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  3. Copyright (c) Jeremy Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, and Andrew Lumsdaine 2000
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  15. <h1>Known Problems and Workarounds</h1>
  16. This is a list of known problems compiling the BGL for different compilers and
  17. versions.
  18. <ol>
  19. <li>The <code>subgraph</code> adaptor has several known problems:
  20. <ul>
  21. <li>Each instance of subgraph has its own copy of internal
  22. vertex and edge properties. Only at the root subgraph are the
  23. properties valid. </li>
  24. <li>Edge and vertex removal functions are unimplemented.</li>
  25. <li>The graph is required to have vertex descriptors of integral
  26. type (that are the same as the vertex index). Practically
  27. speaking, that means subgraph only applies to adjacency lists
  28. with <code>VertexListS</code> = <code>vecS</code>.</li>
  29. </ul></li>
  30. <li>The <code>EdgeListS</code> parameter to the adjacency list is
  31. essentially fixed to <code>listS</code>: other selectors are
  32. unlikely to work.</li>
  33. <li>Using a GraphProperty with adjacency_list may cause a VC++ internal compiler error.</li>
  34. <li>Using get(property, graph, edge) may cause a VC++ internal compiler error.</li>
  35. <li>&quot;using boost::tie;&quot; may cause VC++ internal compiler error.
  36. </ol>
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  39. <TABLE>
  40. <TR valign=top>
  41. <TD nowrap>Copyright &copy; 2000-2001</TD><TD>
  42. <A HREF="">Jeremy Siek</A>,
  43. Indiana University (<A
  44. HREF=""></A>)<br>
  45. <A HREF="">Lie-Quan Lee</A>, Indiana University (<A HREF=""></A>)<br>
  46. <A HREF="">Andrew Lumsdaine</A>,
  47. Indiana University (<A
  48. HREF=""></A>)
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