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  26. <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
  27. <a name="boost_test.adv_scenarios.test_module_init_overview"></a><a class="link" href="test_module_init_overview.html" title="Test module's initialization">Test
  28. module's initialization</a>
  29. </h3></div></div></div>
  30. <p>
  31. In order for a unit test module to successfully link and execute, it has
  32. to have access to the <span class="emphasis"><em>test module's initialization function</em></span>.
  33. the module's initialization function is called only once during the execution
  34. of the program, just before the <a class="link" href="test_module_runner_overview.html" title="Test module runner"><span class="emphasis"><em>test
  35. module runner</em></span></a> is run. By default, the <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test
  36. Framework</em></span> provides a default definition of initialization function.
  37. The only thing you have to do is to instruct the framework in which translation
  38. unit (<code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">cpp</span></code> file) it needs
  39. to provide the definition. You do it by defining macro <a class="link" href="../utf_reference/link_references/link_boost_test_module_macro.html" title="BOOST_TEST_MODULE"><code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">BOOST_TEST_MODULE</span></code></a> in the designated
  40. file. The default implementation assigns the name to the <a class="link" href="../section_glossary.html#ref_test_module">test
  41. module</a> as well as the <a class="link" href="../tests_organization/test_tree/master_test_suite.html" title="Master test suite">master
  42. test suite</a>. The name to be assigned is specified by the value of the
  43. macro <a class="link" href="../utf_reference/link_references/link_boost_test_module_macro.html" title="BOOST_TEST_MODULE"><code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">BOOST_TEST_MODULE</span></code></a>.
  44. </p>
  45. <div class="important"><table border="0" summary="Important">
  46. <tr>
  47. <td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Important]" src="../../../../../../doc/src/images/important.png"></td>
  48. <th align="left">Important</th>
  49. </tr>
  50. <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
  51. For a test module consisting of multiple source files you have to define
  52. <a class="link" href="../utf_reference/link_references/link_boost_test_module_macro.html" title="BOOST_TEST_MODULE"><code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">BOOST_TEST_MODULE</span></code></a> in a single
  53. test file only. Otherwise you end up with multiple instances of the initialization
  54. function.
  55. </p></td></tr>
  56. </table></div>
  57. <p>
  58. There is practically no need to ever alter the default behavior of the test
  59. module's initialization function. The <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span>
  60. provides superior tools for performing customization tasks:
  61. </p>
  62. <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
  63. <li class="listitem">
  64. for automatic registration of test cases and test suites in the test
  65. tree, see section <a class="link" href="../tests_organization.html" title="Declaring and organizing tests">Tests
  66. organization</a>;
  67. </li>
  68. <li class="listitem">
  69. in order to assign the custom name to the master test suite define macro
  70. <a class="link" href="../utf_reference/link_references/link_boost_test_module_macro.html" title="BOOST_TEST_MODULE"><code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">BOOST_TEST_MODULE</span></code></a> to desired
  71. value;
  72. </li>
  73. <li class="listitem">
  74. in order to access the command-line parameters (except the ones consumed
  75. by the <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span>), use the interface of
  76. the <a class="link" href="../tests_organization/test_tree/master_test_suite.html" title="Master test suite">master
  77. test suite</a>;
  78. </li>
  79. <li class="listitem">
  80. in order to perform a global initialization of the state required by
  81. the test cases, <a class="link" href="../tests_organization/fixtures/global.html" title="Global fixture">global
  82. fixtures</a> offer a superior alternative: you can specify global
  83. set-up and tear-down in one place, allow access to the global data from
  84. every test case, and guarantee that clean-up and tear-down is repeated
  85. each time the tests are re-run during the execution of the program;
  86. </li>
  87. <li class="listitem">
  88. if the need for custom module initialization is only driven by legacy
  89. code (written against old versions of the <span class="emphasis"><em>Unit Test Framework</em></span>),
  90. it is recommended to update your program's code.
  91. </li>
  92. </ul></div>
  93. <p>
  94. The default initialization function provided by the framework is defined
  95. with the following signature in the global namespace:
  96. </p>
  97. <pre class="programlisting"><span class="keyword">bool</span> <span class="identifier">init_unit_test</span><span class="special">();</span>
  98. </pre>
  99. <p>
  100. Return value <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">true</span></code> indicates
  101. a successful initialization. Value <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">false</span></code>
  102. indicates initialization failure.
  103. </p>
  104. <p>
  105. For overriding the default definition:
  106. </p>
  107. <div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" style="list-style-type: disc; ">
  108. <li class="listitem">
  109. <a class="link" href="single_header_customizations/init_func.html" title="Customizing the module's initialization function">see
  110. here</a>, for header-only usage variant,
  111. </li>
  112. <li class="listitem">
  113. <a class="link" href="static_lib_customizations/init_func.html" title="Customizing the module's initialization function">see
  114. here</a>, for static library usage variant,
  115. </li>
  116. <li class="listitem">
  117. <a class="link" href="shared_lib_customizations/init_func.html" title="Customizing the module's initialization function">see
  118. here</a>, for shared library usage variant.
  119. </li>
  120. </ul></div>
  121. </div>
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  124. <td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 2001-2019 Boost.Test
  125. contributors<p>
  126. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  127. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt" target="_top">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</a>)
  128. </p>
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