresponse_timer = new Timer(10000); //worldresponse_timer->Disable(); memset(key,0,10); LoginMode = None; num_updates = 0; updatetimer = new Timer(500); updatelisttimer = new Timer(10000); //keepalive = new Timer(5000); //logintimer = new Timer(500); // Give time for the servers to send updates //keepalive->Start(); //updatetimer->Start(); //logintimer->Disable(); disconnectTimer = 0; memset(ClientSession,0,25); request_num = 0; login_account = 0; createRequest = 0; playWaitTimer = NULL; start = false; update_position = 0; update_packets = 0; needs_world_list = true; sent_character_list = false; } Client::~Client() { //safe_delete(worldresponse_timer); //safe_delete(logintimer); safe_delete(login_account); eqnc->Close(); safe_delete(playWaitTimer); safe_delete(createRequest); safe_delete(disconnectTimer); safe_delete(updatetimer); } bool Client::Process() { if(!start && !eqnc->CheckActive()){ if(!playWaitTimer) playWaitTimer = new Timer(5000); else if(playWaitTimer->Check()){ safe_delete(playWaitTimer); return false; } return true; } else if(!start){ safe_delete(playWaitTimer); start = true; } if (disconnectTimer && disconnectTimer->Check()) { safe_delete(disconnectTimer); getConnection()->SendDisconnect(); } if (!kicked) { /************ Get all packets from packet manager out queue and process them ************/ EQApplicationPacket *app = 0; /*if(logintimer && logintimer->Check()) { database.LoadCharacters(GetLoginAccount()); SendLoginAccepted(); logintimer->Disable(); }*/ /*if(worldresponse_timer && worldresponse_timer->Check()) { FatalError(WorldDownErrorMessage); worldresponse_timer->Disable(); }*/ if(playWaitTimer != NULL && playWaitTimer->Check ( ) ) { SendPlayFailed(PLAY_ERROR_SERVER_TIMEOUT); safe_delete(playWaitTimer); } if(!needs_world_list && updatetimer && updatetimer->Check()){ if(updatelisttimer && updatelisttimer->Check()){ if(num_updates >= 180){ //30 minutes getConnection()->SendDisconnect(); } else{ vector::iterator itr; if(update_packets){ for(itr = update_packets->begin(); itr != update_packets->end(); itr++){ safe_delete(*itr); } } safe_delete(update_packets); update_packets = world_list.GetServerListUpdate(version); } num_updates++; } else{ if(!update_packets){ update_packets = world_list.GetServerListUpdate(version); } else{ if(update_position < update_packets->size()){ QueuePacket(update_packets->at(update_position)->serialize()); update_position++; } else update_position = 0; } } } while(app = eqnc->PopPacket()) { switch(app->GetOpcode()) { case OP_LoginRequestMsg:{ DumpPacket(app); PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_LoginRequest", 1); if(packet && packet->LoadPacketData(app->pBuffer,app->size)){ version = packet->getType_int16_ByName("version"); LogWrite(LOGIN__DEBUG, 0, "Login", "Classic Client Version Provided: %i", version); if (version == 0 || EQOpcodeManager.count(GetOpcodeVersion(version)) == 0) { safe_delete(packet); packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_LoginRequest", 1208); if (packet && packet->LoadPacketData(app->pBuffer, app->size)) { version = packet->getType_int16_ByName("version"); } else break; } //[7:19 PM] Kirmmin: Well, I very quickly learned that unknown3 in LS_LoginRequest packet is the same value as cl_eqversion in the eq2_defaults.ini file. LogWrite(LOGIN__DEBUG, 0, "Login", "New Client Version Provided: %i", version); if (EQOpcodeManager.count(GetOpcodeVersion(version)) == 0) { LogWrite(LOGIN__ERROR, 0, "Login", "Incompatible client version provided: %i", version); SendLoginDenied(); return false; } if(EQOpcodeManager.count(GetOpcodeVersion(version)) > 0 && getConnection()){ getConnection()->SetClientVersion(GetVersion()); EQ2_16BitString username = packet->getType_EQ2_16BitString_ByName("username"); EQ2_16BitString password = packet->getType_EQ2_16BitString_ByName("password"); LoginAccount* acct = database.LoadAccount(username.data.c_str(),password.data.c_str(), net.IsAllowingAccountCreation()); if(acct){ Client* otherclient = client_list.FindByLSID(acct->getLoginAccountID()); if(otherclient) otherclient->getConnection()->SendDisconnect(); // This person is already logged in, we don't want them logged in twice, kick the previous client as it might be a ghost } if(acct){ SetAccountName(username.data.c_str()); database.UpdateAccountIPAddress(acct->getLoginAccountID(), getConnection()->GetrIP()); database.UpdateAccountClientDataVersion(acct->getLoginAccountID(), version); LogWrite(LOGIN__INFO, 0, "Login", "%s successfully logged in.", (char*)username.data.c_str()); } else { if (username.size > 0) LogWrite(LOGIN__ERROR, 0, "Login", "%s login failed!", (char*)username.data.c_str()); else LogWrite(LOGIN__ERROR, 0, "Login", "[UNKNOWN USER] login failed!"); } if(!acct) SendLoginDenied(); else{ needs_world_list = true; SetLoginAccount(acct); SendLoginAccepted(); } } else{ cout << "Error bad version: " << version << endl; SendLoginDeniedBadVersion(); } } else{ cout << "Error loading LS_LoginRequest packet: \n"; //DumpPacket(app); } safe_delete(packet); break; } case OP_KeymapLoadMsg:{ // cout << "Received OP_KeymapNoneMsg\n"; //dunno what this is for break; } case OP_AllWSDescRequestMsg:{ SendWorldList(); needs_world_list = false; if(!sent_character_list) { database.LoadCharacters(GetLoginAccount(), GetVersion()); sent_character_list = true; } SendCharList(); break; } case OP_LsClientCrashlogReplyMsg:{ // DumpPacket(app); SaveErrorsToDB(app, "Crash Log", GetVersion()); break; } case OP_LsClientVerifylogReplyMsg:{ // DumpPacket(app); SaveErrorsToDB(app, "Verify Log", GetVersion()); break; } case OP_LsClientAlertlogReplyMsg:{ // DumpPacket(app); SaveErrorsToDB(app, "Alert Log", GetVersion()); break; } case OP_LsClientBaselogReplyMsg:{ // DumpPacket(app); SaveErrorsToDB(app, "Base Log", GetVersion()); break; } case OP_AllCharactersDescRequestMsg:{ break; } case OP_CreateCharacterRequestMsg:{ PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("CreateCharacter", GetVersion()); DumpPacket(app); playWaitTimer = new Timer ( 15000 ); playWaitTimer->Start ( ); LogWrite(WORLD__INFO, 1, "World", "Character creation request from account %s", GetAccountName()); if(packet->LoadPacketData(app->pBuffer,app->size, GetVersion() <= 561 ? false : true)){ DumpPacket(app->pBuffer, app->size); packet->setDataByName("account_id",GetAccountID()); LWorld* world_server = world_list.FindByID(packet->getType_int32_ByName("server_id")); if(!world_server) { DumpPacket(app->pBuffer, app->size); cout << GetAccountName() << " attempted creation of character with an invalid server id of: " << packet->getType_int32_ByName("server_id") << "\n"; break; } else { createRequest = packet; ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_CharacterCreate, app->size+sizeof(int16)); int16 out_version = GetVersion(); memcpy(outpack->pBuffer, &out_version, sizeof(int16)); memcpy(outpack->pBuffer + sizeof(int16), app->pBuffer, app->size); uchar* tmp = outpack->pBuffer; if(out_version<=283) tmp+=2; else if(out_version == 373) { tmp += 6; } else tmp += 7; int32 account_id = GetAccountID(); memcpy(tmp, &account_id, sizeof(int32)); world_server->SendPacket(outpack); safe_delete(outpack); } } else{ LogWrite(WORLD__ERROR, 1, "World", "Error in character creation request from account %s!", GetAccountName()); safe_delete(packet); } // world_list.SendWorldChanged(create.profile.server_id, false, this); break; } case OP_PlayCharacterRequestMsg:{ int32 char_id = 0; int32 server_id = 0; PacketStruct* request = configReader.getStruct("LS_PlayRequest",GetVersion()); if(request && request->LoadPacketData(app->pBuffer,app->size)){ char_id = request->getType_int32_ByName("char_id"); if (GetVersion() <= 283) { server_id = database.GetServer(GetAccountID(), char_id, request->getType_EQ2_16BitString_ByName("name").data); } else { server_id = request->getType_int32_ByName("server_id"); } LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(server_id); string name = database.GetCharacterName(char_id,server_id,GetAccountID()); if(world && name.length() > 0){ pending_play_char_id = char_id; ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_UsertoWorldReq, sizeof(UsertoWorldRequest_Struct)); UsertoWorldRequest_Struct* req = (UsertoWorldRequest_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; req->char_id = char_id; req->lsaccountid = GetAccountID(); req->worldid = server_id; struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); strcpy(req->ip_address, inet_ntoa(in)); world->SendPacket(outpack); delete outpack; safe_delete(playWaitTimer); playWaitTimer = new Timer ( 5000 ); playWaitTimer->Start ( ); } else{ cout << GetAccountName() << " sent invalid Play Request: \n"; SendPlayFailed(PLAY_ERROR_PROBLEM); DumpPacket(app); } } safe_delete(request); break; } case OP_DeleteCharacterRequestMsg:{ PacketStruct* request = configReader.getStruct("LS_DeleteCharacterRequest", GetVersion()); PacketStruct* response = configReader.getStruct("LS_DeleteCharacterResponse", GetVersion()); if(request && response && request->LoadPacketData(app->pBuffer,app->size)){ EQ2_16BitString name = request->getType_EQ2_16BitString_ByName("name"); int32 acct_id = GetAccountID(); int32 char_id = request->getType_int32_ByName("char_id"); int32 server_id = request->getType_int32_ByName("server_id"); if(database.VerifyDelete(acct_id, char_id, name.data.c_str())){ response->setDataByName("response", 1); GetLoginAccount()->removeCharacter((char*)name.data.c_str(), GetVersion()); LWorld* world_server = world_list.FindByID(server_id); if(world_server != NULL) world_server->SendDeleteCharacter ( char_id , acct_id ); } else response->setDataByName("response", 0); response->setDataByName("server_id", server_id); response->setDataByName("char_id", char_id); response->setDataByName("account_id", account_id); response->setMediumStringByName("name", (char*)name.data.c_str()); response->setDataByName("max_characters", 10); EQ2Packet* outapp = response->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); this->SendCharList(); } safe_delete(request); safe_delete(response); break; } default: { const char* name = app->GetOpcodeName(); if (name) LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "%s Received %04X (%i)", name, app->GetRawOpcode(), app->GetRawOpcode()); else LogWrite(OPCODE__DEBUG, 1, "Opcode", "Received %04X (%i)", app->GetRawOpcode(), app->GetRawOpcode()); } } delete app; } } if (!eqnc->CheckActive()) { return false; } return true; } void Client::SaveErrorsToDB(EQApplicationPacket* app, char* type, int32 version){ int32 size = 0; z_stream zstream; if (version >= 546) { memcpy(&size, app->pBuffer + sizeof(int32), sizeof(int32)); zstream.next_in = app->pBuffer + 8; zstream.avail_in = app->size - 8; } else { //box set size = 0xFFFF; zstream.next_in = app->pBuffer + 2; zstream.avail_in = app->size - 2; } size++; char* message = new char[size]; memset(message, 0, size); int zerror = 0; zstream.next_out = (BYTE*)message; zstream.avail_out = size; zstream.zalloc = Z_NULL; zstream.zfree = Z_NULL; zstream.opaque = Z_NULL; zerror = inflateInit( &zstream); if(zerror != Z_OK) { safe_delete_array(message); return; } zerror = inflate( &zstream, 0 ); if(message && strlen(message) > 0) database.SaveClientLog(type, message, GetLoginAccount()->getLoginName(), GetVersion()); safe_delete_array(message); } void Client::CharacterApproved(int32 server_id,int32 char_id) { if(createRequest && server_id == createRequest->getType_int32_ByName("server_id")){ LWorld* world_server = world_list.FindByID(server_id); if(!world_server) return; PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_CreateCharacterReply", GetVersion()); if(packet){ packet->setDataByName("account_id", GetAccountID()); packet->setDataByName("unknown", 0xFFFFFFFF); packet->setDataByName("response", CREATESUCCESS_REPLY); packet->setMediumStringByName("name", (char*)createRequest->getType_EQ2_16BitString_ByName("name").data.c_str()); EQ2Packet* outapp = packet->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); safe_delete(packet); database.SaveCharacter(createRequest, GetLoginAccount(),char_id, GetVersion()); // refresh characters for this account database.LoadCharacters(GetLoginAccount(), GetVersion()); SendCharList(); if (GetVersion() <= 561) { pending_play_char_id = char_id; ServerPacket* outpack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_UsertoWorldReq, sizeof(UsertoWorldRequest_Struct)); UsertoWorldRequest_Struct* req = (UsertoWorldRequest_Struct*)outpack->pBuffer; req->char_id = char_id; req->lsaccountid = GetAccountID(); req->worldid = server_id; struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = GetIP(); strcpy(req->ip_address, inet_ntoa(in)); world_server->SendPacket(outpack); delete outpack; } } } else{ cout << GetAccountName() << " received invalid CharacterApproval from server: " << server_id << endl; } safe_delete(createRequest); } void Client::CharacterRejected(int8 reason_number) { PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_CreateCharacterReply", GetVersion()); if(createRequest && packet){ packet->setDataByName("account_id", GetAccountID()); int8 clientReasonNum = reason_number; // reason numbers change and instead of updating the world server // the login server will hold the up to date #'s /* switch(reason_number) { // these error codes seem to be removed now, they shutdown the client rather immediately // for now we are just going to play a joke on them and say they can't create a new character. case INVALIDRACE_REPLY: case INVALIDGENDER_REPLY: clientReasonNum = 8; break; case BADNAMELENGTH_REPLY: clientReasonNum = 9; break; case NAMEINVALID_REPLY: clientReasonNum = 10; break; case NAMEFILTER_REPLY: clientReasonNum = 11; break; case NAMETAKEN_REPLY: clientReasonNum = 12; break; case OVERLOADEDSERVER_REPLY: clientReasonNum = 13; break; } */ packet->setDataByName("response", clientReasonNum); packet->setMediumStringByName("name", ""); EQ2Packet* outapp = packet->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); safe_delete(packet); } /*LS_CreateCharacterReply reply(GetAccountID(), reason_number, create.profile.name.data); EQ2Packet* outapp = reply.serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); create.Clear();*/ } void Client::SendCharList(){ /*PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_CreateCharacterReply"); packet->setDataByName("account_id", GetAccountID()); packet->setDataByName("response", reason_number); packet->setDataByName("name", &create.profile.name); EQ2Packet* outapp = packet->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); safe_delete(packet);*/ LogWrite(LOGIN__INFO, 0, "Login", "[%s] sending character list.", GetAccountName()); LS_CharSelectList list; list.loadData(GetAccountID(), GetLoginAccount()->charlist, GetVersion()); EQ2Packet* outapp = list.serialize(GetVersion()); DumpPacket(outapp->pBuffer, outapp->size); QueuePacket(outapp); } void Client::SendLoginDeniedBadVersion(){ EQ2Packet* app = new EQ2Packet(OP_LoginReplyMsg, 0, sizeof(LS_LoginResponse)); LS_LoginResponse* ls_response = (LS_LoginResponse*)app->pBuffer; ls_response->reply_code = 6; ls_response->unknown03 = 0xFFFFFFFF; ls_response->unknown04 = 0xFFFFFFFF; QueuePacket(app); StartDisconnectTimer(); } void Client::SendLoginDenied(){ EQ2Packet* app = new EQ2Packet(OP_LoginReplyMsg, 0, sizeof(LS_LoginResponse)); LS_LoginResponse* ls_response = (LS_LoginResponse*)app->pBuffer; ls_response->reply_code = 1; // reply_codes for AoM: /* 1 = Login rejected: Invalid username or password. Please try again. 2 = Login rejected: Server thinks your account is currently playing; you may have to wait " "a few minutes for it to clear, then try again 6 = Login rejected: The client's version does not match the server's. Please re-run the patcher. 7 = Login rejected: You have no scheduled playtimes. 8 = Your account does not have the features required to play on this server. 11 = The client's build does not match the server's. Please re-run the patcher. 12 = You must update your password in order to log in. Pressing OK will op" "en your web browser to the SOE password management page Other Value > 1 = Login rejected for an unknown reason. */ ls_response->unknown03 = 0xFFFFFFFF; ls_response->unknown04 = 0xFFFFFFFF; QueuePacket(app); StartDisconnectTimer(); } void Client::SendLoginAccepted(int32 account_id, int8 login_response) { PacketStruct* packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_LoginReplyMsg", GetVersion()); int i = 0; if (packet) { packet->setDataByName("account_id", account_id); packet->setDataByName("login_response", login_response); packet->setDataByName("do_not_force_soga", 1); // sub_level 0xFFFFFFFF = blacks out all portraits for class alignments, considered non membership // sub_level > 0 = class alignments still required, but portraits are viewable and race selectable // sub_level = 2 membership, you can 'create characters on time locked servers' vs standard // sub_level = 0 forces popup on close to web browser packet->setDataByName("sub_level", net.GetDefaultSubscriptionLevel()); packet->setDataByName("race_flag", 0x1FFFFF); packet->setDataByName("class_flag", 0x7FFFFFE); packet->setMediumStringByName("username", GetAccountName()); packet->setMediumStringByName("password", GetAccountName()); // unknown5 // full support = 0x7CFF // 1 << 12 (-4096) = missing echoes of faydwer, disables Fae and Arasai (black portraits) and kelethin as starting city // 1 << 13 (-8192) = disables sarnak (black portraits) and gorowyn as starting city packet->setDataByName("unknown5", net.GetExpansionFlag()); packet->setDataByName("unknown6", 0xFF); packet->setDataByName("unknown6", 0xFF, 1); packet->setDataByName("unknown6", 0xFF, 2); // controls class access / playable characters packet->setDataByName("unknown10", 0xFF); // packet->setDataByName("unknown7a", 0x0101); // packet->setDataByName("race_unknown", 0x01); packet->setDataByName("unknown7", net.GetEnabledRaces()); // 0x01-0xFF disable extra races FAE(16) ARASAI (17) SARNAK (18) -- with 4096/8192 flags, no visibility of portraits packet->setDataByName("unknown7a", 0xEE); packet->setDataByName("unknown8", net.GetCitiesFlag(), 1); // dword_1ECBA18 operand for race flag packs (sublevel 0,1,2?) -- (sublevel -1) controls starting zones omission 0xEE vs 0xCF (CF misses halas) /* 1 = city of qeynos 2 = city of freeport 4 = city of kelethin 8 = city of neriak 16 = gorowyn 32 = new halas 64 = queens colony 128 = outpost overlord */ EQ2Packet* outapp = packet->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); safe_delete(packet); } } void Client::SendWorldList(){ EQ2Packet* pack = world_list.MakeServerListPacket(lsadmin, version); EQ2Packet* dupe = pack->Copy(); DumpPacket(dupe->pBuffer,dupe->size); QueuePacket(dupe); SendLoginAccepted(0, 10); // triggers a different code path in the client to set certain flags return; } void Client::QueuePacket(EQ2Packet* app){ eqnc->EQ2QueuePacket(app); } void Client::WorldResponse(int32 worldid, int8 response, char* ip_address, int32 port, int32 access_key) { LWorld* world = world_list.FindByID(worldid); if(world == 0) { FatalError(0); return; } if(response != 1){ if(response == PLAY_ERROR_CHAR_NOT_LOADED){ string pending_play_char_name = database.GetCharacterName(pending_play_char_id, worldid, GetAccountID()); if(database.VerifyDelete(GetAccountID(), pending_play_char_id, pending_play_char_name.c_str())){ GetLoginAccount()->removeCharacter((char*)pending_play_char_name.c_str(), GetVersion()); } } FatalError(response); return; } PacketStruct* response_packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_PlayResponse", GetVersion()); if(response_packet){ safe_delete(playWaitTimer); response_packet->setDataByName("response", 1); response_packet->setSmallStringByName("server", ip_address); response_packet->setDataByName("port", port); response_packet->setDataByName("account_id", GetAccountID()); response_packet->setDataByName("access_code", access_key); EQ2Packet* outapp = response_packet->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); safe_delete(response_packet); } return; } void Client::FatalError(int8 response) { safe_delete(playWaitTimer); SendPlayFailed(response); } void Client::SendPlayFailed(int8 response){ PacketStruct* response_packet = configReader.getStruct("LS_PlayResponse", GetVersion()); if(response_packet){ response_packet->setDataByName("response", response); response_packet->setSmallStringByName("server", ""); response_packet->setDataByName("port", 0); response_packet->setDataByName("account_id", GetAccountID()); response_packet->setDataByName("access_code", 0); EQ2Packet* outapp = response_packet->serialize(); QueuePacket(outapp); safe_delete(response_packet); } } void ClientList::Add(Client* client) { MClientList.writelock(); client_list[client] = true; MClientList.releasewritelock(); } Client* ClientList::Get(int32 ip, int16 port) { Client* ret = 0; map::iterator itr; MClientList.readlock(); for(itr = client_list.begin(); itr != client_list.end(); itr++){ if(itr->first->GetIP() == ip && itr->first->GetPort() == port){ ret = itr->first; break; } } MClientList.releasereadlock(); return ret; } void ClientList::FindByCreateRequest(){ Client* client = 0; map::iterator itr; MClientList.readlock(); for(itr = client_list.begin(); itr != client_list.end(); itr++){ if(itr->first->AwaitingCharCreationRequest()){ if(!client) client = itr->first; else{ client = 0;//more than 1 character waiting, dont want to send rejection to wrong one break; } } } MClientList.releasereadlock(); if(client) client->CharacterRejected(UNKNOWNERROR_REPLY); } Client* ClientList::FindByLSID(int32 lsaccountid) { Client* client = 0; map::iterator itr; MClientList.readlock(); for(itr = client_list.begin(); itr != client_list.end(); itr++){ if(itr->first->GetAccountID() == lsaccountid){ client = itr->first; break; } } MClientList.releasereadlock(); return client; } void ClientList::SendPacketToAllClients(EQ2Packet* app){ Client* client = 0; map::iterator itr; MClientList.readlock(); if(client_list.size() > 0){ for(itr = client_list.begin(); itr != client_list.end(); itr++){ itr->first->QueuePacket(app->Copy()); } } safe_delete(app); MClientList.releasereadlock(); } void ClientList::Process() { Client* client = 0; vector erase_list; map::iterator itr; MClientList.readlock(); for(itr = client_list.begin(); itr != client_list.end(); itr++){ client = itr->first; if(!client->Process()) erase_list.push_back(client); } MClientList.releasereadlock(); if(erase_list.size() > 0){ vector::iterator erase_itr; MClientList.writelock(); for(erase_itr = erase_list.begin(); erase_itr != erase_list.end(); erase_itr++){ client = *erase_itr; struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = client->getConnection()->GetRemoteIP(); net.numclients--; LogWrite(LOGIN__INFO, 0, "Login", "Removing client from ip: %s on port %i, Account Name: %s", inet_ntoa(in), ntohs(client->getConnection()->GetRemotePort()), client->GetAccountName()); client->getConnection()->Close(); net.UpdateWindowTitle(); client_list.erase(client); } MClientList.releasewritelock(); } } void Client::StartDisconnectTimer() { if (!disconnectTimer) { disconnectTimer = new Timer(1000); disconnectTimer->Start(); } }