Jamfile.v2 11 KB

  1. import os ;
  2. import testing ;
  5. # FIXME
  6. #std::locale-support
  7. <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB ;
  8. test-suite date_time_core
  9. :
  10. [ run testint_adapter.cpp ]
  11. [ run testtime_resolution_traits.cpp ]
  12. [ run testwrapping_int.cpp ]
  13. [ run testconstrained_value.cpp ]
  14. [ run testgregorian_calendar.cpp ]
  15. [ run testgeneric_period.cpp ]
  16. ;
  17. test-suite date_time_gregorian
  18. :
  19. [ run gregorian/testdate.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  20. [ run gregorian/testdate_duration.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  21. [ run gregorian/testgreg_durations.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  22. [ run gregorian/testperiod.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  23. [ run gregorian/testdate_iterator.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  24. [ run gregorian/testformatters.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  25. ### streaming
  26. [ run gregorian/testdate_facet_new.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  27. [ run gregorian/testdate_input_facet.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  28. ###
  29. [ run gregorian/testgenerators.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  30. [ run gregorian/testgreg_cal.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  31. [ run gregorian/testgreg_day.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  32. [ run gregorian/testgreg_month.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  33. [ run gregorian/testgreg_year.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  34. ;
  35. test-suite date_time_gregorian_dll
  36. :
  37. [ run gregorian/testdate.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testdate_dll ]
  38. [ run gregorian/testdate_duration.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testdate_duration_dll ]
  39. [ run gregorian/testperiod.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testperiod_dll ]
  40. [ run gregorian/testdate_iterator.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testdate_iterator_dll ]
  41. [ run gregorian/testformatters.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testformatters_dll ]
  42. ### streaming
  43. [ run gregorian/testdate_facet_new.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testdate_facet_new_dll ]
  44. [ run gregorian/testdate_input_facet.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testdate_input_facet_dll ]
  45. ###
  46. [ run gregorian/testgenerators.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testgenerators_dll ]
  47. [ run gregorian/testgreg_cal.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testgreg_cal_dll ]
  48. [ run gregorian/testgreg_day.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testgreg_day_dll ]
  49. [ run gregorian/testgreg_month.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testgreg_month_dll ]
  50. [ run gregorian/testgreg_year.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testgreg_year_dll ]
  51. [ run gregorian/testgreg_durations.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) : testgreg_durations_dll ]
  52. ;
  53. test-suite date_time_posixtime
  54. :
  55. [ run posix_time/testfiletime_functions.cpp
  56. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  57. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  58. [ run posix_time/testlocal_adjustor.cpp
  59. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  60. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  61. [ run posix_time/testc_local_adjustor.cpp
  62. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  63. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  64. [ run posix_time/testclock.cpp
  65. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  66. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  67. [ run posix_time/testdst_rules.cpp
  68. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  69. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  70. [ run posix_time/testduration.cpp
  71. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  72. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  73. [ compile-fail posix_time/compile_fail/hours_special_value.cpp ]
  74. [ compile-fail posix_time/compile_fail/minutes_special_value.cpp ]
  75. [ compile-fail posix_time/compile_fail/seconds_special_value.cpp ]
  76. [ compile-fail posix_time/compile_fail/millisec_special_value.cpp ]
  77. [ run posix_time/testiterator.cpp
  78. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  79. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  80. [ run posix_time/testparse_time.cpp
  81. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  82. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  83. [ run posix_time/testtime_period.cpp
  84. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  85. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  86. [ run posix_time/testtime.cpp
  87. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  88. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  89. [ run posix_time/testmicrosec_time_clock.cpp
  90. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  91. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  92. [ run posix_time/testtime_formatters.cpp
  93. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  94. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  95. [ run posix_time/testgreg_duration_operators.cpp
  96. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  97. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  98. ### streaming
  99. [ run posix_time/testtime_facet.cpp
  100. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  101. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  102. [ run posix_time/testtime_input_facet.cpp
  103. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  104. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  105. ###
  106. ;
  107. test-suite date_time_wide_streaming
  108. :
  109. [ run gregorian/testgreg_wstream.cpp
  110. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO : testgreg_wstream ]
  111. [ run posix_time/testtime_wstream.cpp
  112. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO : testtime_wstream ]
  113. ;
  114. test-suite date_time_pre_133_facet
  115. :
  116. [ run gregorian/testfacet.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO : testfacet_dll ]
  117. # this next test is commented out because it crashes on VC6 (cause unknown):
  118. # [ run gregorian/testparse_date.cpp ../build//boost_date_time : : : $(DATE_TIME_DYNAMIC_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO : testparse_date_dll ]
  119. [ run gregorian/testfacet.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO ]
  120. [ run gregorian/testparse_date.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO ]
  121. [ run posix_time/teststreams.cpp ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) <define>USE_DATE_TIME_PRE_1_33_FACET_IO ]
  122. ;
  124. # FIXME
  125. #std::locale-support
  126. <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB ;
  127. test-suite date_time_localtime
  128. :
  129. [ run local_time/testdst_transition_day_rule.cpp
  130. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  131. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  132. [ run local_time/testcustom_time_zone.cpp
  133. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  134. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  135. [ run local_time/testposix_time_zone.cpp
  136. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  137. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  138. [ run local_time/testwcustom_time_zone.cpp
  139. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  140. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  141. [ run local_time/testwposix_time_zone.cpp
  142. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  143. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  144. [ run local_time/testtz_database.cpp
  145. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  146. : : ../data/date_time_zonespec.csv local_time/poorly_formed_zonespec.csv : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  147. [ run local_time/testlocal_time.cpp
  148. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  149. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  150. [ run local_time/testlocal_time_iterator.cpp
  151. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  152. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  153. [ run local_time/testlocal_time_period.cpp
  154. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  155. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  156. ### streaming
  157. [ run local_time/testlocal_time_facet.cpp
  158. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  159. : : ../data/date_time_zonespec.csv : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  160. [ run local_time/testlocal_time_input_facet.cpp
  161. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  162. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  163. ###
  164. [ run local_time/testclocks.cpp
  165. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  166. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES) ]
  167. ;
  168. if ! [ os.environ UBSAN_OPTIONS ]
  169. {
  171. # FIXME
  172. # std::locale-support toolset::require-boost-spirit-support
  173. ;
  174. test-suite date_time_serialization
  175. :
  176. # xml archive tests
  177. [ run gregorian/testgreg_serialize.cpp
  178. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  179. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  181. : testgreg_serialize_xml ]
  182. [ run posix_time/testtime_serialize.cpp
  183. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  184. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  185. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES)
  188. : testtime_serialize_xml_std_config ]
  189. [ run posix_time/testtime_serialize.cpp
  190. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  191. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  193. : testtime_serialize_xml ]
  194. [ run posix_time/testtime_serialize_versioning.cpp
  195. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  196. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  198. : testtime_serialize_versioning_prev ]
  199. [ run posix_time/testtime_serialize_versioning.cpp
  200. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  201. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  202. : : testtime_serialize_versioning_prev
  204. : testtime_serialize_versioning_curr ]
  205. # text archive tests
  206. [ run gregorian/testgreg_serialize.cpp
  207. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  208. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  209. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES)
  210. : testgreg_serialize ]
  211. [ run gregorian/testgreg_serialize.cpp
  212. ../build//boost_date_time
  213. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  215. : testgreg_serialize_dll ]
  216. [ run posix_time/testtime_serialize.cpp
  217. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  218. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  219. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES)
  221. : testtime_serialize_std_config ]
  222. [ run posix_time/testtime_serialize.cpp
  223. ../build//boost_date_time/<link>static
  224. ../../serialization/build//boost_serialization
  225. : : : $(DATE_TIME_PROPERTIES)
  226. : testtime_serialize ]
  227. ;
  228. }
  229. # Copyright (c) 2000-2005
  230. # CrystalClear Software, Inc.
  231. # Subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  232. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
  233. # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)