Jamfile.v2 2.2 KB

  1. # Copyright David Abrahams 2003. Distributed under the Boost
  2. # Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  3. # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  4. test-suite iterator
  5. :
  6. # These first two tests will run last, and are expected to fail
  7. # for many less-capable compilers.
  8. [ compile-fail interoperable_fail.cpp ]
  9. # test uses expected success, so that we catch unrelated
  10. # compilation problems.
  11. [ run is_convertible_fail.cpp ]
  12. [ run zip_iterator_test.cpp
  13. : : :
  14. # stlport's debug mode generates long symbols which overwhelm
  15. # vc6
  16. #<msvc-stlport><*><runtime-build>release
  17. ]
  18. [ run zip_iterator_test2_std_tuple.cpp ]
  19. [ run zip_iterator_test2_fusion_vector.cpp ]
  20. [ run zip_iterator_test2_fusion_list.cpp ]
  21. # [ run zip_iterator_test2_fusion_deque.cpp ] // See bug report for fusion https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/11572
  22. [ run zip_iterator_test_fusion.cpp ]
  23. [ run zip_iterator_test_std_tuple.cpp ]
  24. [ run zip_iterator_test_std_pair.cpp ]
  25. # These tests should work for just about everything.
  26. [ compile is_lvalue_iterator.cpp ]
  27. [ compile is_readable_iterator.cpp ]
  28. [ compile pointee.cpp ]
  29. [ run unit_tests.cpp ]
  30. [ run concept_tests.cpp ]
  31. [ run iterator_adaptor_cc.cpp ]
  32. [ run iterator_adaptor_test.cpp ]
  33. [ compile iterator_archetype_cc.cpp ]
  34. [ compile-fail iter_archetype_default_ctor.cpp ]
  35. [ compile-fail lvalue_concept_fail.cpp ]
  36. [ run transform_iterator_test.cpp ]
  37. [ run indirect_iterator_test.cpp ]
  38. [ compile indirect_iter_member_types.cpp ]
  39. [ run filter_iterator_test.cpp ]
  40. [ run iterator_facade.cpp ]
  41. [ run reverse_iterator_test.cpp ]
  42. [ run counting_iterator_test.cpp ]
  43. [ run interoperable.cpp ]
  44. [ run iterator_traits_test.cpp ]
  45. [ run permutation_iterator_test.cpp : : : # <stlport-iostream>on
  46. ]
  47. [ run function_input_iterator_test.cpp ]
  48. [ run generator_iterator_test.cpp ]
  49. [ run minimum_category.cpp ]
  50. [ compile-fail minimum_category_compile_fail.cpp ]
  51. [ run next_prior_test.cpp ]
  52. [ run advance_test.cpp ]
  53. [ run distance_test.cpp ]
  54. [ compile adl_test.cpp ]
  55. [ compile range_distance_compat_test.cpp ]
  56. [ run shared_iterator_test.cpp ]
  57. ;