boost_test_reported_information.qbk 2.9 KB

  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2015 Boost.Test contributors
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  6. /]
  7. [section:reports Reported information]
  8. [/ ################################################ ]
  9. [h3 Failure message, why?]
  10. When an assertion fails, a message is logged containing:
  11. * the body of the statement that failed
  12. * the name of the file and the line of the failed assertion
  13. * the name of the test case containing this assertion
  14. The purpose of all these information is to isolate as quickly as possible the test that failed from the others. The *feedback*
  15. that the execution of the test case provides is an important cue, for the following reasons:
  16. * within the scheme of a continuous build/test, the logs available from the server contain this information, which points to
  17. a particular statement in the code
  18. * the *cost* for reproducing an error is induced by the following steps:
  19. * identify the test module that failed in case there are many
  20. * compile and run the test module to reproduce the error
  21. * identify the line of the code that failed,
  22. * fix the test directly if all the information is enough, or start a debug session
  23. We can see from the scheme above that reproduction of an error is /costly/, since usually one tends to reproduce the error,
  24. which in turn induces at least the compilation of the test module. Also, a hidden cost is the lookup at the line of code
  25. that contains the failing statement, which triggers a sequence of back and forth lookup between the log on one hand and the code
  26. on the other hand.
  27. The information extracted from the logs suggests the following fact:
  28. [tip Richness of the information contained in the logs is a key for the rapid understanding and the resolution of a failed statement]
  29. [h3 Default reporting]
  30. When an assertion fails, __BOOST_TEST__ reports details and values on the operands of `statement` that lead to the failure.
  31. [bt_example boost_test_macro3..BOOST_TEST]
  32. In the above example, the values of the operands are reported for inspection, which is more valuable as a copy
  33. of the full statement. However, we can observe that they are not treated symmetrically:
  34. * "`a - 1 < b`" reports `"13 - 1 >= 12" failed`
  35. * "`b > a - 1`" reports `"12 <= 12" failed`
  36. More details on how the __UTF__ parses the statement are given in [link boost_test.testing_tools.internal_details this] section.
  37. [h3 Custom messages]
  38. While perfectly exact and precise, the file name, test case name, line number of a failed statement carry an information that
  39. is partial with regards to the meaning of the failed statement.
  40. Sometimes these information are not informative enough. The `BOOST_TEST` macro let you override the default message by the use of
  41. a second argument, as shown on the following example.
  42. [bt_example boost_test_message..BOOST_TEST optional failure]
  43. [endsect] [/ acceptable expressions]