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  8. <Title>Boost Graph Library: Planar Face Traversal</Title>
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  14. <H1>Planar Face Traversal</H1>
  15. <pre>
  16. template&lt;typename Graph, typename PlanarEmbedding, typename PlanarFaceVisitor, typename EdgeIndexMap&gt;
  17. void planar_face_traversal(const Graph& g, PlanarEmbedding embedding, PlanarFaceVisitor& visitor, EdgeIndexMap em);
  18. </pre>
  19. <p>
  20. A graph is <i>planar</i> if it can be drawn in two-dimensional space with no
  21. two of its edges crossing. Any embedding of a planar graph separates the plane
  22. into distinct regions that are bounded by sequences of edges in the graph.
  23. These regions are called <i>faces</i>.
  24. <br>
  25. <br>
  26. <table align="center" class="image">
  27. <caption align="bottom">
  28. <h5>A plane drawing of a graph (left), and the 8 faces defined by the planar
  29. embedding (right.) Each connected blue region in the image on the right is a
  30. face. The large blue region surrounding the graph is the <i>outer face</i>.
  31. </h5>
  32. </caption>
  33. <tr>
  34. <td>
  35. <img src="./figs/face_illustration.png">
  36. </td>
  37. </tr>
  38. <tr></tr>
  39. </table>
  40. <br>
  41. A traversal of the faces of a planar graph involves iterating through all faces
  42. of the graph, and on each face, iterating through all vertices and edges of the
  43. face. The iteration through all vertices and edges of each face follows a
  44. path around the border of the face.
  45. <p>
  46. In a biconnected graph, like the one shown above, each face is bounded by a
  47. cycle and each edge belongs to exactly two faces. For this reason, when
  48. <tt>planar_face_traversal</tt> is called on a biconnected graph, each edge will
  49. be visited exactly twice: once on each of two distinct faces, and no vertex
  50. will be visited more than once on a particular face. The output of
  51. <tt>planar_face_traversal</tt> on non-biconnected graphs is less intuitive -
  52. for example, if the graph
  53. consists solely of a path of vertices (and therefore a single face),
  54. <tt>planar_face_traversal</tt> will iterate <i>around</i> the path, visiting
  55. each edge twice and visiting some vertices more than once.
  56. <tt>planar_face_traversal</tt> does not visit isolated vertices.
  57. <p>
  58. Like other graph traversal algorithms in the Boost Graph Library, the planar
  59. face traversal is a generic traversal that can be customized by the
  60. redefinition of certain visitor event points. By defining an appropriate
  61. visitor, this traversal can be
  62. used to enumerate the faces of a planar graph, triangulate a planar graph, or
  63. even construct a dual of a planar graph.
  64. <br>
  65. <center>
  66. <img src="./figs/face_traversal_example.png">
  67. </center>
  68. <br>
  69. For example, on the above graph, an instance <tt>my_visitor</tt> of the
  70. following visitor:
  71. <pre>
  72. struct output_visitor: public planar_face_traversal_visitor
  73. {
  74. void begin_face() { std::cout << "New face: "; }
  75. template &lt;typename Vertex&gt; void next_vertex(Vertex v) { std::cout << v << " "; }
  76. void finish_face() { std::cout << std::endl; }
  77. };
  78. </pre>
  79. can be passed to the <tt>planar_face_traversal</tt> function:
  80. <pre>
  81. output_visitor my_visitor;
  82. planar_face_traversal(g, embed, my_visitor); //embed is a planar embedding of g
  83. </pre>
  84. and might produce the output
  85. <pre>
  86. New face: 1 2 5 4
  87. New face: 2 3 4 5
  88. New face: 3 0 1 4
  89. New face: 1 0 3 2
  90. </pre>
  91. <h3>Visitor Event Points</h3>
  92. <ul>
  93. <li><tt>visitor.begin_traversal()</tt>: called once before any faces are
  94. visited.
  95. <li><tt>visitor.begin_face()</tt>: called once, for each face, before any
  96. vertex or edge on that face has been visited.
  97. <li><tt>visitor.end_face()</tt>: called once, for each face, after all vertices
  98. and all edges on that face have been visited.
  99. <li><tt>visitor.next_vertex(Vertex v)</tt>: called once on each vertex in the
  100. current face (the start and end of which are designated by calls to
  101. <tt>begin_face()</tt> and <tt>end_face()</tt>, respectively) in order
  102. according to the order established by the planar embedding.
  103. <li><tt>visitor.next_edge(Edge e)</tt>: called once on each edge in the current
  104. face (the start and end of which are designated by calls to
  105. <tt>begin_face()</tt> and <tt>end_face()</tt>, respectively) in order
  106. according to the order established by the planar embedding.
  107. <li><tt>visitor.end_traversal()</tt>: called once after all faces have been
  108. visited.
  109. </ul>
  110. Although <tt>next_vertex</tt> is guaranteed to be called in sequence for each
  111. vertex as the traversal moves around a face and <tt>next_edge</tt> is
  112. guaranteed to be called in sequence for each edge as the traversal moves
  113. around a face, there's no guarantee about the order in which
  114. <tt>next_vertex</tt> and <tt>next_edge</tt> are called with respect to each
  115. other in between calls to <tt>begin_face</tt> and <tt>end_face</tt>. These
  116. calls may be interleaved, all vertex visits may precede all edge visits, or
  117. vise-versa.
  118. <p>
  119. <tt>planar_face_traversal</tt> iterates over a copy of the edges of the input
  120. graph, so it is safe to add edges to the graph during visitor event points.
  121. <h3>Complexity</h3>
  122. If all of the visitor event points run in constant time, the traversal takes
  123. time <i>O(n + m)</i> for a planar graph with <i>n</i> vertices and <i>m</i>
  124. edges. Note that
  125. in a simple planar graph with <i>f</i> faces, <i>m</i> edges, and <i>n</i>
  126. vertices, both <i>f</i> and <i>m</i> are <i>O(n)</i>.
  127. <H3>Where Defined</H3>
  128. <P>
  129. <a href="../../../boost/graph/planar_face_traversal.hpp">
  130. <TT>boost/graph/planar_face_traversal.hpp</TT>
  131. </a>
  132. <h3>Parameters</h3>
  133. IN: <tt>Graph&amp; g</tt>
  134. <blockquote>
  135. An undirected graph. The graph type must
  136. be a model of <a href="VertexAndEdgeListGraph.html">VertexAndEdgeListGraph</a>
  137. </blockquote>
  138. IN: <tt>PlanarEmbedding</tt>
  139. <blockquote>
  140. A model of <a href="PlanarEmbedding.html">PlanarEmbedding</a>.
  141. </blockquote>
  142. IN: <tt>PlanarFaceVisitor</tt>
  143. <blockquote>
  144. A model of <a href="PlanarFaceVisitor.html">PlanarFaceVisitor</a>.
  145. </blockquote>
  146. IN: <tt>EdgeIndexMap vm</tt>
  147. <blockquote>
  148. A <a href="../../property_map/doc/ReadablePropertyMap.html">Readable Property Map
  149. </a> that maps edges from <tt>g</tt> to distinct integers in the range
  150. <tt>[0, num_edges(g) )</tt><br>
  151. <b>Default</b>: <tt>get(edge_index,g)</tt><br>
  152. </blockquote>
  153. <H3>Example</H3>
  154. <P>
  155. <a href="../example/planar_face_traversal.cpp">
  156. <TT>examples/planar_face_traversal.cpp</TT></a>
  157. <h3>See Also</h3>
  158. <p>
  159. <ul>
  160. <li><a href="./planar_graphs.html">Planar Graphs in the Boost Graph Library</a>
  161. <li><a href="./PlanarFaceVisitor.html">PlanarFaceVisitor</a> concept.
  162. </ul>
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