changelog.qbk 4.4 KB

  1. [/==============================================================================
  2. Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Nikita Kniazev
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  4. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  5. ===============================================================================/]
  6. [section Changelog]
  7. [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////]
  8. [section:spirit_3_0_4 Spirit V3.0.4 (Boost V1.70.0)]
  9. * Integer parsers should now handle user defined types. [gh_pr 429]
  10. *[/^] [*Note:] The `check_overflow` trait default implementation now relies on
  11. `std::numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded` instead of `boost::integer_traits<T>::is_integral`.
  12. * Removed use of deprecated `boost/detail/iterator.hpp` header. [gh_pr 432]
  13. * Removed sequence into plain parsing. Now it triggers a compile time error
  14. instead of silently parsing the the sequence and taking the last value as a result. [gh_pr 439]
  15. * Fixed `parse_rule` instantiation with `BOOST_SPIRIT_INSTANTIATE` when:
  16. * A rule has no attribute. [gh_pr 455]
  17. * An actual attribute is not of type a rule was declared with. [gh_pr 456] [gh 457]
  18. *[/^] A [*huge] thanks goes out to [@ Xeverous]
  19. for reporting a regression in [gh 453].
  20. * Fixed unneded attribute synthesization and no-transformation attribute
  21. reference pass-through in rules. [gh 444] [gh_pr 449] [gh_pr 452]
  22. * Removed broken 1.0#INF parser. It was poorly documented and never worked. [gh 415] [gh_pr 458] [trac 8699]
  23. * The undocumented `make_attribute` trait was removed due to bugs [gh_pr 449]
  24. and to simplify attribute transformation. [gh_pr 460]
  25. *[/^] If you were using it to workaround bugs in attribute transformation -
  26. they should not be needed anymore as of this release.
  27. * The integer value parser now respects `std::numeric_limits<T>::digits10` value. [gh_pr 469]
  28. * Fixed underflow check for a `(Min % Base) == 0` corner case. [gh_pr 469]
  29. * Fixed an output value on overflow of `IgnoreOverflowDigits=true` integer parser. [gh_pr 470]
  30. * Container attribute elements were copyied, but not moved. [gh_pr 472]
  31. * Special handling of references in `transform_attribute` was removed. [gh_pr 480]
  32. [endsect]
  33. [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////]
  34. [section:spirit_3_0_3 Spirit V3.0.3 (Boost V1.69.0)]
  35. * Drop own FP routines in favor of `boost::math`. [gh_pr 392] [trac 13531]
  36. * Missing visibility mark on exception types. [gh_pr 409]
  37. * to_utf8: Fixed `wchar_t` handling on Windows. [gh_pr 413] [gh 395]
  38. [endsect]
  39. [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////]
  40. [section:spirit_3_0_2 Spirit V3.0.2 (Boost V1.68.0)]
  41. * Small list parser optimization. [gh_pr 368]
  42. * Pass container attributes through sequence parser or unary
  43. ending down to a sequence parser. [gh_pr 370] [trac 12085]
  44. * More fine grained sequence attribute check message. [gh_pr 371]
  45. * Removed redundant check in `skip_over`. [gh_pr 373]
  46. * Workaround constexpr in noexcept VS2015 bug in entire `x3::variant`. [gh_pr 379]
  47. * Fixed `calc4b` example compilation. [gh_pr 384]
  48. * Minor code improvements. [gh_pr 374]
  49. [endsect]
  50. [/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////]
  51. [section:spirit_3_0_1 Spirit V3.0.1 (Boost V1.67.0)]
  52. There was no version bump and changelog for Boost V1.56.0-1.66.0 releases.
  53. * Removed `with_context`. [gh_pr 239]
  54. * Added noexcept to `x3::variant` and `forward_ast`. [gh_pr 241]
  55. * CR+LF lines wrongly counted in `error_handler::position()`. [gh_pr 248]
  56. * Fixed `unused_type` attribute case in `parse_into_container`. [gh_pr 266]
  57. * Fixed parsing into associative containers. [gh_pr 289]
  58. * Fixed overflow problem in `uint_parser<signed T>`. [gh_pr 297]
  59. * Added VS2015 Update 3 support by using workarounds. [gh_pr 308]
  60. * Fixed include guard names collision with Qi. [gh_pr 313]
  61. * Added parsing into range. [gh_pr 316] [trac 12928]
  62. * Changed iterator concept static assert from `ForwardIterator` to
  63. `ReadableIteratorConcept && ForwardTraversalConcept`. [gh_pr 320]
  64. * Reenabled `fusion::map` support. [gh_pr 330]
  65. * Fixed `string("...")` and `attr("...")` to single item sequence. [gh_pr 337]
  66. * Dereference a single item view instead of unwrapping sequence. [gh_pr 340]
  67. * Prevent `parse_nan` from dereferencing out of range iterator. [gh_pr 351]
  68. * Use traits to test if container is empty. [gh_pr 355]
  69. [endsect]
  70. [endsect]