distributions.qbk 5.5 KB

  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2009 Steven Watanabe
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  5. / accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  6. / http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. ]
  8. In addition to the [link boost_random.reference.generators random number generators],
  9. this library provides distribution functions which map one distribution
  10. (often a uniform distribution provided by some generator) to another.
  11. Usually, there are several possible implementations of any given mapping.
  12. Often, there is a choice between using more space, more invocations of the
  13. underlying source of random numbers, or more time-consuming arithmetic such
  14. as trigonometric functions. This interface description does not mandate any
  15. specific implementation. However, implementations which cannot reach certain
  16. values of the specified distribution or otherwise do not converge
  17. statistically to it are not acceptable.
  18. [table Uniform Distributions
  19. [[distribution] [explanation] [example]]
  20. [[__uniform_smallint] [discrete uniform distribution on a small set of integers
  21. (much smaller than the range of the underlying
  22. generator)]
  23. [drawing from an urn]]
  24. [[__uniform_int_distribution] [discrete uniform distribution on a set of integers; the
  25. underlying generator may be called several times to gather
  26. enough randomness for the output]
  27. [drawing from an urn]]
  28. [[__uniform_01] [continuous uniform distribution on the range [0,1);
  29. important basis for other distributions]
  30. [-]]
  31. [[__uniform_real_distribution] [continuous uniform distribution on some range [min, max) of
  32. real numbers]
  33. [for the range [0, 2pi): randomly dropping a stick and
  34. measuring its angle in radians (assuming the angle is
  35. uniformly distributed)]]
  36. ]
  37. [table Bernoulli Distributions
  38. [[distribution] [explanation] [example]]
  39. [[__bernoulli_distribution] [Bernoulli experiment: discrete boolean valued
  40. distribution with configurable probability]
  41. [tossing a coin (p=0.5)]]
  42. [[__binomial_distribution] [counts outcomes of repeated Bernoulli
  43. experiments]
  44. [tossing a coin 20 times and counting how many
  45. front sides are shown]]
  46. [[__geometric_distribution] [measures distance between outcomes of repeated
  47. Bernoulli experiments]
  48. [throwing a die several times and counting the
  49. number of tries until a "6" appears for the
  50. first time]]
  51. [[__negative_binomial_distribution] [Counts the number of failures of repeated
  52. Bernoulli experiments required to get some constant
  53. number of successes.]
  54. [flipping a coin and counting the number of
  55. heads that show up before we get 3 tails]]
  56. ]
  57. [table Poisson Distributions
  58. [[distribution] [explanation] [example]]
  59. [[__poisson_distribution][poisson distribution]
  60. [counting the number of alpha particles emitted
  61. by radioactive matter in a fixed period of time]]
  62. [[__exponential_distribution] [exponential distribution]
  63. [measuring the inter-arrival time of alpha
  64. particles emitted by radioactive matter]]
  65. [[__gamma_distribution][gamma distribution][-]]
  66. [[__hyperexponential_distribution] [hyperexponential distribution] [service time of k-parallel servers each with a given service rate and probability to be chosen]]
  67. [[__weibull_distribution] [weibull distribution] [-]]
  68. [[__extreme_value_distribution] [extreme value distribution] [-]]
  69. [[__beta_distribution] [beta distribution] [-]]
  70. [[__laplace_distribution] [laplace distribution] [-]]
  71. ]
  72. [table Normal Distributions
  73. [[distribution] [explanation] [example]]
  74. [[__normal_distribution] [counts outcomes of (infinitely) repeated Bernoulli
  75. experiments]
  76. [tossing a coin 10000 times and counting how many
  77. front sides are shown]]
  78. [[__lognormal_distribution] [lognormal distribution (sometimes used in
  79. simulations)]
  80. [measuring the job completion time of an assembly
  81. line worker]]
  82. [[__chi_squared_distribution][chi-squared distribution][-]]
  83. [[__non_central_chi_squared_distribution][non-central chi-squared distribution][-]]
  84. [[__cauchy_distribution][Cauchy distribution][-]]
  85. [[__fisher_f_distribution][Fisher F distribution][-]]
  86. [[__student_t_distribution][Student t distribution][-]]
  87. ]
  88. [table Sampling Distributions
  89. [[distribution] [explanation] [example]]
  90. [[__discrete_distribution][discrete distribution with specific probabilities][rolling an unfair die]]
  91. [[__piecewise_constant_distribution][-][-]]
  92. [[__piecewise_linear_distribution][-][-]]
  93. ]
  94. [table Miscellaneous Distributions
  95. [[distribution] [explanation] [example]]
  96. [[__triangle_distribution] [triangle distribution] [-]]
  97. [[__uniform_on_sphere] [uniform distribution on a unit sphere of arbitrary
  98. dimension]
  99. [choosing a random point on Earth (assumed to be a
  100. sphere) where to spend the next vacations]]
  101. ]