--[[ Script Name : Spells/Mage/Enchanter/BindingLight.lua Script Author : LordPazuzu Script Date : 2024.04.09 08:04:20 Script Purpose : : --]] --[[ Info from spell_display_effects (remove from script when done) *Roots target. *Blurs vision of target. *Reduces movement speed of target by X. --]] function cast(Caster, Target, Snare) AddControlEffect(Target, 5) AddProc(Target, 2, 5.0) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, Snare) if Type == 2 then CancelSpell() end end function remove(Caster,Target, Snare) RemoveControlEffect() RemoveProc() Spell = GetSpell(2550412, GetSpellTier()) SetSpellDataIndex(Spell, 0, Snare) CastCustomSpell(Spell, Caster, Target) end