overview.qbk 7.6 KB

  1. [/
  2. Copyright Oliver Kowalke 2013.
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  5. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
  6. ]
  7. [section:overview Overview]
  8. __boost_fiber__ provides a framework for micro-/userland-threads (fibers)
  9. scheduled cooperatively.
  10. The API contains classes and functions to manage and synchronize fibers
  11. similiarly to __std_thread__.
  12. Each fiber has its own stack.
  13. A fiber can save the current execution state, including all registers
  14. and CPU flags, the instruction pointer, and the stack pointer and later restore
  15. this state.
  16. The idea is to have multiple execution paths running on a single thread using
  17. cooperative scheduling (versus threads, which are preemptively scheduled). The
  18. running fiber decides explicitly when it should yield to allow another fiber to
  19. run (context switching).
  20. __boost_fiber__ internally uses __cc__ from __boost_context__; the classes
  21. in this library manage, schedule and, when needed, synchronize those execution
  22. contexts.
  23. A context switch between threads usually costs thousands of CPU cycles on x86,
  24. compared to a fiber switch with less than a hundred cycles.
  25. A fiber runs on a single thread at any point in time.
  26. In order to use the classes and functions described here, you can either include
  27. the specific headers specified by the descriptions of each class or function, or
  28. include the master library header:
  29. #include <boost/fiber/all.hpp>
  30. which includes all the other headers in turn.
  31. The namespaces used are:
  32. namespace boost::fibers
  33. namespace boost::this_fiber
  34. [heading Fibers and Threads]
  35. Control is cooperatively passed between fibers launched on a given thread. At
  36. a given moment, on a given thread, at most one fiber is running.
  37. Spawning additional fibers on a given thread does not distribute your program
  38. across more hardware cores, though it can make more effective use of the core
  39. on which it's running.
  40. On the other hand, a fiber may safely access any resource exclusively owned by
  41. its parent thread without explicitly needing to defend that resource against
  42. concurrent access by other fibers on the same thread. You are already
  43. guaranteed that no other fiber on that thread is concurrently touching that
  44. resource. This can be particularly important when introducing concurrency in
  45. legacy code. You can safely spawn fibers running old code, using asynchronous
  46. I/O to interleave execution.
  47. In effect, fibers provide a natural way to organize concurrent code based on
  48. asynchronous I/O. Instead of chaining together completion handlers, code
  49. running on a fiber can make what looks like a normal blocking function call.
  50. That call can cheaply suspend the calling fiber, allowing other fibers on the
  51. same thread to run. When the operation has completed, the suspended fiber
  52. resumes, without having to explicitly save or restore its state. Its local
  53. stack variables persist across the call.
  54. A fiber can be migrated from one thread to another, though the library does
  55. not do this by default. It is possible for you to supply a custom scheduler
  56. that migrates fibers between threads. You may specify custom fiber properties
  57. to help your scheduler decide which fibers are permitted to migrate. Please
  58. see [link migration Migrating fibers between threads] and [link custom
  59. Customization] for more details.
  60. __boost_fiber__ allows to [*`multiplex fibers across multiple cores`] (see
  61. __numa_work_stealing__).
  62. A fiber launched on a particular thread continues running on that thread
  63. unless migrated. It might be unblocked (see [link blocking Blocking] below) by
  64. some other thread, but that only transitions the fiber from ["blocked] to
  65. ["ready] on its current thread [mdash] it does not cause the fiber to
  66. resume on the thread that unblocked it.
  67. [#thread_local_storage]
  68. [heading thread-local storage]
  69. Unless migrated, a fiber may access thread-local storage; however that storage
  70. will be shared among all fibers running on the same thread. For fiber-local
  71. storage, please see __fsp__.
  72. [#cross_thread_sync]
  74. The fiber synchronization objects provided by this library will, by default,
  75. safely synchronize fibers running on different threads. However, this level of
  76. synchronization can be removed (for performance) by building the library with
  77. [*`BOOST_FIBERS_NO_ATOMICS`] defined. When the library is built with that macro,
  78. you must ensure that all the fibers referencing a particular synchronization
  79. object are running in the same thread. Please see [link synchronization
  80. Synchronization].
  81. [#blocking]
  82. [heading Blocking]
  83. Normally, when this documentation states that a particular fiber ['blocks] (or
  84. equivalently, ['suspends),] it means that it yields control, allowing other
  85. fibers on the same thread to run. The synchronization mechanisms provided by
  86. __boost_fiber__ have this behavior.
  87. A fiber may, of course, use normal thread synchronization mechanisms; however
  88. a fiber that invokes any of these mechanisms will block its entire thread,
  89. preventing any other fiber from running on that thread in the meantime. For
  90. instance, when a fiber wants to wait for a value from another fiber in the
  91. same thread, using `std::future` would be unfortunate: `std::future::get()` would
  92. block the whole thread, preventing the other fiber from delivering its value.
  93. Use __future__ instead.
  94. Similarly, a fiber that invokes a normal blocking I/O operation will block its
  95. entire thread. Fiber authors are encouraged to consistently use asynchronous
  96. I/O. __boost_asio__ and other asynchronous I/O operations can
  97. straightforwardly be adapted for __boost_fiber__: see [link callbacks
  98. Integrating Fibers with Asynchronous Callbacks].
  99. __boost_fiber__ depends upon __boost_context__.
  100. Boost version 1.61.0 or greater is required.
  101. [note This library requires C++11!]
  102. [#implementation]
  103. [section Implementations: fcontext_t, ucontext_t and WinFiber]
  104. __boost_fiber__ uses __cc__ from __boost_context__ as building-block.
  105. [heading fcontext_t]
  106. The implementation uses __fcontext__ per default. fcontext_t is based on
  107. assembler and not available for all platforms. It provides a much better
  108. performance than __ucontext__
  109. (the context switch takes two magnitudes of order less CPU cycles; see section
  110. [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/context/doc/html/context/performance.html ['performance]])
  111. and __winfib__.
  112. [heading ucontext_t]
  113. As an alternative, [@https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setcontext __ucontext__]
  114. can be used by compiling with `BOOST_USE_UCONTEXT` and b2 property `context-impl=ucontext`.
  115. __ucontext__ might be available on a broader range of POSIX-platforms but has
  116. some [@http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/context/doc/html/context/rational.html#ucontext ['disadvantages]]
  117. (for instance deprecated since POSIX.1-2003, not C99 conform).
  118. [note __cc__ supports [link segmented ['Segmented stacks]] only with
  119. __ucontext__ as its implementation.]
  120. [heading WinFiber]
  121. With `BOOST_USE_WINFIB` and b2 property `context-impl=winfib` Win32-Fibers are used
  122. as implementation for __cc__.
  123. Because the TIB (thread information block) is not fully described in the MSDN,
  124. it might be possible that not all required TIB-parts are swapped.
  125. [note The first call of __cc__ converts the thread into a Windows fiber by
  126. invoking `ConvertThreadToFiber()`. If desired, `ConvertFiberToThread()` has
  127. to be called by the user explicitly in order to release resources allocated
  128. by `ConvertThreadToFiber()` (e.g. after using boost.context). ]
  129. [endsect]
  130. [important Windows using fcontext_t: turn off global program optimization (/GL) and change /EHsc (compiler
  131. assumes that functions declared as extern "C" never throw a C++ exception) to /EHs (tells
  132. compiler assumes that functions declared as extern "C" may throw an exception).]
  133. [endsect]