/* EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net) This file is part of EQ2Emulator. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see . */ #ifndef __EQ2_SPELLS__ #define __EQ2_SPELLS__ #include #include #include #include #include "../common/types.h" #include "../common/EQPacket.h" #include "../common/MiscFunctions.h" #include "client.h" #include "classes.h" #include "../common/Mutex.h" #include "AltAdvancement/AltAdvancement.h" #include "../LUA/lua.hpp" #define SPELL_TARGET_SELF 0 #define SPELL_TARGET_ENEMY 1 #define SPELL_TARGET_GROUP_AE 2 #define SPELL_TARGET_CASTER_PET 3 #define SPELL_TARGET_ENEMY_PET 4 #define SPELL_TARGET_ENEMY_CORPSE 5 #define SPELL_TARGET_GROUP_CORPSE 6 #define SPELL_TARGET_NONE 7 #define SPELL_TARGET_RAID_AE 8 #define SPELL_TARGET_OTHER_GROUP_AE 9 #define SPELL_BOOK_TYPE_SPELL 0 #define SPELL_BOOK_TYPE_COMBAT_ART 1 #define SPELL_BOOK_TYPE_ABILITY 2 #define SPELL_BOOK_TYPE_TRADESKILL 3 #define SPELL_BOOK_TYPE_NOT_SHOWN 4 #define SPELL_CAST_TYPE_NORMAL 0 #define SPELL_CAST_TYPE_TOGGLE 1 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_KNOWLEDGE 1 #define SPELL_ERROR_INTERRUPTED 2 #define SPELL_ERROR_TAKE_EFFECT_MOREPOWERFUL 3 #define SPELL_ERROR_TAKE_EFFECT_SAMESPELL 4 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_DEAD 5 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ALIVE 6 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_DEAD 7 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_SITTING 8 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_UNCON 9 #define SPELL_ERROR_ALREADY_CASTING 10 #define SPELL_ERROR_RECOVERING 11 #define SPELL_ERROR_NON_COMBAT_ONLY 12 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_STUNNED 13 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_STIFFLED 14 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_CHARMED 15 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_MOUNTED 16 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_FLYING 17 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_CLIMBING 18 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_READY 19 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANT_SEE_TARGET 20 #define SPELL_ERROR_INCORRECT_STANCE 21 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_FEIGNDEATH 22 #define SPELL_ERROR_INVENTORY_FULL 23 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_COIN 24 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE 25 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_CRAFTING 26 #define SPELL_ERROR_ONLY_WHEN_CRAFTING 27 #define SPELL_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_ATTUNED 28 #define SPELL_ERROR_ITEM_WORN_OUT 29 #define SPELL_ERROR_MUST_EQUIP_WEAPON 30 #define SPELL_ERROR_WEAPON_BROKEN 31 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_FEARED 32 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_IMMUNE_HOSTILE 33 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_IMMUNE_BENEFICIAL 34 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_TAUNT_SPELLS 35 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_USE_IN_BATTLEGROUNDS 36 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_PREPARE 37 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_ELIGIBLE_TARGET 38 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_TARGETS_IN_RANGE 39 #define SPELL_ERROR_TOO_CLOSE 40 #define SPELL_ERROR_TOO_FAR_AWAY 41 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_TOO_WEAK 42 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_TOO_POWERFUL 43 #define SPELL_ERROR_WONT_WORK_ON_TARGET 44 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_INVULNERABLE 45 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_IMMUNE 46 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_ENGAGED 47 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_NOT_GROUPED 48 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_IN_USE 49 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_GROUP_HAS_SPELL 50 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_ALREADY_ENGAGED 51 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_ENGAGE 52 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_A_FRIEND 53 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_AN_ENEMY 54 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_INVENTORY_FULL 55 #define SPELL_ERROR_FINISH_DUELING_FIRST 56 #define SPELL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_TARGET_ATTACK 57 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_MENTORING_PVP 58 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_MENTORING_BENEFICIAL 59 #define SPELL_ERROR_ILLEGAL_TARGET_HEAL_OUTSIDE_LEVEL_RANGE 60 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOTHING_TO_CURE 61 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_POWER 62 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_HEALTH 63 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CONC 64 #define SPELL_ERROR_MISSING_COMPONENT 65 #define SPELL_ERROR_OUT_OF_CHARGES 66 #define SPELL_ERROR_LACK_AMMO 67 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_RANGED_EQUIPPED 68 #define SPELL_ERROR_RANGED_NEEDS_REPAIR 69 #define SPELL_ERROR_LACK_WEAPON_TYPE 70 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SAVAGERY 71 #define SPELL_ERROR_ALREADY_PREPARED 72 #define SPELL_ERROR_ALREADY_HAVE_SPELL 73 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_SMART_ENOUGH 74 // "You lack the intellectual capacity to prepare another spell." #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_HOSTILE_SPELLS 75 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_BENEFICIAL_SPELLS 76 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_MOUNT_NOW_SITTING 77 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_MOUNT_NOW_DEAD 78 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_MOUNT_NOW_CLIMBING 79 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_MOUNT_NOW_FORM 80 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_MOUNT_NOW_WATER_TO_DEEP 81 #define SPELL_ERROR_ALREADY_CAST 82 #define SPELL_ERROR_LOTTERY_IN_PROGRESS 83 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_IN_PVP 84 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISSONANCE 85 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_CANNOT_CAST_BUG_UNKNOWN_FAILURE 86 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_CANNOT_CAST_BUG_SPELL_TEMPLATE 87 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_PREPARED_BUG 88 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_CANNOT_CAST_BUG_NO_GAME_WORLD 89 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_CANNOT_CAST_BUG_NO_OWNER 90 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_CANNOT_CAST_BUG_OWNER_TYPE 91 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_CANNOT_CAST_BUG_NO_CASTER 92 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_10 93 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_PARTIAL_INTERUPT 94 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_15 95 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_TARGET_RESISTED 96 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_TARGET_REFLECTED 97 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_18 98 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_35 99 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_UNKNOWN_43 100 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_UNKNOWN_44 101 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_UNKNOWN_47 102 #define SPELL_ERROR_TARGET_IMMUNE_HEALED_WITH_REPAIRS 103 #define SPELL_ERROR_NOT_WHILE_MENTORING 104 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_NO_EFFECTS_LANDED 105 #define SPELL_ERROR_TOO_MUCH_DISSONANCE 106 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_INVALID_SPELL_INDEX 107 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_NOT_FOUND_95 108 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_CONTAINMENT_TYPE 109 #define SPELL_ERROR_BUG_SLOT_FULL 110 #define SPELL_ERROR_CANNOT_CAST_NO_SPELL_101 111 #define SPELL_ERROR_RECOVERING_ITEM_ABILITY 112 #define SPELL_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE_110 113 #define SPELL_ERROR_ALREADY_CAST_ON_TARGET 114 #define CASTING_FLAG_MEZZED 1 #define CASTING_FLAG_STIFLED 2 #define CASTING_FLAG_STUNNED 4 #define CASTING_FLAG_FEARED 8 // Spell type is for AI so code knows what a spell is #define SPELL_TYPE_UNSET 1 #define SPELL_TYPE_DD 2 #define SPELL_TYPE_DOT 3 #define SPELL_TYPE_HEAL 4 #define SPELL_TYPE_HOT_WARD 5 #define SPELL_TYPE_DEBUFF 6 #define SPELL_TYPE_BUFF 7 #define SPELL_TYPE_COMBATBUFF 8 #define SPELL_TYPE_TAUNT 9 #define SPELL_TYPE_DETAUNT 10 #define SPELL_TYPE_REZ 11 #define SPELL_TYPE_CURE 12 #define SPELL_TYPE_FOOD 13 #define SPELL_TYPE_DRINK 14 #define SPELL_TYPE_ROOT 15 #define SPELL_TYPE_SNARE 16 #define SPELL_TYPE_ALLGROUPTARGETS 17 struct LUAData{ int8 type; sint32 int_value; bool bool_value; float float_value; string string_value; string string_value2; sint32 int_value2; float float_value2; string string_helper; }; struct SpellScriptTimer { LuaSpell* spell; string customFunction; int32 time; int32 caster; int32 target; bool deleteWhenDone; }; struct LevelArray{ int8 adventure_class; int8 tradeskill_class; int16 spell_level; }; struct SpellDisplayEffect{ int8 percentage; int8 subbullet; string description; }; enum GivenByType { GivenBy_Unset = 0, GivenBy_TradeskillClass = 1, GivenBy_SpellScroll = 2, GivenBy_AltAdvancement = 3, GivenBy_Race = 4, GivenBy_RacialInnate = 5, GivenBy_RacialTradition = 6, GivenBy_Class = 7, GivenBy_CharacterTrait = 8, GivenBy_FocusAbility = 9, GivenBy_ClassTraining = 10, GivenBy_WarderSpell = 11 }; struct SpellData{ int32 spell_book_type; int32 id; int32 inherited_spell_id; sint16 icon; int16 icon_heroic_op; int16 icon_backdrop; int16 type; int32 class_skill; int16 min_class_skill_req; int32 mastery_skill; int8 ts_loc_index; int8 num_levels; int8 tier; int16 hp_req; int16 hp_upkeep; float power_req; bool power_by_level; int16 power_upkeep; int16 savagery_req; int16 savagery_upkeep; int16 dissonance_req; int16 dissonance_upkeep; int8 target_type; int16 cast_time; int16 orig_cast_time; float recovery; float recast; int32 linked_timer; float radius; int16 max_aoe_targets; int8 friendly_spell; int16 req_concentration; float range; int32 duration1; int32 duration2; float resistibility; bool duration_until_cancel; int8 power_req_percent; int8 hp_req_percent; int8 savagery_req_percent; int8 dissonance_req_percent; EQ2_8BitString name; EQ2_16BitString description; string success_message; string fade_message; string fade_message_others; int8 cast_type; string lua_script; int32 call_frequency; bool interruptable; int32 spell_visual; string effect_message; float min_range; int8 can_effect_raid; int8 affect_only_group_members; int8 group_spell; float hit_bonus; int8 display_spell_tier; int8 is_active; int8 det_type; bool incurable; int8 control_effect_type; int32 casting_flags; bool cast_while_moving; bool persist_through_death; bool not_maintained; bool is_aa; int8 savage_bar; int8 savage_bar_slot; int32 soe_spell_crc; int8 spell_type; int32 spell_name_crc; sint32 type_group_spell_id; bool can_fizzle; EQ2_8BitString given_by; GivenByType given_by_type; }; class Spell{ public: ~Spell(); Spell(); Spell(SpellData* in_spell); Spell(Spell* host_spell, bool unique_spell = true); EQ2Packet* SerializeSpell(Client* client, bool display, bool trait_display = false, int8 packet_type = 0, int8 sub_packet_type = 0, const char* struct_name = 0, bool send_partial_packet = false); EQ2Packet* SerializeSpecialSpell(Client* client, bool display, int8 packet_type = 0, int8 sub_packet_type = 0); EQ2Packet* SerializeAASpell(Client* client,int8 tier, AltAdvanceData* data, bool display, bool trait_display = false, int8 packet_type = 0, int8 sub_packet_type = 0, const char* struct_name = 0); void AddSpellLevel(int8 adventure_class, int8 tradeskill_class, int16 level); void AddSpellEffect(int8 percentage, int8 subbullet, string description); void AddSpellLuaData(int8 type, int int_value, int int_value2, float float_value, float float_value2, bool bool_value, string string_value,string string_value2, string helper); void AddSpellLuaDataInt(int value, int value2, string helper); void AddSpellLuaDataFloat(float value, float value2, string helper); void AddSpellLuaDataBool(bool value, string helper); void AddSpellLuaDataString(string value, string value2, string helper); int32 GetSpellID(); sint16 TranslateClientSpellIcon(int16 version); void SetPacketInformation(PacketStruct* packet, Client* client = 0, bool display_tier = false); void SetAAPacketInformation(PacketStruct* packet, AltAdvanceData* data, Client* client = 0, bool display_tier = false); void AppendLevelInformation(PacketStruct* packet); int8 GetSpellTier(); int32 GetSpellDuration(); int16 GetSpellIcon(); int16 GetSpellIconBackdrop(); int16 GetSpellIconHeroicOp(); int16 GetLevelRequired(Player* player); int16 GetHPRequired(Spawn* spawn); int16 GetPowerRequired(Spawn* spawn); int16 GetSavageryRequired(Spawn* spawn); int16 GetDissonanceRequired(Spawn* spawn); SpellData* GetSpellData(); bool GetSpellData(lua_State* state, std::string field); bool SetSpellData(lua_State* state, std::string field, int8 fieldArg); bool ScribeAllowed(Player* player); vector* GetLUAData(); vector * GetSpellLevels(); vector * GetSpellEffects(); const char* GetName(); const char* GetDescription(); bool IsHealSpell(); bool IsBuffSpell(); bool IsDamageSpell(); bool IsControlSpell(); bool IsOffenseSpell(); bool IsCopiedSpell(); void ModifyCastTime(Entity* caster); int32 CalculateRecastTimer(Entity* caster, float override_timer = 0.0f); bool CastWhileStunned(); bool CastWhileMezzed(); bool CastWhileStifled(); bool CastWhileFeared(); bool GetStayLocked() { return stay_locked; } void StayLocked(bool val) { stay_locked = val; } vector effects; vector lua_data; mutable std::shared_mutex MSpellInfo; private: bool stay_locked = false; bool heal_spell; bool buff_spell; bool damage_spell; bool control_spell; bool offense_spell; bool copied_spell; SpellData* spell; //vector effects; vector levels; }; class MasterSpellList{ public: MasterSpellList(); ~MasterSpellList(); void DestroySpells(); map spell_name_map; map > spell_list; map > class_spell_list[MAX_CLASSES]; map spell_soecrc_map; Spell* GetSpell(int32 id, int8 tier); vector* GetSpellListByAdventureClass(int8 class_id, int16 max_level, int8 max_tier); vector* GetSpellListByTradeskillClass(int8 class_id, int16 max_level, int8 max_tier); Spell* GetSpellByName(const char* name); Spell* GetSpellByCRC(int32 spell_crc); void Reload(); EQ2Packet* GetSpellPacket(int32 id, int8 tier, Client* client = 0, bool display = false, int8 packet_type = 0); EQ2Packet* GetAASpellPacket(int32 id, int8 group, Client* client, bool display, int8 packet_type); EQ2Packet* GetSpecialSpellPacket(int32 id, int8 tier, Client* client = 0, bool display = false, int8 packet_type = 0); void AddSpell(int32 id, int8 tier, Spell* spell); Mutex MMasterSpellList; /// Gets the correct spell error value for the given version /// Client version /// ID of the error /// The int16 value for the given error and version int16 GetSpellErrorValue(int16 version, int8 error_index); /// Adds a spell error to the list /// Client version for the error /// ID for the error /// Value for the error void AddSpellError(int16 version, int8 error_index, int16 error_value); int32 GetNewMaxSpellID() { int32 id = 0; MMasterSpellList.lock(); max_spell_id++; id = max_spell_id; MMasterSpellList.unlock(); return id; } private: /// Helper function that gets the closest version in the spell_errors map that is less then or equal to the given version /// Client version /// int16 version that is closest to the given version int16 GetClosestVersion(int16 version); // map > map > spell_errors; int32 max_spell_id; }; #endif