ScholarNeola.lua 2.2 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : SpawnScripts/Oakmyst/ScholarNeola.lua
  3. Script Purpose : Scholar Neola
  4. Script Author : scatman
  5. Script Date : 2009.05.08
  6. Script Notes : Auto-Generated Conversation from PacketParser Data
  7. --]]
  8. local QUEST_1 = 211
  9. function spawn(NPC)
  10. ProvidesQuest(NPC, QUEST_1)
  11. end
  12. function respawn(NPC)
  13. spawn(NPC)
  14. end
  15. function hailed(NPC, Spawn)
  16. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  17. conversation = CreateConversation()
  18. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/scholar_neola/qey_adv01_oakmyst/scholarneola000.mp3", "", "", 684527020, 3141115058, Spawn)
  19. if not HasCompletedQuest(Spawn, QUEST_1) and not HasQuest(Spawn, QUEST_1) then
  20. AddConversationOption(conversation, "What is wrong with the sapling?", "dlg_3_1")
  21. elseif HasQuest(Spawn, QUEST_1) and GetQuestStep(Spawn, QUEST_1) == 3 then
  22. AddConversationOption(conversation, "I saved the sapling.", "SavedSapling")
  23. end
  24. AddConversationOption(conversation, "I will trod where I please. Goodbye! ")
  25. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "Why do you tread upon the fertile ground? Doing so taints the lustrous blades that our young sapling needs to grow.")
  26. end
  27. function dlg_3_1(NPC, Spawn)
  28. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  29. conversation = CreateConversation()
  30. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/scholar_neola/qey_adv01_oakmyst/scholarneola001.mp3", "", "", 4101705727, 2237841081, Spawn)
  31. AddConversationOption(conversation, "Is there anything I can do to help the sapling? ", "OfferQuest1")
  32. AddConversationOption(conversation, "Your sapling is not my problem. Farewell.")
  33. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "The young sapling is still weak. It feeds upon the mana of this thicket but needs greater nutrients to prosper in this woodland.")
  34. end
  35. function OfferQuest1(NPC, Spawn)
  36. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  37. OfferQuest(NPC, Spawn, QUEST_1)
  38. end
  39. function SavedSapling(NPC, Spawn)
  40. SetStepComplete(Spawn, QUEST_1, 3)
  41. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  42. conversation = CreateConversation()
  43. AddConversationOption(conversation, "I will speak to the judge.")
  44. StartConversation(conversation, NPC, Spawn, "The sapling has a young battle ahead to become a timber lord. Your help brings it closer to this goal. Now you must seek out the Judge. She awaits those who aid this forest.")
  45. end