release_notes.qbk 2.3 KB

  1. [/ Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Lorenzo Caminiti ]
  2. [/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0 ]
  3. [/ (see accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or a copy at ]
  4. [/ ]
  5. [/ Home at ]
  6. [section Release Notes]
  7. This section lists the major changes between different library releases (in chronological order).
  8. [heading Version 1.0.0 (2012-04-12)]
  9. # Incorporated all comments from the [@ Boost review of this library].
  10. # Removed local blocks and local exits.
  11. # Renamed the library from Boost.Local to Boost.LocalFunction.
  12. # Using `this_` instead of `this` also in the local function declaration (not just the body).
  13. # Made changes that allow to return local functions (similar to closures).
  14. # Added GCC lambda and constant block examples.
  15. # Moved `overloaded_function` to Boost.Functional/OverloadedFunction.
  16. # Moved `BOOST_IDENTITY_TYPE` to Boost.Utility/IdentityType.
  17. # Completely removed use of Boost.Typeof when bound and result types are explicitly specified.
  18. # Added `..._ID` macros for multiple expansions on the same line.
  19. # Fixed compilation on Boost regression test platforms.
  20. [heading Version 0.2.0 (2011-05-14)]
  21. # Replaced parenthesized syntax with variadic and sequencing macro syntaxes.
  22. # Profiled library performances against other approaches.
  23. # Replaced virtual functor trick with casting functor trick (for smaller run-time).
  24. # Optimized library run-time (rearranging code and not using casting functor trick on compilers that accept local classes as template parameters).
  25. # Supported inline and recursive local functions.
  26. # Added type-of macro to expose bound types.
  27. # Allowed to explicitly specify bound types.
  28. # Removed using `boost::function` instead of exposing internal local functor as public API.
  29. # Added functor to overload local functions (and functors in general).
  30. # Implemented support for nesting local functions, blocks, and exits into one another.
  31. [heading Version 0.1.1 (2011-01-10)]
  32. # Uploaded library source into Boost SVN sandbox.
  33. # Fixed prev/next arrows and other minor layouts in documentation.
  34. # Added Release section to documentation.
  35. [heading Version 0.1.0 (2011-01-03)]
  36. # Shared with Boost for first round of comments.
  37. [heading Version 0.0.1 (2010-12-15)]
  38. # Completed development, examples, and documentation.
  39. [endsect]