toolbox.rst 1.1 KB

  1. ToolBox extension
  2. =================
  3. .. _Reference: reference.html
  4. Overview
  5. --------
  6. ToolBox provides collection of Boost.GIL extensions which are too
  7. small to be maintained as standalone extensions.
  8. Content:
  9. * Color converters: Gray to RGBA
  10. * Color spaces: CMYKA, Gray with Alpha, HSL, HSV, Lab, XYZ
  11. * Metafunctions:
  12. * ``channel_type``
  13. * ``channel_type_to_index``
  14. * ``get_num_bits``
  15. * ``get_pixel_type``
  16. * ``is_bit_aligned``
  17. * ``is_homogeneous``
  18. * ``is_similar``
  19. * ``pixel_bit_size``
  20. * Image types:
  21. * ``indexed_image``
  22. This extension will hopefully be added on by the community.
  23. Since the extension is header-only, user just needs to include
  24. its main header ``#include <boost/gil/extension/toolbox.hpp>``.
  25. All definitions of the toolbox belong to the ``boost::gil`` namespace.
  26. Folder Structure
  27. ----------------
  28. The toolbox structured in the following sub-directories:
  29. * color_converters
  30. * color_spaces
  31. * metafunctions
  32. * image_types
  33. Acknowledgements
  34. ----------------
  35. Thanks to all the people who have reviewed this library and
  36. made suggestions for improvements.
  37. Reference
  38. ---------
  39. The Reference_ section.