--[[ Script Name : Spells/Scout/Bard/Dirge/VerliensKeenofDespair.lua Script Author : Neatz09 Script Date : 9/18/2020 Script Purpose : : --]] function cast(Caster, Target, SlowAmt, HostileChance, DmgChance, DebuffAmt) local Slow = 100 - SlowAmt local Spell = GetSpellID() -- Slows target -- chance to dispel when target receives hostile action -- chance to dispel when target takes damage -- Decreases Mitigation of target vs noxious damage AddSpellBonus(Target, 202, DebuffAmt) SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, Slow) AddProc(Target, 1, HostileChance) AddProc(Target, 15, DmgChance) end function proc(Caster, Target, Type, SlowAmt, HostileChance, DmgChance, DebuffAmt) if (Type == 1 or type == 15) and HasSpellEffect(Target, Spell) then SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, 1) end end function remove(Caster, Target) RemoveSpellBonus(Target) RemoveProc(Target) SetSpeedMultiplier(Target, 1) end