xpressive.qbk 4.3 KB

  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Niebler
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  6. /]
  7. [library Boost.Xpressive
  8. [quickbook 1.3]
  9. [authors [Niebler, Eric]]
  10. [copyright 2007 Eric Niebler]
  11. [category string-text]
  12. [id xpressive]
  13. [dirname xpressive]
  14. [purpose
  15. Regular expressions that can be written as strings or as expression templates,
  16. and that can refer to each other and themselves recursively with the power of
  17. context-free grammars.
  18. ]
  19. [license
  20. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  21. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  22. [@http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt])
  23. ]
  24. ]
  25. [/ QuickBook Document version 1.3 ]
  26. [/ Images ]
  27. [def __note__ [$images/note.png]]
  28. [def __alert__ [$images/caution.png]]
  29. [def __detail__ [$images/note.png]]
  30. [def __tip__ [$images/tip.png]]
  31. [/ Links ]
  32. [def _spirit_fx_ [@http://spirit.sourceforge.net Spirit Parser Framework]]
  33. [def _spirit_ [@http://spirit.sourceforge.net Spirit]]
  34. [def _regexpp_ [@../../libs/regex Boost.Regex]]
  35. [def _proposal_ [@http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2003/n1429.htm proposal]]
  36. [def _boost_ [@http://www.boost.org Boost]]
  37. [def _greta_ [@http://research.microsoft.com/projects/greta GRETA]]
  38. [def _perl6_ [@http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/06/04/apo5.html Perl 6]]
  39. [def _iterator_ [@../../libs/iterator/doc/index.html Boost.Iterator]]
  40. [def _basic_regex_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::basic_regex basic_regex<>]]]
  41. [def _match_results_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::match_results match_results<>]]]
  42. [def _sub_match_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::sub_match sub_match<>]]]
  43. [def _regex_compiler_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::regex_compiler regex_compiler<>]]]
  44. [def _regex_iterator_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::regex_iterator regex_iterator<>]]]
  45. [def _regex_token_iterator_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::regex_token_iterator regex_token_iterator<>]]]
  46. [def _mark_tag_ [^[classref boost::xpressive::mark_tag mark_tag]]]
  47. [def _regex_match_ [^[funcref boost::xpressive::regex_match regex_match()]]]
  48. [def _regex_search_ [^[funcref boost::xpressive::regex_search regex_search()]]]
  49. [def _regex_replace_ [^[funcref boost::xpressive::regex_replace regex_replace()]]]
  50. [def _syntax_option_type_ [^[enumref boost::xpressive::regex_constants::syntax_option_type syntax_option_type]]]
  51. [def _match_flag_type_ [^[enumref boost::xpressive::regex_constants::match_flag_type match_flag_type]]]
  52. [def _error_type_ [^[enumref boost::xpressive::regex_constants::error_type error_type]]]
  53. [def _regex_compile_ [^[memberref boost::xpressive::basic_regex::compile basic_regex<>::compile()]]]
  54. [def _check_ [^[funcref boost::xpressive::check check()]]]
  55. [include preface.qbk]
  56. [section User's Guide]
  57. This section describes how to use xpressive to accomplish text manipulation and
  58. parsing tasks. If you are looking for detailed information regarding specific
  59. components in xpressive, check the [link xpressive.reference Reference] section.
  60. [include introduction.qbk]
  61. [include installation.qbk]
  62. [include quick_start.qbk]
  63. [section Creating a Regex Object]
  64. When using xpressive, the first thing you'll do is create a _basic_regex_ object. This section goes
  65. over the nuts and bolts of building a regular expression in the two dialects xpressive supports: static
  66. and dynamic.
  67. [include static_regexes.qbk]
  68. [include dynamic_regexes.qbk]
  69. [endsect]
  70. [include matching.qbk]
  71. [include results.qbk]
  72. [include substitutions.qbk]
  73. [include tokenization.qbk]
  74. [include named_captures.qbk]
  75. [include grammars.qbk]
  76. [include actions.qbk]
  77. [include symbols.qbk]
  78. [include traits.qbk]
  79. [include tips_n_tricks.qbk]
  80. [include concepts.qbk]
  81. [include examples.qbk]
  82. [endsect]
  83. [xinclude autodoc.xml]
  84. [include acknowledgements.qbk]
  85. [section Appendices]
  86. [include history.qbk]
  87. [include nyi.qbk]
  88. [include regexpp_diffs.qbk]
  89. [include perf.qbk]
  90. [section Appendix 5: Implementation Notes]
  91. [include tracking_ptr.qbk]
  92. [endsect]
  93. [endsect]