17 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # Copyright 2008 Rene Rivera
  3. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
  5. import re
  6. import optparse
  7. import time
  8. import xml.dom.minidom
  9. import xml.dom.pulldom
  10. from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape, escape
  11. import os.path
  12. from pprint import pprint
  13. from __builtin__ import exit
  14. class BuildOutputXMLParsing(object):
  15. '''
  16. XML parsing utilities for dealing with the Boost Build output
  17. XML format.
  18. '''
  19. def get_child_data( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, strip = False, default = None ):
  20. return self.get_data(self.get_child(root,tag=tag,id=id,name=name),strip=strip,default=default)
  21. def get_data( self, node, strip = False, default = None ):
  22. data = None
  23. if node:
  24. data_node = None
  25. if not data_node:
  26. data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#text')
  27. if not data_node:
  28. data_node = self.get_child(node,tag='#cdata-section')
  29. data = ""
  30. while data_node:
  31. data +=
  32. data_node = data_node.nextSibling
  33. if data_node:
  34. if data_node.nodeName != '#text' \
  35. and data_node.nodeName != '#cdata-section':
  36. data_node = None
  37. if not data:
  38. data = default
  39. else:
  40. if strip:
  41. data = data.strip()
  42. return data
  43. def get_child( self, root, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
  44. return self.get_sibling(root.firstChild,tag=tag,id=id,name=name,type=type)
  45. def get_sibling( self, sibling, tag = None, id = None, name = None, type = None ):
  46. n = sibling
  47. while n:
  48. found = True
  49. if type and found:
  50. found = found and type == n.nodeType
  51. if tag and found:
  52. found = found and tag == n.nodeName
  53. if (id or name) and found:
  54. found = found and n.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE
  55. if id and found:
  56. if n.hasAttribute('id'):
  57. found = found and n.getAttribute('id') == id
  58. else:
  59. found = found and n.hasAttribute('id') and n.getAttribute('id') == id
  60. if name and found:
  61. found = found and n.hasAttribute('name') and n.getAttribute('name') == name
  62. if found:
  63. return n
  64. n = n.nextSibling
  65. return None
  66. class BuildOutputProcessor(BuildOutputXMLParsing):
  67. def __init__(self, inputs):
  68. self.test = {}
  69. self.target_to_test = {}
  70. = {}
  71. self.parent = {}
  72. self.timestamps = []
  73. for input in inputs:
  74. self.add_input(input)
  75. def add_input(self, input):
  76. '''
  77. Add a single build XML output file to our data.
  78. '''
  79. events = xml.dom.pulldom.parse(input)
  80. context = []
  81. for (event,node) in events:
  82. if event == xml.dom.pulldom.START_ELEMENT:
  83. context.append(node)
  84. if node.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
  85. x_f = self.x_name_(*context)
  86. if x_f:
  87. events.expandNode(node)
  88. # expanding eats the end element, hence walking us out one level
  89. context.pop()
  90. # call handler
  91. (x_f[1])(node)
  92. elif event == xml.dom.pulldom.END_ELEMENT:
  93. context.pop()
  94. def x_name_(self, *context, **kwargs):
  95. node = None
  96. names = [ ]
  97. for c in context:
  98. if c:
  99. if not isinstance(c,xml.dom.Node):
  100. suffix = '_'+c.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
  101. else:
  102. suffix = '_'+c.nodeName.replace('-','_').replace('#','_')
  103. node = c
  104. names.append('x')
  105. names = map(lambda x: x+suffix,names)
  106. if node:
  107. for name in names:
  108. if hasattr(self,name):
  109. return (name,getattr(self,name))
  110. return None
  111. def x_build_test(self, node):
  112. '''
  113. Records the initial test information that will eventually
  114. get expanded as we process the rest of the results.
  115. '''
  116. test_node = node
  117. test_name = test_node.getAttribute('name')
  118. test_target = self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='target',strip=True)
  119. ## print ">>> %s %s" %(test_name,test_target)
  120. self.test[test_name] = {
  121. 'library' : "/".join(test_name.split('/')[0:-1]),
  122. 'test-name' : test_name.split('/')[-1],
  123. 'test-type' : test_node.getAttribute('type').lower(),
  124. 'test-program' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='source',strip=True),
  125. 'target' : test_target,
  126. 'info' : self.get_child_data(test_node,tag='info',strip=True),
  127. 'dependencies' : [],
  128. 'actions' : [],
  129. }
  130. # Add a lookup for the test given the test target.
  131. self.target_to_test[self.test[test_name]['target']] = test_name
  132. return None
  133. def x_build_targets_target( self, node ):
  134. '''
  135. Process the target dependency DAG into an ancestry tree so we can look up
  136. which top-level library and test targets specific build actions correspond to.
  137. '''
  138. target_node = node
  139. name = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='name',strip=True)
  140. path = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='path',strip=True)
  141. jam_target = self.get_child_data(target_node,tag='jam-target',strip=True)
  142. #~ Map for jam targets to virtual targets.
  143.[jam_target] = {
  144. 'name' : name,
  145. 'path' : path
  146. }
  147. #~ Create the ancestry.
  148. dep_node = self.get_child(self.get_child(target_node,tag='dependencies'),tag='dependency')
  149. while dep_node:
  150. child = self.get_data(dep_node,strip=True)
  151. child_jam_target = '<p%s>%s' % (path,child.split('//',1)[1])
  152. self.parent[child_jam_target] = jam_target
  153. dep_node = self.get_sibling(dep_node.nextSibling,tag='dependency')
  154. return None
  155. def x_build_action( self, node ):
  156. '''
  157. Given a build action log, process into the corresponding test log and
  158. specific test log sub-part.
  159. '''
  160. action_node = node
  161. name = self.get_child(action_node,tag='name')
  162. if name:
  163. name = self.get_data(name)
  164. #~ Based on the action, we decide what sub-section the log
  165. #~ should go into.
  166. action_type = None
  167. if re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](compile)',name):
  168. action_type = 'compile'
  169. elif re.match('[^%]+%[^.]+[.](link|archive)',name):
  170. action_type = 'link'
  171. elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](capture-output)',name):
  172. action_type = 'run'
  173. elif re.match('[^%]+%testing[.](expect-failure|expect-success)',name):
  174. action_type = 'result'
  175. else:
  176. # TODO: Enable to see what other actions can be included in the test results.
  177. # action_type = None
  178. action_type = 'other'
  179. #~ print "+ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,'','')
  180. if action_type:
  181. #~ Get the corresponding test.
  182. (target,test) = self.get_test(action_node,type=action_type)
  183. #~ Skip action that have no corresponding test as they are
  184. #~ regular build actions and don't need to show up in the
  185. #~ regression results.
  186. if not test:
  187. ##print "??? [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
  188. return None
  189. ##print "+++ [%s] %s %s :: %s" %(action_type,name,target,test)
  190. #~ Collect some basic info about the action.
  191. action = {
  192. 'command' : self.get_action_command(action_node,action_type),
  193. 'output' : self.get_action_output(action_node,action_type),
  194. 'info' : self.get_action_info(action_node,action_type)
  195. }
  196. #~ For the test result status we find the appropriate node
  197. #~ based on the type of test. Then adjust the result status
  198. #~ accordingly. This makes the result status reflect the
  199. #~ expectation as the result pages post processing does not
  200. #~ account for this inversion.
  201. action['type'] = action_type
  202. if action_type == 'result':
  203. if re.match(r'^compile',test['test-type']):
  204. action['type'] = 'compile'
  205. elif re.match(r'^link',test['test-type']):
  206. action['type'] = 'link'
  207. elif re.match(r'^run',test['test-type']):
  208. action['type'] = 'run'
  209. #~ The result sub-part we will add this result to.
  210. if action_node.getAttribute('status') == '0':
  211. action['result'] = 'succeed'
  212. else:
  213. action['result'] = 'fail'
  214. # Add the action to the test.
  215. test['actions'].append(action)
  216. # Set the test result if this is the result action for the test.
  217. if action_type == 'result':
  218. test['result'] = action['result']
  219. return None
  220. def x_build_timestamp( self, node ):
  221. '''
  222. The time-stamp goes to the corresponding attribute in the result.
  223. '''
  224. self.timestamps.append(self.get_data(node).strip())
  225. return None
  226. def get_test( self, node, type = None ):
  227. '''
  228. Find the test corresponding to an action. For testing targets these
  229. are the ones pre-declared in the --dump-test option. For libraries
  230. we create a dummy test as needed.
  231. '''
  232. jam_target = self.get_child_data(node,tag='jam-target')
  233. base =[jam_target]['name']
  234. target = jam_target
  235. while target in self.parent:
  236. target = self.parent[target]
  237. #~ print "--- TEST: %s ==> %s" %(jam_target,target)
  238. #~ main-target-type is a precise indicator of what the build target is
  239. #~ originally meant to be.
  240. #main_type = self.get_child_data(self.get_child(node,tag='properties'),
  241. # name='main-target-type',strip=True)
  242. main_type = None
  243. if main_type == 'LIB' and type:
  244. lib =[target]['name']
  245. if not lib in self.test:
  246. self.test[lib] = {
  247. 'library' :'libs/([^/]+)',lib).group(1),
  248. 'test-name' : os.path.basename(lib),
  249. 'test-type' : 'lib',
  250. 'test-program' : os.path.basename(lib),
  251. 'target' : lib
  252. }
  253. test = self.test[lib]
  254. else:
  255. target_name_ =[target]['name']
  256. if self.target_to_test.has_key(target_name_):
  257. test = self.test[self.target_to_test[target_name_]]
  258. else:
  259. test = None
  260. return (base,test)
  261. #~ The command executed for the action. For run actions we omit the command
  262. #~ as it's just noise.
  263. def get_action_command( self, action_node, action_type ):
  264. if action_type != 'run':
  265. return self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='command')
  266. else:
  267. return ''
  268. #~ The command output.
  269. def get_action_output( self, action_node, action_type ):
  270. return self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='output',default='')
  271. #~ Some basic info about the action.
  272. def get_action_info( self, action_node, action_type ):
  273. info = {}
  274. #~ The jam action and target.
  275. info['name'] = self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='name')
  276. info['path'] = self.get_child_data(action_node,tag='path')
  277. #~ The timing of the action.
  278. info['time-start'] = action_node.getAttribute('start')
  279. info['time-end'] = action_node.getAttribute('end')
  280. info['time-user'] = action_node.getAttribute('user')
  281. info['time-system'] = action_node.getAttribute('system')
  282. #~ Testing properties.
  283. test_info_prop = self.get_child_data(self.get_child(action_node,tag='properties'),name='test-info')
  284. info['always_show_run_output'] = test_info_prop == 'always_show_run_output'
  285. #~ And for compiles some context that may be hidden if using response files.
  286. if action_type == 'compile':
  287. info['define'] = []
  288. define = self.get_child(self.get_child(action_node,tag='properties'),name='define')
  289. while define:
  290. info['define'].append(self.get_data(define,strip=True))
  291. define = self.get_sibling(define.nextSibling,name='define')
  292. return info
  293. class BuildConsoleSummaryReport(object):
  294. HEADER = '\033[35m\033[1m'
  295. INFO = '\033[34m'
  296. OK = '\033[32m'
  297. WARNING = '\033[33m'
  298. FAIL = '\033[31m'
  299. ENDC = '\033[0m'
  300. def __init__(self, bop, opt):
  301. self.bop = bop
  302. def generate(self):
  303. self.summary_info = {
  304. 'total' : 0,
  305. 'success' : 0,
  306. 'failed' : [],
  307. }
  308. self.header_print("======================================================================")
  309. self.print_test_log()
  310. self.print_summary()
  311. self.header_print("======================================================================")
  312. @property
  313. def failed(self):
  314. return len(self.summary_info['failed']) > 0
  315. def print_test_log(self):
  316. self.header_print("Tests run..")
  317. self.header_print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
  318. for k in sorted(self.bop.test.keys()):
  319. test = self.bop.test[k]
  320. if len(test['actions']) > 0:
  321. self.summary_info['total'] += 1
  322. ##print ">>>> {0}".format(test['test-name'])
  323. if 'result' in test:
  324. succeed = test['result'] == 'succeed'
  325. else:
  326. succeed = test['actions'][-1]['result'] == 'succeed'
  327. if succeed:
  328. self.summary_info['success'] += 1
  329. else:
  330. self.summary_info['failed'].append(test)
  331. if succeed:
  332. self.ok_print("[PASS] {0}",k)
  333. else:
  334. self.fail_print("[FAIL] {0}",k)
  335. for action in test['actions']:
  336. self.print_action(succeed, action)
  337. def print_action(self, test_succeed, action):
  338. '''
  339. Print the detailed info of failed or always print tests.
  340. '''
  341. #self.info_print(">>> {0}",action.keys())
  342. if not test_succeed or action['info']['always_show_run_output']:
  343. output = action['output'].strip()
  344. if output != "":
  345. p = self.fail_print if action['result'] == 'fail' else self.p_print
  346. self.info_print("")
  347. self.info_print("({0}) {1}",action['info']['name'],action['info']['path'])
  348. p("")
  349. p("{0}",action['command'].strip())
  350. p("")
  351. for line in output.splitlines():
  352. p("{0}",line.encode('utf-8'))
  353. def print_summary(self):
  354. self.header_print("")
  355. self.header_print("Testing summary..")
  356. self.header_print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
  357. self.p_print("Total: {0}",self.summary_info['total'])
  358. self.p_print("Success: {0}",self.summary_info['success'])
  359. if self.failed:
  360. self.fail_print("Failed: {0}",len(self.summary_info['failed']))
  361. for test in self.summary_info['failed']:
  362. self.fail_print(" {0}/{1}",test['library'],test['test-name'])
  363. def p_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
  364. print format.format(*args,**kargs)
  365. def info_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
  366. print self.INFO+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
  367. def header_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
  368. print self.HEADER+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
  369. def ok_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
  370. print self.OK+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
  371. def warn_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
  372. print self.WARNING+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
  373. def fail_print(self, format, *args, **kargs):
  374. print self.FAIL+format.format(*args,**kargs)+self.ENDC
  375. class Main(object):
  376. def __init__(self,args=None):
  377. op = optparse.OptionParser(
  378. usage="%prog [options] input+")
  379. op.add_option( '--output',
  380. help="type of output to generate" )
  381. ( opt, inputs ) = op.parse_args(args)
  382. bop = BuildOutputProcessor(inputs)
  383. output = None
  384. if opt.output == 'console':
  385. output = BuildConsoleSummaryReport(bop, opt)
  386. if output:
  387. output.generate()
  388. self.failed = output.failed
  389. if __name__ == '__main__':
  390. m = Main()
  391. if m.failed:
  392. exit(-1)