--[[ Script Name : SpawnScripts/QueensColony/aQeynosGuardsmanHumanLeft.lua Script Author : Cynnar (edited by Rylec) Script Date : 2018.10.07 10:10:32 Script Purpose : Follower starting in left position --]] function spawn(NPC) AddTimer(NPC, 900, "followguard_A") local shouttime = math.random (90000,270000) AddTimer(NPC, shouttime, "shout") end function followguard_A(NPC) local zone = GetZone(NPC) local guard_A_placement = GetSpawnByLocationID(zone, 430688) local sli = GetSpawnLocationID(NPC) local leaderX = GetX(guard_A_placement) local leaderY = GetY(guard_A_placement) local leaderZ = GetZ(guard_A_placement) local speed = 2 -- Say(NPC, "Leader location is: " .. GetX(guard_A_placement) .. ", " .. GetY(guard_A_placement) .. ", " .. GetZ(guard_A_placement)) if sli == 133770887 then if GetDistance(NPC, guard_A_placement) >= 8 then speed = 5 MoveToLocation(NPC, leaderX - 2, leaderY, leaderZ, speed) else speed = 2 MoveToLocation(NPC, leaderX - 2, leaderY, leaderZ, speed) end elseif sli == 133770888 then if GetDistance(NPC, guard_A_placement) >= 8 then -- Say(NPC, "Leader location is: " .. GetX(guard_A_placement) .. "") -- Say(NPC, "My location is: " .. GetX(NPC) .. "") speed = 5 MoveToLocation(NPC, leaderX, leaderY, leaderZ - 2, speed) else speed = 2 MoveToLocation(NPC, leaderX, leaderY, leaderZ - 2, speed) end elseif sli == 133770889 then if GetDistance(NPC, guard_A_placement) >= 8 then MoveToLocation(NPC, leaderX + 2, leaderY, leaderZ, speed) -- Say(NPC, "Leader location is: " .. GetX(guard_A_placement) .. "") -- Say(NPC, "My location is: " .. GetX(NPC) .. "") speed = 5 else speed = 2 MoveToLocation(NPC, leaderX + 2, leaderY, leaderZ, speed) end end speed = 2 AddTimer(NPC, 3000, "followguard_A") end function hailed(NPC, Spawn) FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn) end function respawn(NPC) spawn(NPC) end function shout(NPC) math.randomseed(os.time()) local choice = math.random (1,3) if choice == 1 then Say(NPC, "I'll bet you an ale that I spot the next intruder first.") Emote(NPC, "smack his fist into his palm.") elseif choice == 2 then Say(NPC, "In honor of the Queen.") Emote(NPC, "salutes.") elseif choice == 3 then Say(NPC, "Keep your eyes peeled boys!") end local time = math.random (90000,2700000) AddTimer(NPC, time, "shout") end