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  24. <h3 class="navbar">Contents</h3>
  25. <ul>
  26. <li><a href="index.htm">Boost.Polygon Main Page</a></li>
  27. <li><a href="gtl_design_overview.htm">Design Overview</a></li>
  28. <li><a href="gtl_isotropy.htm">Isotropy</a></li>
  29. <li><a href="gtl_coordinate_concept.htm">Coordinate Concept</a></li>
  30. <li><a href="gtl_interval_concept.htm">Interval Concept</a></li>
  31. <li><a href="gtl_point_concept.htm">Point Concept</a></li>
  32. <li><a href="gtl_segment_concept.htm">Segment Concept</a></li>
  33. <li><a href="gtl_rectangle_concept.htm">Rectangle Concept</a></li>
  34. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_90_concept.htm">Polygon 90 Concept</a></li>
  35. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_90_with_holes_concept.htm">Polygon 90
  36. With Holes Concept</a></li>
  37. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_45_concept.htm">Polygon 45 Concept</a></li>
  38. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_45_with_holes_concept.htm">Polygon 45
  39. With Holes Concept</a></li>
  40. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_concept.htm">Polygon Concept</a></li>
  41. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_with_holes_concept.htm">Polygon With
  42. Holes Concept</a></li>
  43. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_90_set_concept.htm">Polygon 90 Set
  44. Concept</a></li>
  45. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_45_set_concept.htm">Polygon 45 Set
  46. Concept</a></li>
  47. <li><a href="gtl_polygon_set_concept.htm">Polygon Set Concept</a></li>
  48. <li><a href="gtl_connectivity_extraction_90.htm">Connectivity
  49. Extraction 90</a></li>
  50. <li><a href="gtl_connectivity_extraction_45.htm">Connectivity
  51. Extraction 45</a></li>
  52. <li><a href="gtl_connectivity_extraction.htm">Connectivity
  53. Extraction</a></li>
  54. <li><a href="gtl_property_merge_90.htm">Property Merge 90</a></li>
  55. <li><a href="gtl_property_merge_45.htm">Property Merge 45</a></li>
  56. <li><a href="gtl_property_merge.htm">Property Merge</a></li>
  57. <li><a href="voronoi_main.htm">Voronoi Main Page</a> </li>
  58. <li><a href="voronoi_benchmark.htm">Voronoi Benchmark</a></li>
  59. <li><a href="voronoi_builder.htm">Voronoi Builder</a><br />
  60. </li>
  61. <li><a href="voronoi_diagram.htm">Voronoi Diagram</a></li>
  62. </ul>
  63. <h3 class="navbar">Other Resources</h3>
  64. <ul>
  65. <li><a href="GTL_boostcon2009.pdf">GTL Boostcon 2009 Paper</a></li>
  66. <li><a href="GTL_boostcon_draft03.pdf">GTL Boostcon 2009
  67. Presentation</a></li>
  68. <li>Performance Analysis</li>
  69. <li><a href="gtl_tutorial.htm">Layout Versus Schematic Tutorial</a></li>
  70. <li><a href="gtl_minkowski_tutorial.htm">Minkowski Sum Tutorial</a></li>
  71. <li><a href="voronoi_basic_tutorial.htm">Voronoi Basic Tutorial</a></li>
  72. <li><a href="voronoi_advanced_tutorial.htm">Voronoi Advanced
  73. Tutorial</a></li>
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  76. <h3 class="navbar">Polygon Sponsor</h3>
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  86. <p>
  87. </p>
  88. <h1>Polygon Set Algorithms Analysis</h1>
  89. <p>Most non-trivial algorithms in the Boost.Polygon library are
  90. instantiations of generic sweep-line algorithms that provide the
  91. capability to perform Manhattan and 45-degree line segment
  92. intersection, n-layer map overlay, connectivity graph extraction and
  93. clipping/Booleans.&nbsp; These algorithms have O(n log n) runtime
  94. complexity for n equal to input vertices plus intersection
  95. vertices.&nbsp; The arbitrary angle line segment intersection algorithm
  96. is not implemented as a sweep-line due to complications related to
  97. achieving numerical robustness.&nbsp; The general line segment
  98. intersection algorithm is implemented as an recursive adaptive
  99. heuristic divide and conquer in the y dimension followed by sorting
  100. line segments in each subdivision by x coordinates and scanning left to
  101. right.&nbsp; By one-dimensional decomposition of the problem space in
  102. both x and y the algorithm approximates the optimal O(n log n)
  103. Bentley-Ottmann line segment intersection runtime complexity in the
  104. common case.&nbsp; Specific examples of inputs that defeat one
  105. dimensional decomposition of the problem space can result in
  106. pathological quadratic runtime complexity to which the Bentley-Ottmann
  107. algorithm is immune.</p>
  108. <p>Below is shown a log-log plot of runtime versus input size for
  109. inputs that increase quadratically in size.&nbsp; The inputs were
  110. generated by pseudo-randomly distributing small axis-parallel
  111. rectangles within a square area proportional the the number of
  112. rectangles specified for each trial.&nbsp; In this way the probability
  113. of intersections being produced remains constant as the input size
  114. grows.&nbsp; Because intersection vertices are expected to be a
  115. constant factor of input vertices we can examine runtime complexity in
  116. terms of input vertices.&nbsp; The operation performed was a union
  117. (Boolean OR) of the input rectangles by each of the Manhattan,
  118. 45-degree and arbitrary angle Booleans algorithms, which are labeled
  119. "boolean 90", "boolean 45" and "boolean".&nbsp; Also shown in the plot
  120. is the performance of the arbitrary angle Booleans algorithm as prior
  121. to the addition of divide and conquer recursive subdivision, which was
  122. described in the <a href="GTL_boostcon2009.pdf">paper</a> <a
  123. href="GTL_boostcon_draft03.pdf">presented</a> at
  124. <a href="http://www.boostcon.com/home">boostcon</a> 2009.&nbsp;
  125. Finally, the time required to sort the input points is shown as a
  126. common reference for O(n log n) runtime to put the data into context.</p>
  127. <img src="images/perf_graph.PNG" border="0" height="414"
  128. width="391" />
  129. <p>We can see in the log-log plot that sorting and the three
  130. Booleans algorithms provided by the Boost.Polygon library have nearly
  131. 45 degree "linear" scaling with empirical exponents just slightly
  132. larger than 1.0 and can be observed to scale proportional to O(n log n)
  133. for these inputs.&nbsp; The "old boolean" algorithm presented at
  134. boostcon 2009 exhibits scaling close to the expected O(n<sup><font
  135. size="2">1.5</font></sup>) scaling.&nbsp; Because the speedup provided
  136. by the divide and conquer approach is algorithmic, the 10X potential
  137. performance improvement alluded to in the paper is realized at inputs
  138. of 200,000 rectangles and larger.&nbsp; Even for small inputs of 2K
  139. rectangles the algorithm is 2X faster and now can be expected to be
  140. roughly as fast as <a
  141. href="http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~toby/gpc/">GPC</a>
  142. at small scales, while algorithmically faster at large scales.</p>
  143. <p>
  144. From the plot we can compare the constant factor performance of the
  145. various Booleans algorithms with the runtime of std::sort as a baseline
  146. for O(n log n) algorithms.&nbsp; If you consider sort to be one unit of
  147. O(n log n) algorithmic work we can see that Manhattan Booleans cost
  148. roughly five units of O(n log n) work, 45-degree&nbsp; Booleans cost
  149. roughly
  150. ten units of O(n log n) work and arbitrary angle Booleans cost roughly
  151. seventy units of O(n log n) work.&nbsp; Sorting the input vertices is
  152. the first step in a Booleans algorithm and therefore provides a hard
  153. lower bound for the runtime of an optimal Booleans algorithm.</p>
  154. <p>One final thing to note about performance of the arbitrary
  155. angle Booleans algorithm is that the use of <a href="http://gmplib.org">GMP</a>
  156. infinite precision rational data type for numerically robust
  157. computations can be employed by including
  158. boost/polygon/gmp_override.hpp and linking to lgmpxx and lgmp.&nbsp;
  159. This provides 100% assurance that the algorithm will succeed and
  160. produce an output snapped to the integer grid with a minimum of one
  161. integer grid of error on polygon boundaries upon which intersection
  162. points are introduced.&nbsp; However, the infinite precision data type
  163. is never used for predicates (see the boostcon presentation or paper
  164. for description of robust predicates) and is only used for
  165. constructions of intersection coordinate values in the very rare case
  166. that long double computation of the intersection of two line segments
  167. fails to produce an intersection point within one integer unit of both
  168. line segments.&nbsp; This means that there is effectively no runtime
  169. penalty for the use of infinite precision to ensure 100%
  170. robustness.&nbsp; Most inputs will process through the algorithm
  171. without ever resorting to GMP.</p>
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  189. <td class="field-body">Distributed under the Boost Software
  190. License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <tt class="literal"> <span
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