limitations.qbk 1.4 KB

  1. [/
  2. Copyright (c) Vladimir Batov 2009-2016
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. See copy at
  5. ]
  6. [section Supported Compilers]
  7. ['Boost.Convert] makes use of SFINAE for correct `boost::convert()` deployment depending on the context. Unfortunately, the correctness and the completeness of SFINAE support varies with different compilers and different versions of those compilers. Consequently, some compilers fail to compile ['Boost.Convert] API (although the actual functionality provided by the converters themselves is probably availabable via other non-standard means). ['Boost.Convert] has been tested through the Boost regression-testing framework with the following results:
  8. * CLANG. Successfully tested with versions from 2.9 to 3.6;
  9. * GCC. Successfully tested with versions from 4.2.1 through to 5.0. Earlier versions were not tested;
  10. * Intel C++ compiler. Successfully tested with versions from 12.1 forward. Earlier versions fail to compile ['Boost.Convert] due to lacking full SFINAE support;
  11. * MSVC. Successfully tested from MSVC 2013 (msvc-12.0) forward. Earlier versions had some components disabled due to lacking full SFINAE support;
  12. Please visit [@ ['Boost.Convert] regression test summary] for the latest available report.
  13. [endsect]