posix_time.xml 2.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <!DOCTYPE library PUBLIC "-//Boost//DTD BoostBook XML V1.0//EN"
  3. "../../../tools/boostbook/dtd/boostbook.dtd">
  4. <!-- Copyright (c) 2001-2004 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
  5. Subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  6. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. -->
  8. <section id="date_time.posix_time"
  9. xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
  10. <title>Posix Time</title>
  11. <bridgehead renderas="sect2">Posix Time System</bridgehead>
  12. <para>
  13. <link linkend="posix_intro">Introduction</link> --
  14. <link linkend="posix_ex">Usage Examples</link>
  15. </para>
  16. <anchor id="posix_intro" />
  17. <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Introduction</bridgehead>
  18. <para>
  19. Defines a non-adjusted time system with nano-second/micro-second resolution and stable calculation properties. The nano-second resolution option uses 96 bits of underlying storage for each ptime while the micro-second resolution uses 64 bits per ptime (see <link linkend="date_time.buildinfo">Build Options</link> for details). This time system uses the Gregorian calendar to implement the date portion of the time representation.
  20. </para>
  21. <anchor id="posix_ex" />
  22. <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Usage Examples</bridgehead>
  23. <para>
  24. <informaltable frame="all">
  25. <tgroup cols="2">
  26. <thead>
  27. <row>
  28. <entry>Example</entry>
  29. <entry>Description</entry>
  30. </row>
  31. </thead>
  32. <tbody>
  33. <row>
  34. <entry><link linkend="date_time.examples.time_math">Time Math</link></entry>
  35. <entry>A few simple calculations using ptime and time_durations.</entry>
  36. </row>
  37. <row>
  38. <entry><link linkend="date_time.examples.print_hours">Print Hours</link></entry>
  39. <entry>Retrieve time from clock, use a time_iterator.</entry>
  40. </row>
  41. <row>
  42. <entry><link linkend="date_time.examples.local_utc_conversion">Local to UTC Conversion</link></entry>
  43. <entry>Demonstrates a couple different ways to convert a local to UTC time including daylight savings rules.</entry>
  44. </row>
  45. <row>
  46. <entry><link linkend="date_time.examples.time_periods">Time Periods</link></entry>
  47. <entry>Some simple examples of intersection and display of time periods.</entry>
  48. </row>
  49. </tbody>
  50. </tgroup>
  51. </informaltable>
  52. </para>
  53. <xi:include href="ptime_class.xml" />
  54. <xi:include href="time_duration.xml" />
  55. <xi:include href="time_period.xml" />
  56. <xi:include href="time_iterators.xml" />
  57. <!-- includes here -->
  58. </section>