buffer.qbk 5.3 KB

  1. [/============================================================================
  2. Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library)
  3. Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  4. Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Bruno Lalande, Paris, France.
  5. Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Mateusz Loskot, London, UK.
  6. Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License,
  7. Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  8. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  9. =============================================================================/]
  10. [/ Generated by doxygen_xml2qbk 1.1.1, don't change, will be overwritten automatically]
  11. [/ Generated from doxy/doxygen_output/xml/group__buffer.xml]
  12. [section:buffer_4 buffer]
  13. '''<indexterm><primary>buffer</primary></indexterm>'''
  14. Calculates the buffer of a geometry.
  15. [heading Description]
  16. The free function buffer calculates the buffer (a polygon being the spatial point set collection within a specified maximum distance from a geometry) of a geometry.
  17. [heading Synopsis]
  18. ``template<typename Input, typename Output, typename Distance>
  19. void buffer(Input const & geometry_in, Output & geometry_out, Distance const & distance,
  20. Distance const & chord_length = -1)``
  21. [heading Parameters]
  22. [table
  23. [[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
  24. [[Input const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry_in] [A model of the specified concept ]]
  25. [[Output &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry_out] [A model of the specified concept ]]
  26. [[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [distance] [The distance to be used for the buffer ]]
  27. [[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [chord_length] [(optional) The length of the chord's in the generated arcs around points or bends]]
  28. ]
  29. [heading Header]
  30. Either
  31. `#include <boost/geometry.hpp>`
  32. Or
  33. `#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/buffer.hpp>`
  34. [include reference/algorithms/buffer.qbk]
  35. [endsect]
  36. [section:buffer_7_with_strategies buffer (with strategies)]
  37. '''<indexterm><primary>buffer</primary></indexterm>'''
  38. Calculates the buffer of a geometry.
  39. [heading Description]
  40. The free function buffer calculates the buffer (a polygon being the spatial point set collection within a specified maximum distance from a geometry) of a geometry.
  41. [heading Synopsis]
  42. ``template<typename GeometryIn, typename MultiPolygon, typename DistanceStrategy, typename SideStrategy,
  43. typename JoinStrategy, typename EndStrategy, typename PointStrategy>
  44. void buffer(GeometryIn const & geometry_in, MultiPolygon & geometry_out, DistanceStrategy const & distance_strategy,
  45. SideStrategy const & side_strategy, JoinStrategy const & join_strategy, EndStrategy const & end_strategy,
  46. PointStrategy const & point_strategy)``
  47. [heading Parameters]
  48. [table
  49. [[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
  50. [[GeometryIn const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry_in] [A model of the specified concept ]]
  51. [[MultiPolygon &] [A type fulfilling the MultiPolygon Concept ] [geometry_out] [output multi polygon (or std:: collection of polygons), will contain a buffered version of the input geometry ]]
  52. [[DistanceStrategy const &] [A strategy defining distance (or radius) ] [distance_strategy] [The distance strategy to be used ]]
  53. [[SideStrategy const &] [A strategy defining creation along sides ] [side_strategy] [The side strategy to be used ]]
  54. [[JoinStrategy const &] [A strategy defining creation around convex corners ] [join_strategy] [The join strategy to be used ]]
  55. [[EndStrategy const &] [A strategy defining creation at linestring ends ] [end_strategy] [The end strategy to be used ]]
  56. [[PointStrategy const &] [A strategy defining creation around points ] [point_strategy] [The point strategy to be used]]
  57. ]
  58. [heading Header]
  59. Either
  60. `#include <boost/geometry.hpp>`
  61. Or
  62. `#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/buffer.hpp>`
  63. [include reference/algorithms/buffer_with_strategies.qbk]
  64. [endsect]
  65. [section:return_buffer return_buffer]
  66. '''<indexterm><primary>return_buffer</primary></indexterm>'''
  67. Calculates the buffer of a geometry.
  68. [heading Description]
  69. The free function return\u005fbuffer calculates the buffer (a polygon being the spatial point set collection within a specified maximum distance from a geometry) of a geometry. This version with the return\u005f prefix returns the buffer, and a template parameter must therefore be specified in the call..
  70. [heading Synopsis]
  71. ``template<typename Output, typename Input, typename Distance>
  72. Output return_buffer(Input const & geometry, Distance const & distance, Distance const & chord_length = -1)``
  73. [heading Parameters]
  74. [table
  75. [[Type] [Concept] [Name] [Description] ]
  76. [[Output] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [ - ] [Must be specified]]
  77. [[Input const &] [Any type fulfilling a Geometry Concept ] [geometry] [A model of the specified concept ]]
  78. [[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [distance] [The distance to be used for the buffer ]]
  79. [[Distance const &] [numerical type (int, double, ttmath, ...) ] [chord_length] [(optional) The length of the chord's in the generated arcs around points or bends (RESERVED, NOT YET USED) ]]
  80. ]
  81. [heading Returns]
  82. The calculated buffer
  83. [heading Header]
  84. Either
  85. `#include <boost/geometry.hpp>`
  86. Or
  87. `#include <boost/geometry/algorithms/buffer.hpp>`
  88. [endsect]