x04_wxwidgets_world_mapper_readme.txt 851 B

  1. // Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
  2. //
  3. // Copyright Barend Gehrels 2010, Geodan, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  4. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
  5. // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  6. // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. wxWidgets World Mapper example
  8. It will show a basic wxWidgets window, displaying world countries, highlighting the country under
  9. the mouse, and indicating position of the mouse in latitude/longitude and in pixels.
  10. To compile this program:
  11. Install wxWidgets (if not done before)
  12. Using Linux/gcc
  13. - check if installation is OK, http://wiki.wxwidgets.org/Installing_and_configuring_under_Ubuntu
  14. - compile using e.g. gcc -o x04_wxwidgets -I../../../.. x04_wxwidgets_world_mapper.cpp `wx-config --cxxflags` `wx-config --libs`