--[[ Script Name : Spells/commands.lua Script Purpose : Process game "commands" that use a cast bar Script Author : Everyone Script Date : Anytime Script Notes : Use spells_data to link to the specific command(s) --]] function cast(Caster, Target, Type) -- JA: commenting out other functions since revamp of database renders the IDs/Spawns invalid (2013/08/18) if Type == "ThrowSnowball" then ThrowSnowball(Caster, Target) end --[[ if Type == "Examine" then Examine(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Grab Soil" then GrabSoil(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Plant Seeds" then PlantSeeds(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Burn Tent" then BurnTent(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Destroy Totem" then DestroyTotem(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Smack Hive" then SmackHive(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Help Down" then HelpDown(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "Read Gravestone" then ReadGravestone(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "ClimbTheBench" then ClimbTheBench(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "PullYourselfThroughTheFoliage" then PullYourselfThroughTheFoliage(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "InspectBox" then InspectBox(Caster, Target) elseif Type == "ThrowSnowball" then ThrowSnowball(Caster, Target) end --]] end function GrabSoil(Caster, Target) if HasQuest(Caster, 60) and not QuestStepIsComplete(Caster, 60, 3) then -- Mana-Enriched Soil SummonItem(Caster, 6463) end end function PlantSeeds(Caster, Target) end function BurnTent(Caster, Target) BurnSpawn = GetSpawn(Target, 2780218) SpawnSet(BurnSpawn, "visual_state", "6866") SpawnSet(Target, "show_command_icon", "0") KillSpawn(Target, Caster, 0) -- kill the tent to get journal update KillSpawn(BurnSpawn, Caster, 0) -- kill the cube to put out the "tent/'s fire" end function DestroyTotem(Caster, Target) SpawnSet(Target, "destroy_totem", "0") SpawnSet(Target, "show_command_icon", "0") KillSpawn(Target, Caster) end function SmackHive(Caster, Target) SpawnSet(Target, "show_command_icon", 0) -- 20% chance to spawn a Queen bee -- 80% chance to spawn a soldier bee choice = math.random(1, 100) if choice <= 20 then -- spawn a Queen bee SpawnMob(GetZone(Target), 2780092, false, GetX(Target), GetY(Target), GetZ(Target)) else -- spawn a soldier bee SpawnMob(GetZone(Target), 2780088, false, GetX(Target), GetY(Target), GetZ(Target)) end AddTimer(Target, 60000, "enable_command_icon_beeHive") end function HelpDown(Caster, Target) SpawnSet(Target, "show_command_icon", 0) SpawnMob(GetZone(Caster), 2530232, false, 268.05, -5.08, -10.95, 101.63) Despawn(Target) newHalfling = GetSpawn(Caster, 2530232) --temporary. the poor halfling will climb back into the tree when the Moraks respawn AddTimer(newHalfling, 30000, "ClimbTree") end function Examine(Caster, Target) end function ReadGravestone(Caster, Target) SpawnMob(GetZone(Caster), 1960199, false, 967.581, -17.0745, -821.035, 159.344) UlinirBush = GetSpawn(Caster, 1960199) Ilaen = GetSpawn(Caster, 1960126) PlayFlavor(Ilaen, "voiceover/english/tutorial_revamp/ilaen_lilac/qey_adv02_ruins_revamp/qst_woodelf_ilaen_lilac_ulinir_d84a1bb.mp3", "You are wise to know Ulinir is worth your time. Speak with me if you wish to use your wisdom for a greater good.", "", 1864539566, 4233668295, Caster) AddTimer(UlinirBush, 30000, "DespawnBush") end function ClimbTheBench(Caster, Target) SetPosition(Caster, 761.79, -20.38, 314.48) end function PullYourselfThroughTheFoliage(Caster, Target) SetPosition(Caster, 743.47, -20.35, 306.85) end function InspectBox(Caster, Target) SetStepComplete(Caster, 142, 3) end function ThrowSnowball(Caster, Target) SpawnSet(Caster, "visual_state", "1224") end