history.qbk 70 KB

  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  6. /]
  7. [section:history Revision History]
  8. [heading Asio 1.16.0 / Boost 1.72]
  9. * Changed the `async_initiate` helper function to automatically deduce its
  10. return type. This is enabled for C++11 or later.
  11. * Changed all asynchronous operations to use automatically deduced return
  12. types. This allows completion token implementations to incorporate the
  13. asynchronous operation initiation into the initiating function's return type,
  14. without type erasure. Note that C++14 or later is required to support
  15. completion tokens that use per-operation return type deduction. For C++11 or
  16. earlier, a completion token's async_result specialisation must still provide
  17. the nested typedef `return_type`.
  18. * Introduced three new concepts to support `async_initiate`.
  19. * `completion_signature<T>`: Checks if `T` is a signature of the form
  20. `R(Args...)`.
  21. * `completion_handler_for<T, Signature>`: Checks if `T` is usable as a
  22. completion handler with the specified signature.
  23. * `completion_token_for<T, Signature>`: Checks if `T` is a completion token
  24. that can be used with async_initiate and the specified signature.
  25. * For backward compatibility with pre-concepts C++, the macros
  27. `BOOST_ASIO_COMPLETION_TOKEN_FOR` are provided. These macros expand to
  28. `typename` when concepts are unsupported.
  29. * Added the nested template type `rebind_executor` to all I/O object types, as
  30. a way to generically rebind them to use alternative I/O executors. For
  31. example:
  32. ``
  33. using my_socket_type = tcp::socket::rebind_executor<my_executor_type>::other;
  34. ``[br]
  35. * Changed the asynchronous operations' initiation function objects to report
  36. their associated I/O executor via the nested type `executor_type` and member
  37. function `get_executor()`. Note that the presence of `executor_type` and
  38. `get_executor()` should be treated as optional, and consequently it may be
  39. preferable to access them via the `associated_executor` trait and the
  40. `get_associated_executor()` helper function.
  41. * Added the `default_completion_token` trait, so that every I/O executor type
  42. now has an associated default completion token type. This trait may be used
  43. in asynchronous operation declarations as follows:
  44. ``
  45. template <
  46. typename IoObject,
  47. typename CompletionToken =
  48. typename default_completion_token<
  49. typename IoObject::executor_type
  50. >::type
  51. >
  52. auto async_fyz(
  53. IoObject& io_object,
  54. CompletionToken&& token =
  55. typename default_completion_token<
  56. typename IoObject::executor_type
  57. >::type{}
  58. );
  59. ``[br]
  60. If not specialised, this trait type is `void`, meaning no default completion
  61. token type is available for the given I/O executor.
  62. * Specialised the `default_completion_token` trait for the `use_awaitable`
  63. completion token, so that it may be used as shown in the following example:
  64. ``
  65. auto socket = use_awaitable.as_default_on(tcp::socket(my_context));
  66. // ...
  67. co_await socket.async_connect(my_endpoint); // Defaults to use_awaitable.
  68. ``[br]
  69. In this example, the type of the `socket` object is transformed from
  70. `tcp::socket` to have an I/O executor with the default completion token set
  71. to `use_awaitable`. Alternatively, the socket type may be computed directly:
  72. ``
  73. using tcp_socket = use_awaitable_t<>::as_default_on_t<tcp::socket>;
  74. tcp_socket socket(my_context);
  75. // ...
  76. co_await socket.async_connect(my_endpoint); // Defaults to use_awaitable.
  77. ``[br]
  78. * Added missing `async_initiate` to the Windows-specific I/O objects'
  79. asynchronous operations.
  80. * Ensured that the executor type is propagated to newly accepted sockets.
  81. When synchronously or asynchronously accepting a new connection, but
  82. without specifying an executor or execution context, the accept
  83. operation will now correctly propagate the executor type from the
  84. acceptor to the socket. For example, if your acceptor type is:
  85. ``
  86. basic_socket_acceptor<ip::tcp, my_executor_type>
  87. ``[br]
  88. then your accepted socket type will be:
  89. ``
  90. basic_stream_socket<ip::tcp, my_executor_type>
  91. ``[br]
  92. * Changed to require that `Protocol` copy and move operations never throw.
  93. * Changed to require that `Endpoint` default constructor and move operations
  94. never throw.
  95. * Added the `noexcept` qualifier to protocol accessors.
  96. * Added the `noexcept` qualifier to socket move constructors.
  97. * Fixed issues associated with opening serial ports on Windows:
  98. * Use the correct constant to initialise the RTS control flag.
  99. * Specify a default baud rate (9600).
  100. * Fixed a lost "outstanding work count" that can occur when an asynchronous
  101. accept operation is automatically restarted.
  102. [heading Asio 1.14.1 / Boost 1.71]
  103. * Improved performance slightly by eliminating a redundant move construction
  104. when completed handlers are dispatched.
  105. * Eliminated a compiler warning by annotating a `case` fall-through in
  106. the free function `connect()` implementation.
  107. * Fixed the `is_*_buffer_sequence` detection traits for user-defined sequence
  108. types.
  109. * Fixed some Windows-specific warnings about an incompatible pointer cast when
  110. obtaining the `CancelIoEx` entry point.
  111. * Changed to automatically set the defaults when opening a serial port on
  112. Windows.
  113. * Changed the serial port `get_option()` member function to be const.
  114. * Fixed a name hiding issue with the WinRT stream-oriented socket backend's
  115. `shutdown` function.
  116. * Applied a minor fix to the documentation for `is_dynamic_buffer`.
  117. * Added some support for Haiku OS.
  118. * Added wolfSSL compatability.
  119. * Changed to require C++17 or later for coroutines TS support with clang.
  120. * Fixed a doxygen generation problem in the tutorial.
  121. * Ensured example programs are correctly incorporated into the documentation.
  122. [heading Asio 1.14.0 / Boost 1.70]
  123. * Added custom I/O executor support to I/O objects.
  124. * All I/O objects now have an additional `Executor` template parameter. This
  125. template parameter defaults to the `asio::executor` type (the polymorphic
  126. executor wrapper) but can be used to specify a user-defined executor
  127. type.
  128. * I/O objects' constructors and functions that previously took an
  129. `asio::io_context&` now accept either an `Executor` or a reference to a
  130. concrete `ExecutionContext` (such as `asio::io_context` or
  131. `asio::thread_pool`).
  132. * Note: One potential source of breakage in existing user code is when reusing an
  133. I/O object's `io_context` for constructing another I/O object, as in:
  134. ``
  135. asio::steady_timer my_timer(my_socket.get_executor().context());
  136. ``[br]
  137. To fix this, either construct the second I/O object using the first I/O
  138. object's executor:[br]
  139. ``
  140. asio::steady_timer my_timer(my_socket.get_executor());
  141. ``[br]
  142. or otherwise explicitly pass the `io_context`:[br]
  143. ``
  144. asio::steady_timer my_timer(my_io_context);
  145. ``[br]
  146. * The previously deprecated `get_io_context` and `get_io_service`
  147. member functions have now been removed.
  148. * The previously deprecated service template parameters, and the
  149. corresponding classes, have now been removed.
  150. * Added a new `async_result` form with an `initiate` static member function.
  151. * The `async_result` template now supports a new form:
  152. ``
  153. template <typename CompletionToken, typename Signature>
  154. struct async_result
  155. {
  156. typedef /* ... */ return_type;
  157. template <typename Initiation,
  158. typename RawCompletionToken,
  159. typename... Args>
  160. static return_type initiate(
  161. Initiation&& initiation,
  162. RawCompletionToken&& token,
  163. Args&&... args);
  164. };
  165. ``[br]
  166. * The `initiate` member function must: (a) transform the token into a
  167. completion handler object `handler`; (b) cause the invocation of the
  168. function object `initiation` as if by calling
  169. `std::forward<Initiation>(initiation)(std::move(handler),
  170. std::forward<Args>(args)...)`. Note that the invocation of `initiation`
  171. may be deferred (e.g. lazily evaluated), in which case `initiation` and
  172. `args` must be decay-copied and moved as required.
  173. * A helper function template `async_initiate` has also been added as a
  174. wrapper for the invocation of `async_result<>::initiate`. For backward
  175. compatibility, this function supports both the old and new `async_result`
  176. forms.
  177. * The composed operations examples have been updated to use `async_initiate`.
  178. * The previously deprecated `handler_type` trait and single-argument form of
  179. `async_result` have now been removed.
  180. * Updated the Coroutines TS support and promoted it to the `asio` namespace.
  181. * The `awaitable<>`, `co_spawn`, `this_coro`, `detached`, and
  182. `redirect_error` facilities have been moved from the `asio::experimental`
  183. namespace to namespace `asio`. As part of this change, the
  184. `this_coro::token()` awaitable has been superseded by the
  185. `asio::use_awaitable` completion token.
  186. * Please note that the `use_awaitable` and `redirect_error` completion tokens
  187. work only with asynchronous operations that use the new form of
  188. `async_result` with member function `initiate`. Furthermore, when using
  189. `use_awaitable`, please be aware that the asynchronous operation is not
  190. initiated until `co_await` is applied to the `awaitable<>`.
  191. * Added a new `DynamicBuffer_v2` concept which is CopyConstructible.
  192. * This change adds a new set of type requirements for dynamic buffers,
  193. `DynamicBuffer_v2`, which supports copy construction. These new type
  194. requirements enable dynamic buffers to be used as arguments to
  195. user-defined composed operations, where the same dynamic buffer object
  196. is used repeatedly for multiple underlying operations. For example:[br]
  197. ``
  198. template <typename DynamicBuffer>
  199. void echo_line(tcp::socket& sock, DynamicBuffer buf)
  200. {
  201. n = asio::read_until(sock, buf, '\n');
  202. asio::write(sock, buf, asio::transfer_exactly(n));
  203. }
  204. ``[br]
  205. * The original `DynamicBuffer` type requirements have been renamed to
  206. `DynamicBuffer_v1`. These requirements continue to be compatible with the
  207. Networking TS.
  208. * New type traits `is_dynamic_buffer_v1` and `is_dynamic_buffer_v2` have been
  209. added to test for conformance to `DynamicBuffer_v1` and `DynamicBuffer_v2`
  210. respectively. The existing `is_dynamic_buffer` trait has been retained and
  211. delegates to `is_dynamic_buffer_v1` (unless `BOOST_ASIO_NO_DYNAMIC_BUFFER_V1` is
  212. explicitly defined, in which case it delegates to `is_dynamic_buffer_v2`).
  213. * For convenience, the `dynamic_string_buffer` and `dynamic_vector_buffer`
  214. classes conform to both `DynamicBuffer_v1` and `DynamicBuffer_v2`
  215. requirements.
  216. * When `BOOST_ASIO_NO_DYNAMIC_BUFFER_V1` is defined, all support for
  217. `DynamicBuffer_v1` types and functions is #ifdef-ed out. Support for using
  218. `basic_streambuf` with the `read`, `async_read`, `read_until`,
  219. `async_read_until`, `write`, and `async_write` functions is also disabled
  220. as a consequence.
  221. * Note: This change should have no impact on existing source code that simply
  222. uses dynamic buffers in conjunction with Asio's composed operations.
  223. * Added a new `async_compose` function that simplifies the implementation of
  224. user-defined asynchronous operations.
  225. * Added a `make_strand` function, which creates a `strand` with a deduced
  226. `Executor` template argument.
  227. * Relaxed the completion condition type requirements to only require
  228. move-constructibility rather than copy-constructibility.
  229. * Added a constructor for `local::basic_endpoint` that takes a `string_view`.
  230. * Added the noexcept qualifier to various member functions of the
  231. `ip::address`, `ip::address_v4`, `ip::address_v6`, `ip::basic_endpoint`, and
  232. `executor_work_guard` classes.
  233. * Added the noexcept qualifier to the `buffer_sequence_begin` and
  234. `buffer_sequence_end` functions.
  235. * Added a new `BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_VISIBILITY` configuration `#define` that allows
  236. visibility pragmas to be disabled. (Note: If symbols are hidden, extra care
  237. must be taken to ensure that Asio types are not passed across shared
  238. library API boundaries.)
  239. * Enabled recycling of the memory used to type-erase a function object with the
  240. polymorphic executor.
  241. * Changed receive operations to return the correct number of bytes transferred
  242. when truncation (`error::message_size`) occurs on a datagram-oriented socket.
  243. * Fixed multicast behaviour on QNX by automatically applying `SO_REUSEPORT`
  244. when the `reuse_address` option is set.
  245. * Added inclusion of `unistd.h` when targeting Haiku OS, to fix feature detection.
  246. * Added the `network_v[46].hpp` headers to the top-level convenience header.
  247. * Fixed calculation of absolute timeout when the backend uses
  248. `pthread_cond_timedwait`.
  249. * Changed the range-based asynchronous connect operation to deduce the
  250. `EndpointSequence` iterator type rather than assume the presence of a
  251. `const_iterator` typedef.
  252. * Fixed `buffer_sequence_begin` and `buffer_sequence_end` to prevent implicit
  253. conversion. This change addresses an issue where a call to
  254. `buffer_sequence_begin` or `buffer_sequence_end` could trigger an implicit
  255. conversion to `const_buffer` or `mutable_buffer`. Whenever this implicit
  256. conversion occurred, the return value of `buffer_sequence_begin` or
  257. `buffer_sequence_end` would point to a temporary object.
  258. * Ensured SSL handshake errors are propagated to the peer before the local
  259. operation completes.
  260. * Suppressed the `eof` error on SSL shutdown as it actually indicates success.
  261. * Added a fallback error code for when we OpenSSL produces an
  262. `SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL` result without an associated error.
  263. * Changed composed asynchronous read and write operations to move, rather than
  264. copy, the buffer sequence objects when the composed operation implementation
  265. is moved.
  266. * Changed to use `<atomic>` when targeting apple/clang/libc++ with recent Xcode
  267. versions, even for C++03. This fixes a warning about the deprecation of
  268. `OSMemoryBarrier`.
  269. * Fixed compile errors that occur when using the composed read and write
  270. operations with MSVC 11.0, by disabling `decltype` support for that compiler.
  271. * Increased the default value of `_WIN32_WINNT` to `0x0601` (Windows 7).
  272. * Fixed `dispatch` documentation to note that it may call the supplied function
  273. object in the current thread.
  274. * Updated `post` and `defer` documentation to clarify the the distinction
  275. between them.
  276. * Fixed compilation errors in the read and write composed operations when used
  277. with MSVC 11.0.
  278. * Fixed a Windows-specific issue where the execution context associated with
  279. `system_executor` was not being correctly cleaned up on exit.
  280. [heading Asio 1.12.2 / Boost 1.69]
  281. * Fixed a problem with the detection of `std::future` availability with
  282. libstdc++.
  283. * Fixed compile error in regex overload of `read_until`.
  284. * Fixed a timer heap corruption issue that can occur when moving a cancelled
  285. timer.
  286. * Fixed detection of `std::experimental::string_view` and `std::string_view`
  287. with newer clang/libc++.
  288. * Fixed MSVC version detection for availability of `std::invoke_result`.
  289. * Fixed the buffer sequence traits to test the new requirements, if `decltype`
  290. is available.
  291. * Fixed an MSVC issue when building with exceptions disabled.
  292. * Added SSL context options for TLS v1.3.
  293. * Added a compile-time test for TLS v1 support.
  294. * Fixed the macro used to test for TLS v1.2 support.
  295. * Prevented global objects from being created once per thread on Windows.
  296. * Fixed a crash when using `size()`, `max_size()` or `empty()` on
  297. default-constructed resolver results.
  298. * Changed to move the return value in basic_resolver_results::begin() to avoid
  299. copying.
  300. * Enabled move support for the Intel Compiler.
  301. * Fixed `std::string_view` detection issue when using clang-cl.
  302. * Fixed the handler tracking operation name for
  303. `io_context::executor_type::dispatch`.
  304. * Fixed a buffer overflow that could occur when parsing an address string with
  305. a 64-bit scope id.
  306. * Added examples showing how to write composed operations.
  307. * Added C++11 versions of the Timeouts, Timers, SOCKS4 and SSL examples.
  308. * Fixed minor issues in documentation and examples.
  309. [heading Asio 1.12.1 / Boost 1.67]
  310. * Added missing const qualifier to `basic_socket_acceptor::get_option`.
  311. * Worked around a parsing error that occurs with some versions of gcc.
  312. * Fixed broken code samples in tutorial.
  313. * Added new experimental features. (Note that "experimental" features may be
  314. changed without notice in subsequent releases.)
  315. * Added `experimental::detached` completion token.
  316. * Added `experimental::redirect_error` completion token.
  317. * Added `experimental::co_spawn` facility for integration with the coroutines
  318. technical specification.
  319. * Updated timeout examples to use latest features.
  320. * Used `asio::steady_timer` rather than `asio::deadline_timer`.
  321. * Used `asio::dynamic_buffer` rather than `asio::streambuf`.
  322. * Used timed `asio::io_context::run_for()` function for blocking clients.
  323. * Added example showing a custom completion token for blocking with timeouts.
  324. * Fixed unit tests to compile when `BOOST_ASIO_NO_DEPRECATED` is defined.
  325. * Changed socket iostreams to use chrono by default, to fix compatibility with
  327. to enable the old Boost.Date_Time interface in `basic_socket_streambuf` and
  328. `basic_socket_iostream`.
  329. * Updated examples to use chrono rather than Boost.Date_Time.
  330. * Fixed an incorrect member function detector in the `is_dynamic_buffer` trait.
  331. * Fixed an `async_result` incompatibility with deprecated `handler_type`.
  332. * Added a missing move optimisation in the SSL stream implementation.
  333. * Fixed incorrect `basic_resolver_results::value_type` typedef.
  334. * Fixed a compile error with some OpenSSL versions when `SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION`
  335. is defined.
  336. * Changed `add_certificate_authority` to process multiple certificates in a bundle.
  337. * Eliminated deprecation warning with MSVC by using `std::invoke_result` rather
  338. than `std::result_of`.
  339. * Changed to use `std::string_view` for C++17 or later, and
  340. `std::experimental::string_view` for C++14. Define the preprocessor macro
  341. `BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_STD_STRING_VIEW` to force the use of
  342. std::experimental::string_view (assuming it is available) when compiling in
  343. C++17 mode.
  344. * Ensured `DynamicBuffer` template arguments are decayed before using in
  345. `enable_if` tests.
  346. * Changed documentation to distinguish legacy completion handlers (which are
  347. still required to be CopyConstructible) from new MoveConstructible handlers.
  348. * Suppressed a discarded return value warning in the buffer debugging support.
  349. * Fixed `basic_yield_context` to work with completion signatures containing
  350. reference parameters.
  351. * Ensured that stackful coroutines launched using `spawn()` correctly store
  352. decayed copies of their function and handler arguments.
  353. * Fixed some compatibility issues with Android.
  354. * Added cross-compilation support to Jamfiles.
  355. * Fixed some minor portability issues in examples.
  356. [heading Asio 1.12.0 / Boost 1.66]
  357. * Implemented interface changes to reflect the Networking TS
  358. ([@www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2017/n4656.pdf N4656]).
  359. * See the [link boost_asio.net_ts list] of new interfaces and, where
  360. applicable, the corresponding old interfaces that have been superseded.
  361. * The service template parameters, and the corresponding classes, are disabled
  362. by default. For example, instead of `basic_socket<Protocol, SocketService>` we
  363. now have simply `basic_socket<Protocol>`. The old interface can be enabled by
  364. defining the `BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_OLD_SERVICES` macro.
  365. * Removed previously deprecated functions.
  366. * Added support for customised handler tracking.
  367. * Added reactor-related (i.e. descriptor readiness) events to handler tracking.
  368. * Added special [link boost_asio.overview.core.concurrency_hint concurrency
  369. hint] values that may be used to disable locking on a per `io_context` basis.
  370. * Enabled perfect forwarding for the first `ssl::stream<>` constructor argument.
  371. * Added ability to release ownership of the underlying native socket. (Requires
  372. Windows 8.1 or later when using the I/O completion port backend.)
  373. [heading Asio 1.10.10 / Boost 1.65]
  374. * Changed to require [^g++] versions >= 4.7 to use standard atomics, to fix
  375. a linker error when using [^g++] 4.6 ([ticket 13121]).
  376. * Enabled use of `constexpr` and variadic templates with recent MSVC versions.
  377. * Fixed a race condition in the Linux epoll backend, which may occur when a
  378. socket or descriptor is closed while another thread is blocked on epoll.
  379. * Eliminated use of deprecated `auto_ptr`.
  380. * Fixed misplaced use of `asio_handler_is_continuation` result in reactive
  381. `async_accept` implementation.
  382. * Changed to use `poll.h` rather than `sys/poll.h` on some modern POSIX
  383. platforms ([ticket 12419]).
  384. * Fixed MSVC intellisense detection.
  385. * Disabled use of the `__thread` keyword extension for android/clang/x86
  386. targets.
  387. [heading Asio 1.10.9 / Boost 1.64]
  388. * Added limited support for using regular file descriptors (where I/O
  389. operations should never fail with `EAGAIN` or `EWOULDBLOCK`) with
  390. `posix::stream_descriptor`, when using the Linux epoll backend.
  391. * Changed to use `allocator_traits` to rebind allocators in C++11 or later.
  392. * Eliminated a double "construction" issue in the converting move constructors.
  393. * Added new `ssl::context_base` enumerations to enable support for any TLS
  394. version, and improved consistency of SSL/TLS version handling across OpenSSL
  395. releases.
  396. * Applied more changes to address OpenSSL 1.1 compatibility.
  397. * Fixed a compile error when OpenSSL compression is disabled at compile time.
  398. * Suppressed some spurious unused variable warnings issued by [^gcc] ([ticket
  399. 12302]).
  400. * Worked around a new clang warning issued for usage of the comma operator.
  401. * Fixed various header ordering problems.
  402. * Changed to refer `std::atomic_thread_fence`, when available, to eliminate a
  403. deprecated function warning on newest macOS SDK ([ticket 12482]).
  404. * Added a workaround for broken `getaddrinfo` in Apple's NAT64 environment.
  405. * Fixed an exception safety issue in the internal hash map implementation.
  406. [heading Asio 1.10.8 / Boost 1.62]
  407. * Added compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.0 ([ticket 12238]).
  408. * Fixed out-of-bounds iterator use in `asio::connect()` when the
  409. `connect_condition` returns an end iterator ([ticket 12354]).
  410. * Added a workaround for a move detection problem on MSVC 2015 Update 2
  411. ([ticket 12115]).
  412. * Changed a workaround that was previously added for broken Windows firewalls
  413. to only bind to if `getsockname` reports ([ticket
  414. 12406]).
  415. * Added call to `SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods` to fix two memory leaks
  416. reported at shutdown, for OpenSSL versions >= 1.0.2 and < 1.1.0 ([ticket
  417. 10795]).
  418. * Fixed `use_future` compile error encountered on some standard library
  419. implementations, by changing `std::allocator<void>` use to a non-void
  420. template parameter.
  421. * Enabled use of native `getaddrinfo` by default on Apple OSes, rather than
  422. emulation in terms of `getipnodebyname`.
  423. [heading Asio 1.10.7 / Boost 1.60]
  424. * Added support for Windows 8.1 Store apps.
  425. * Fixed macro multiple definition error on Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  426. ([ticket 11539]).
  427. * Changed Asio's SSL wrapper to respect OpenSSL's `OPENSSL_NO_SSL3` feature
  428. test `#define` ([ticket 11754]).
  429. * Changed Asio's SSL wrapper to use OpenSSL's new `SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs`
  430. function, if available.
  431. * Suppressed a clang 3.6+ warning about unused typedefs ([ticket 11767]).
  432. * Regenerated certificates used by SSL examples.
  433. * Fixed buffer sizes passed to `strncat` in the `getaddrinfo` emulation and in
  434. the SSL wrapper's password handling.
  435. * Changed Windows backend to use non-macro `CreateEventW` rather than
  436. `CreateEvent` ([ticket 11732]).
  437. [heading Asio 1.10.6 / Boost 1.58]
  438. * Ensured errors generated by Windows' `ConnectEx` function are mapped to their
  439. portable equivalents ([ticket 10744]).
  440. * Added new macro `BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_CONNECTEX` to allow use of `ConnectEx` to
  441. be explicitly disabled.
  442. * Fixed a race condition in `windows::object_handle` when there are pending
  443. wait operations on destruction ([ticket 10624]).
  444. * Fixed IPv6 address parsing on FreeBSD, where a trailing scope ID would cause
  445. conversion to fail with `EINVAL`.
  446. * Worked around shared library visibility issues by ensuring Asio types use
  447. default visibility ([ticket 9465], [ticket 11070]).
  448. * Changed the SSL wrapper to call the password callback when loading an
  449. in-memory key ([ticket 10828]).
  450. * Fixed false SSL error reports by ensuring that the SSL error queue is cleared
  451. prior to each operation.
  452. * Fixed an `ssl::stream<>` bug that may result in spurious 'short read' errors.
  453. * Removed a redundant null pointer check in the SSL engine ([ticket 10088]).
  454. * Added options for disabling TLS v1.1 and v1.2 ([ticket 10690]).
  455. * Removed use of deprecated OpenSSL function `ERR_remove_state`.
  456. * Fixed detection of various C++11 features with Clang ([ticket 8835],
  457. [ticket 10884]).
  458. * Fixed detection of C++11 `std::addressof` with [^g++] ([ticket 10982]).
  459. * Changed multicast test to treat certain `join_group` failures as non-fatal.
  460. * Decoupled Asio unit tests from Boost.Test ([ticket 11116]).
  461. * Changed the tutorial to use `std::endl` to ensure output is flushed.
  462. * Fixed an unsigned integer overflow reported by Clang's integer sanitizer.
  463. * Added support for move-only return types when using a `yield_context` object
  464. with asynchronous operations.
  465. * Changed `yield_context` to allow reentrant calls to the completion handler
  466. from an initiating function.
  467. * Updated detection of Windows Runtime to work with latest Windows SDK.
  468. [heading Asio 1.10.5 / Boost 1.57]
  469. * Fixed the [^kqueue] reactor so that it works on FreeBSD ([ticket 10606]).
  470. * Fixed an issue in the [^kqueue] reactor which resulted in spinning when using
  471. serial ports on Mac OS ([ticket 10496]).
  472. * Fixed [^kqueue] reactor support for read-only file descriptors
  473. ([ticket 10367]).
  474. * Fixed a compile error when using the [^/dev/poll] reactor ([ticket 10350],
  475. [ticket 10572]).
  476. * Changed the Windows backend to use `WSASocketW`, as `WSASocketA` has been
  477. deprecated ([ticket 10534]).
  478. * Fixed some warnings reported by Visual C++ 2013 ([ticket 10376]).
  479. * Fixed integer type used in the WinRT version of the byte-order conversion
  480. functions ([ticket 10539]).
  481. * Changed documentation to indicate that `use_future` and `spawn()` are not
  482. made available when including the `asio.hpp` convenience header ([ticket
  483. 10567]).
  484. * Explicitly marked `asio::strand` as deprecated. Use
  485. `asio::io_service::strand` instead.
  486. [heading Asio 1.10.4 / Boost 1.56]
  487. * Stopped using certain Winsock functions that are marked as deprecated in the
  488. latest Visual C++ and Windows SDK.
  489. * Fixed a shadow variable warning on Windows.
  490. * Fixed a regression in the [^kqueue] backend that was introduced in Asio
  491. 1.10.2.
  492. * Added a workaround for building the unit tests with [^gcc] on AIX.
  493. [heading Asio 1.10.3]
  494. * Worked around a [^gcc] problem to do with anonymous enums ([ticket 10042]).
  495. * Reverted the Windows `HANDLE` backend change to ignore `ERROR_MORE_DATA`.
  496. Instead, the error will be propagated as with any other (i.e. in an
  497. `error_code` or thrown as a `system_error`), and the number of bytes
  498. transferred will be returned. For code that needs to handle partial messages,
  499. the `error_code` overload should be used ([ticket 10034]).
  500. * Fixed an off-by-one error in the `signal_set` implementation's signal
  501. number check ([ticket 9324]).
  502. * Changed the Windows IOCP backend to not assume that
  503. `SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT` is defined ([ticket 10016]).
  504. * Fixed a Windows-specific issue, introduced in Asio 1.10.2, by using
  505. `VerifyVersionInfo` rather than `GetVersionEx`, as `GetVersionEx` has been
  506. deprecated.
  507. * Changed to use SSE2 intrinsics rather than inline assembly, to allow the
  508. Cray compiler to work.
  509. [heading Asio 1.10.2]
  510. * Fixed `asio::spawn()` to work correctly with new Boost.Coroutine interface
  511. ([ticket 9442], [ticket 9928]).
  512. * Ensured that incomplete `asio::spawn()` coroutines are correctly unwound when
  513. cleaned up by the `io_service` destructor ([ticket 9731]).
  514. * Fixed delegation of continuation hook for handlers produced by
  515. `io_service::wrap()` and `strand::wrap()` ([ticket 9741]).
  516. * Changed the Windows I/O completion port backend to use `ConnectEx`, if
  517. available, for connection-oriented IP sockets.
  518. * Changed the `io_service` backend for non-Windows (and non-IOCP Windows)
  519. platforms to use a single condition variable per `io_service` instance.
  520. This addresses a potential race condition when `run_one()` is used from
  521. multiple threads.
  522. * Prevented integer overflow when computing timeouts based on some
  523. `boost::chrono` and `std::chrono` clocks ([ticket 9662], [ticket 9778]).
  524. * Made further changes to `EV_CLEAR` handling in the kqueue backend, to address
  525. other cases where the `close()` system call may hang on Mac OS X.
  526. * Fixed infinite recursion in implementation of
  527. `resolver_query_base::flags::operator~` ([ticket 9548]).
  528. * Made the `select` reactor more efficient on Windows for large numbers of
  529. sockets ([ticket 9528]).
  530. * Fixed a Windows-specific type-aliasing issue reported by [^gcc] ([ticket
  531. 9550]).
  532. * Prevented execution of compile-time-only buffer test to avoid triggering an
  533. address sanitiser warning ([ticket 8295]).
  534. * Disabled the `GetQueuedCompletionStatus` timeout workaround on recent
  535. versions of Windows.
  536. * Added support for string-based scope IDs when using link-local multicast
  537. addresses.
  538. * Changed IPv6 multicast group join to use the address's scope ID as the
  539. interface, if an interface is not explicitly specified.
  540. * Fixed multicast test failure on Mac OS X and the BSDs by using a link-local
  541. multicast address.
  542. * Various minor documentation improvements ([ticket 8295], [ticket 9605],
  543. [ticket 9771]).
  544. [heading Asio 1.10.1 / Boost 1.55]
  545. * Implemented a limited port to Windows Runtime. This support requires that the
  546. language extensions be enabled. Due to the restricted facilities exposed by
  547. the Windows Runtime API, the port also comes with the following caveats:
  548. * The core facilities such as the `io_service`, `strand`, buffers, composed
  549. operations, timers, etc., should all work as normal.
  550. * For sockets, only client-side TCP is supported.
  551. * Explicit binding of a client-side TCP socket is not supported.
  552. * The `cancel()` function is not supported for sockets. Asynchronous
  553. operations may only be cancelled by closing the socket.
  554. * Operations that use `null_buffers` are not supported.
  555. * Only `tcp::no_delay` and `socket_base::keep_alive` options are supported.
  556. * Resolvers do not support service names, only numbers. I.e. you must
  557. use "80" rather than "http".
  558. * Most resolver query flags have no effect.
  559. * Fixed a regression (introduced in Boost 1.54) where, on some platforms, errors
  560. from `async_connect` were not correctly propagated through to the completion
  561. handler ([ticket 8795]).
  562. * Fixed a Windows-specific regression (introduced in Boost 1.54) that occurs
  563. when multiple threads are running an `io_service`. When the bug occurs, the
  564. result of an asynchronous operation (error and bytes tranferred) is
  565. incorrectly discarded and zero values used instead. For TCP sockets this
  566. results in spurious end-of-file notifications ([ticket 8933]).
  567. * Fixed a bug in handler tracking, where it was not correctly printing out some
  568. handler IDs ([ticket 8808]).
  569. * Fixed the comparison used to test for successful synchronous accept
  570. operations so that it works correctly with unsigned socket descriptors
  571. ([ticket 8752]).
  572. * Ensured the signal number is correctly passed to the completion handler when
  573. starting an `async_wait` on a signal that is already raised ([ticket 8738]).
  574. * Suppressed a g++ 4.8+ warning about unused typedefs ([ticket 8980]).
  575. * Enabled the move optimisation for handlers that use the default invocation
  576. hook ([ticket 8624]).
  577. * Clarified that programs must not issue overlapping `async_write_at`
  578. operations ([ticket 8669]).
  579. * Changed the Windows `HANDLE` backend to treat `ERROR_MORE_DATA` as a
  580. non-fatal error when returned by `GetOverlappedResult` for a synchronous
  581. read ([ticket 8722]).
  582. * Visual C++ language extensions use `generic` as a keyword. Added a
  583. workaround that renames the namespace to `cpp_generic` when those language
  584. extensions are in effect.
  585. * Fixed some asynchronous operations that missed out on getting `async_result`
  586. support in Boost 1.54. In particular, the buffered stream templates have been
  587. updated so that they adhere to current handler patterns ([ticket 9000],
  588. [ticket 9001]).
  589. * Enabled move support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 ([ticket 8959]).
  590. * Added `use_future` support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.
  591. * Removed a use of `std::min` in the Windows IOCP backend to avoid a
  592. dependency on the `<algorithm>` header ([ticket 8758]).
  593. * Eliminated some unnecessary handler copies.
  594. * Fixed support for older versions of OpenSSL that do not provide the
  595. `SSL_CTX_clear_options` function ([ticket 9273]).
  596. * Fixed various minor and cosmetic issues in code and documentation
  597. (including [ticket 8347], [ticket 8950], [ticket 8953], [ticket 8965],
  598. [ticket 8997], [ticket 9230]).
  599. [heading Asio 1.10.0 / Boost 1.54]
  600. * Added new traits classes, `handler_type` and `async_result`, that allow the
  601. customisation of the return type of an initiating function.
  602. * Added the `asio::spawn()` function, a high-level wrapper for running
  603. stackful coroutines, based on the Boost.Coroutine library. The `spawn()`
  604. function enables programs to implement asynchronous logic in a synchronous
  605. manner. For example: `size_t n = my_socket.async_read_some(my_buffer, yield);`.
  606. For further information, see [link boost_asio.overview.core.spawn Stackful
  607. Coroutines].
  608. * Added the `asio::use_future` special value, which provides first-class
  609. support for returning a C++11 `std::future` from an asynchronous
  610. operation's initiating function. For example:
  611. `future<size_t> = my_socket.async_read_some(my_buffer, asio::use_future);`.
  612. For further information, see [link boost_asio.overview.cpp2011.futures C++
  613. 2011 Support - Futures].
  614. * Promoted the stackless coroutine class and macros to be part of Asio's
  615. documented interface, rather than part of the HTTP server 4 example.
  616. For further information, see [link boost_asio.overview.core.coroutine
  617. Stackless Coroutines].
  618. * Added a new handler hook called `asio_handler_is_continuation`.
  619. Asynchronous operations may represent a continuation of the asynchronous
  620. control flow associated with the current executing handler. The
  621. `asio_handler_is_continuation` hook can be customised to return `true` if
  622. this is the case, and Asio's implementation can use this knowledge to
  623. optimise scheduling of the new handler. To cover common cases, Asio
  624. customises the hook for strands, `spawn()` and composed asynchronous
  625. operations.
  626. * Added four new generic protocol classes, `generic::datagram_protocol`,
  627. `generic::raw_protocol`, `generic::seq_packet_protocol` and
  628. `generic::stream_protocol`, which implement the `Protocol` type
  629. requirements, but allow the user to specify the address family (e.g.
  630. `AF_INET`) and protocol type (e.g. `IPPROTO_TCP`) at runtime.
  631. For further information, see [link
  632. boost_asio.overview.networking.other_protocols Support for Other Protocols].
  633. * Added C++11 move constructors that allow the conversion of a socket (or
  634. acceptor) into a more generic type. For example, an `ip::tcp::socket` can
  635. be converted into a `generic::stream_protocol::socket` via move
  636. construction.
  637. For further information, see [link
  638. boost_asio.overview.networking.other_protocols Support for Other Protocols].
  639. * Extended the `basic_socket_acceptor<>`'s `accept()` and `async_accept()`
  640. functions to allow a new connection to be accepted directly into a socket
  641. of a more generic type. For example, an `ip::tcp::acceptor` can be used to
  642. accept into a `generic::stream_protocol::socket` object.
  643. For further information, see [link
  644. boost_asio.overview.networking.other_protocols Support for Other Protocols].
  645. * Moved existing examples into a C++03-specific directory, and added a new
  646. directory for C++11-specific examples. A limited subset of the C++03
  647. examples have been converted to their C++11 equivalents.
  648. * Various SSL enhancements. Thanks go to Nick Jones, on whose work these changes
  649. are based.
  650. * Added support for SSL handshakes with re-use of data already read from
  651. the wire. New overloads of the `ssl::stream<>` class's `handshake()` and
  652. `async_handshake()` functions have been added. These accept a
  653. `ConstBufferSequence` to be used as initial input to the ssl engine for
  654. the handshake procedure.
  655. * Added support for creation of TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 `ssl::context` objects.
  656. * Added a `set_verify_depth()` function to the `ssl::context` and
  657. `ssl::stream<>` classes.
  658. * Added the ability to load SSL certificate and key data from memory
  659. buffers. New functions, `add_certificate_authority()`,
  660. `use_certificate()`, `use_certificate_chain()`, `use_private_key()`,
  661. `use_rsa_private_key()` and `use_tmp_dh()`, have been added to the
  662. `ssl::context` class.
  663. * Changed `ssl::context` to automatically disable SSL compression by
  664. default. To enable, use the new `ssl::context::clear_options()` function,
  665. as in `my_context.clear_options(ssl::context::no_compression)`.
  666. * Fixed a potential deadlock in `signal_set` implementation.
  667. * Fixed an error in acceptor example in documentation [ticket 8421].
  668. * Fixed copy-paste errors in waitable timer documentation [ticket 8602].
  669. * Added assertions to satisfy some code analysis tools [ticket 7739].
  670. * Fixed a malformed `#warning` directive [ticket 7939].
  671. * Fixed a potential data race in the Linux `epoll` implementation.
  672. * Fixed a Windows-specific bug, where certain operations might generate an
  673. `error_code` with an invalid (i.e. `NULL`) `error_category` [ticket 8613].
  674. * Fixed `basic_waitable_timer`'s underlying implementation so that it can
  675. handle any `time_point` value without overflowing the intermediate duration
  676. objects.
  677. * Fixed a problem with lost thread wakeups that can occur when making
  678. concurrent calls to `run()` and `poll()` on the same `io_service` object
  679. [ticket 8354].
  680. * Fixed implementation of asynchronous connect operation so that it can cope
  681. with spurious readiness notifications from the reactor [ticket 7961].
  682. * Fixed a memory leak in the `ssl::rfc2818_verification` class.
  683. * Added a mechanism for disabling automatic Winsock initialisation [ticket
  684. 3605]. See the header file [^boost/asio/detail/winsock_init.hpp] for details.
  685. [heading Asio 1.8.3 / Boost 1.53]
  686. * Fixed some 64-to-32-bit conversion warnings ([ticket 7459]).
  687. * Fixed some small errors in documentation and comments ([ticket 7761]).
  688. * Fixed an error in the example embedded in `basic_socket::get_option`'s
  689. documentation ([ticket 7562]).
  690. * Changed to use `long` rather than `int` for SSL_CTX options, to match OpenSSL
  691. ([ticket 7209]).
  692. * Changed to use `_snwprintf` to address a compile error due to the changed
  693. `swprintf` signature in recent versions of MinGW ([ticket 7373]).
  694. * Fixed a deadlock that can occur on Windows when shutting down a pool of
  695. `io_service` threads due to running out of work ([ticket 7552]).
  696. * Enabled the `noexcept` qualifier for error categories ([ticket 7797]).
  697. * Changed UNIX domain socket example to treat errors from `accept` as non-fatal
  698. ([ticket 7488]).
  699. * Added a small block recycling optimisation to improve default memory
  700. allocation behaviour.
  701. [heading Asio 1.8.2 / Boost 1.51]
  702. * Fixed an incompatibility between `ip::tcp::iostream` and C++11
  703. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7162 #7162]).
  704. * Decorated GCC attribute names with underscores to prevent interaction
  705. with user-defined macros
  706. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6415 #6415]).
  707. * Added missing `#include <cctype>`, needed for some versions of MinGW.
  708. * Changed to use [^gcc]'s atomic builtins on ARM CPUs, when available
  709. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7140 #7140]).
  710. * Changed strand destruction to be a no-op, to allow strand objects to be
  711. destroyed after their associated `io_service` has been destroyed.
  712. * Added support for some newer versions of glibc which provide the
  713. `epoll_create1()` function but always fail with `ENOSYS`
  714. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7012 #7012]).
  715. * Changed the SSL implementation to throw an exception if SSL engine
  716. initialisation fails
  717. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6303 #6303]).
  718. * Fixed another regression in `buffered_write_stream`
  719. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6310 #6310]).
  720. * Implemented various minor performance improvements, primarily targeted at
  721. Linux x86 and x86-64 platforms.
  722. [heading Asio 1.8.1 / Boost 1.50]
  723. * Changed the `epoll_reactor` backend to do lazy registration for `EPOLLOUT`
  724. events.
  725. * Fixed the `epoll_reactor` handling of out-of-band data, which was broken by
  726. an incomplete fix in the last release.
  727. * Changed Asio's SSL wrapper to respect OpenSSL's `OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE` feature
  728. test `#define` ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6432 #6432]).
  729. * Fixed `windows::object_handle` so that it works with Windows compilers that
  730. support C++11 move semantics (such as [^g++]).
  731. * Improved the performance of strand rescheduling.
  732. * Added support for [^g++] 4.7 when compiling in C++11 mode
  733. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6620 #6620]).
  734. * Fixed a problem where `signal_set` handlers were not being delivered when
  735. the `io_service` was constructed with a `concurrency_hint` of 1
  736. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6657 #6657]).
  737. [heading Asio 1.8.0 / Boost 1.49]
  738. * Added a new class template `basic_waitable_timer` based around the C++11 clock
  739. type requirements. It may be used with the clocks from the C++11 `<chrono>`
  740. library facility or, if those are not available, Boost.Chrono. The typedefs
  741. `high_resolution_timer`, `steady_timer` and `system_timer` may be used to
  742. create timer objects for the standard clock types.
  743. * Added a new `windows::object_handle` class for performing waits on Windows
  744. kernel objects. Thanks go to Boris Schaeling for contributing substantially
  745. to the development of this feature.
  746. * On Linux, `connect()` can return EAGAIN in certain circumstances. Remapped
  747. this to another error so that it doesn't look like a non-blocking operation
  748. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6048 #6048]).
  749. * Fixed a compile error on NetBSD
  750. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6098 #6098]).
  751. * Fixed deadlock on Mac OS X
  752. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6275 #6275]).
  753. * Fixed a regression in `buffered_write_stream`
  754. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6310 #6310]).
  755. * Fixed a non-paged pool "leak" on Windows when an `io_service` is repeatedly
  756. run without anything to do
  757. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6321 #6321]).
  758. * Reverted earlier change to allow some speculative operations to be performed
  759. without holding the lock, as it introduced a race condition in some
  760. multithreaded scenarios.
  761. * Fixed a bug where the second buffer in an array of two buffers may be ignored
  762. if the first buffer is empty.
  763. [heading Asio 1.6.1 / Boost 1.48]
  764. * Implemented various performance improvements, including:
  765. * Using thread-local operation queues in single-threaded use cases (i.e. when
  766. `concurrency_hint` is 1) to eliminate a lock/unlock pair.
  767. * Allowing some `epoll_reactor` speculative operations to be performed
  768. without holding the lock.
  769. * Improving locality of reference by performing an `epoll_reactor`'s I/O
  770. operation immediately before the corresponding handler is called. This also
  771. improves scalability across CPUs when multiple threads are running the
  772. `io_service`.
  773. * Specialising asynchronous read and write operations for buffer sequences
  774. that are arrays (`boost::array` or `std::array`) of exactly two buffers.
  775. * Fixed a compile error in the regex overload of `async_read_until`
  776. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5688 #5688]).
  777. * Fixed a Windows-specific compile error by explicitly specifying the
  778. `signal()` function from the global namespace
  779. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5722 #5722]).
  780. * Changed the `deadline_timer` implementation so that it does not read the
  781. clock unless the timer heap is non-empty.
  782. * Changed the SSL stream's buffers' sizes so that they are large enough to hold
  783. a complete TLS record ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5854 #5854]).
  784. * Fixed the behaviour of the synchronous `null_buffers` operations so that they
  785. obey the user's non-blocking setting
  786. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5756 #5756]).
  787. * Changed to set the size of the select `fd_set` at runtime when using Windows.
  788. * Disabled an MSVC warning due to const qualifier being applied to function type.
  789. * Fixed a crash that occurs when using the Intel C++ compiler
  790. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5763 #5763]).
  791. * Changed the initialisation of the OpenSSL library so that it supports all
  792. available algorithms.
  793. * Fixed the SSL error mapping used when the session is gracefully shut down.
  794. * Added some latency test programs.
  795. * Clarified that a read operation ends when the buffer is full
  796. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5999 #5999]).
  797. * Fixed an exception safety issue in `epoll_reactor` initialisation
  798. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6006 #6006]).
  799. * Made the number of strand implementations configurable by defining
  800. `BOOST_ASIO_STRAND_IMPLEMENTATIONS` to the desired number.
  801. * Added support for a new `BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_SEQUENTIAL_STRAND_ALLOCATION` flag
  802. which switches the allocation of strand implementations to use a round-robin
  803. approach rather than hashing.
  804. * Fixed potential strand starvation issue that can occur when `strand.post()`
  805. is used.
  806. [heading Asio 1.6.0 / Boost 1.47]
  807. * Added support for signal handling, using a new class called `signal_set`.
  808. Programs may add one or more signals to the set, and then perform an
  809. `async_wait()` operation. The specified handler will be called when one of
  810. the signals occurs. The same signal number may be registered with multiple
  811. `signal_set` objects, however the signal number must be used only with Asio.
  812. Addresses [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2879 #2879].
  813. * Added handler tracking, a new debugging aid. When enabled by defining
  814. `BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_HANDLER_TRACKING`, Asio writes debugging output to the
  815. standard error stream. The output records asynchronous operations and the
  816. relationships between their handlers. It may be post-processed using the
  817. included [^handlerviz.pl] tool to create a visual representation of the
  818. handlers (requires GraphViz).
  819. * Added support for timeouts on socket iostreams, such as `ip::tcp::iostream`.
  820. A timeout is set by calling `expires_at()` or `expires_from_now()` to
  821. establish a deadline. Any socket operations which occur past the deadline
  822. will put the iostream into a bad state.
  823. * Added a new `error()` member function to socket iostreams, for retrieving the
  824. error code from the most recent system call.
  825. * Added a new `basic_deadline_timer::cancel_one()` function. This function lets
  826. you cancel a single waiting handler on a timer. Handlers are cancelled in
  827. FIFO order.
  828. * Added a new `transfer_exactly()` completion condition. This can be used to
  829. send or receive a specified number of bytes even if the total size of the
  830. buffer (or buffer sequence) is larger.
  831. * Added new free functions `connect()` and `async_connect()`. These operations
  832. try each endpoint in a list until the socket is successfully connected, and
  833. are useful for creating TCP clients that work with both IPv4 and IPv6.
  834. * Extended the `buffer_size()` function so that it works for buffer sequences
  835. in addition to individual buffers.
  836. * Added a new `buffer_copy()` function that can be used to copy the raw bytes
  837. between individual buffers and buffer sequences.
  838. * Added new non-throwing overloads of `read()`, `read_at()`, `write()` and
  839. `write_at()` that do not require a completion condition.
  840. * Added friendlier compiler errors for when a completion handler does not meet
  841. the necessary type requirements. When C++0x is available (currently supported
  842. for [^g++] 4.5 or later, and MSVC 10), `static_assert` is also used to
  843. generate an informative error message. This checking may be disabled by
  845. * Added a new, completely rewritten SSL implementation. The new implementation
  846. compiles faster, shows substantially improved performance, and supports
  847. custom memory allocation and handler invocation. It includes new API features
  848. such as certificate verification callbacks and has improved error reporting.
  849. The new implementation is source-compatible with the old for most uses.
  850. However, if necessary, the old implementation may still be used by defining
  852. Addresses [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3702 #3702],
  853. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3958 #3958].
  854. * Changed the separate compilation support such that, to use Asio's SSL
  855. capabilities, you should also include `boost/asio/ssl/impl/src.hpp` in one
  856. source file in your program.
  857. * Changed the SSL implementation to support build environments where SSL v2 is
  858. explicitly disabled ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5453 #5453]).
  859. * Made the `is_loopback()`, `is_unspecified()` and `is_multicast()` functions
  860. consistently available across the `ip::address`, `ip::address_v4` and
  861. `ip::address_v6` classes
  862. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3939 #3939]).
  863. * Added new `non_blocking()` functions for managing the non-blocking behaviour
  864. of a socket or descriptor. The `io_control()` commands named `non_blocking_io`
  865. are now deprecated in favour of these new functions.
  866. * Added new `native_non_blocking()` functions for managing the non-blocking
  867. mode of the underlying socket or descriptor. These functions are intended to
  868. allow the encapsulation of arbitrary non-blocking system calls as
  869. asynchronous operations, in a way that is transparent to the user of the
  870. socket object. The functions have no effect on the behaviour of the
  871. synchronous operations of the socket or descriptor.
  872. * Added the `io_control()` member function for socket acceptors
  873. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3297 #3297]).
  874. * Added a `release()` member function to posix descriptors. This function
  875. releases ownership of the underlying native descriptor to the caller.
  876. Addresses [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3900 #3900].
  877. * Added support for sequenced packet sockets (`SOCK_SEQPACKET`).
  878. * Added a new `io_service::stopped()` function that can be used to determine
  879. whether the `io_service` has stopped (i.e. a `reset()` call is needed prior
  880. to any further calls to `run()`, `run_one()`, `poll()` or `poll_one()`).
  881. * For consistency with the C++0x standard library, deprecated the `native_type`
  882. typedefs in favour of `native_handle_type`, and the `native()` member
  883. functions in favour of `native_handle()`.
  884. * Added support for C++0x move construction and assignment to sockets, serial
  885. ports, POSIX descriptors and Windows handles.
  886. * Reduced the copying of handler function objects.
  887. * Added support for C++0x move construction to further reduce (and in some
  888. cases eliminate) copying of handler objects.
  889. * Added support for the `fork()` system call. Programs that use `fork()` must
  890. call `io_service.notify_fork()` at the appropriate times. Two new examples
  891. have been added showing how to use this feature. Addresses
  892. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3238 #3238],
  893. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4162 #4162].
  894. * Cleaned up the handling of errors reported by the `close()` system call. In
  895. particular, assume that most operating systems won't have `close()` fail with
  896. `EWOULDBLOCK`, but if it does then set the blocking mode and restart the call.
  897. If any other error occurs, assume the descriptor is closed. Addresses
  898. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3307 #3307].
  899. * Added new `asio::buffer()` overloads for `std::array`, when available.
  900. * Changed the implementation to use the C++0x standard library templates
  901. `array`, `shared_ptr`, `weak_ptr` and `atomic` when they are available,
  902. rather than the Boost equivalents.
  903. * Use C++0x variadic templates when available, rather than generating function
  904. overloads using Boost.Preprocessor.
  905. * Changed exception reporting to include the function name in exception `what()`
  906. messages.
  907. * Fixed insufficient initialisers warning with MinGW.
  908. * Changed the `shutdown_service()` member functions to be private.
  909. * Added archetypes for testing socket option functions.
  910. * Changed the Boost.Asio examples so that they don't use Boost.Thread's
  911. convenience header. Use the header file that is specifically for the
  912. boost::thread class instead.
  913. * Removed the dependency on OS-provided macros for the well-known IPv4 and IPv6
  914. addresses. This should eliminate annoying "missing braces around initializer"
  915. warnings ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3741 #3741]).
  916. * Reduced the size of `ip::basic_endpoint<>` objects (such as
  917. `ip::tcp::endpoint` and `ip::udp::endpoint`).
  918. * Changed the reactor backends to assume that any descriptors or sockets added
  919. using `assign()` may have been `dup()`-ed, and so require explicit
  920. deregistration from the reactor
  921. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4971 #4971]).
  922. * Removed the deprecated member functions named `io_service()`. The
  923. `get_io_service()` member functions should be used instead.
  924. * Removed the deprecated typedefs `resolver_query` and `resolver_iterator` from
  925. the `ip::tcp`, `ip::udp` and `ip::icmp` classes.
  926. * Modified the `buffers_iterator<>` and `ip::basic_resolver_iterator` classes
  927. so that the value_type typedefs are non-const byte types.
  928. * Fixed warnings reported by g++'s [^-Wshadow] compiler option
  929. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3905 #3905]).
  930. * Added an explicit cast to convert the `FIONBIO` constant to int, to suppress
  931. a compiler warning on some platforms
  932. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5128 #5128]).
  933. * Changed most examples to treat a failure by an accept operation as non-fatal
  934. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5124 #5124]).
  935. * Fixed an error in the [^tick_count_timer] example by making the duration type
  936. signed. Previously, a wait on an already-passed deadline would not return for
  937. a very long time ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5418 #5418]).
  938. [heading Asio 1.4.9 / Boost 1.46.1]
  939. * `EV_ONESHOT` seems to cause problems on some versions of Mac OS X, with the
  940. `io_service` destructor getting stuck inside the `close()` system call.
  941. Changed the kqueue backend to use `EV_CLEAR` instead
  942. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5021 #5021]).
  943. * Fixed compile failures with some versions of [^g++] due to the use of
  944. anonymous enums ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4883 #4883]).
  945. * Fixed a bug on kqueue-based platforms, where some system calls that
  946. repeatedly fail with `EWOULDBLOCK` are not correctly re-registered with
  947. kqueue.
  948. * Changed `asio::streambuf` to ensure that its internal pointers are updated
  949. correctly after the data has been modified using `std::streambuf` member
  950. functions.
  951. * Fixed a bug that prevented the linger socket option from working on platforms
  952. other than Windows.
  953. [heading Asio 1.4.8 / Boost 1.46]
  954. * Fixed an integer overflow problem that occurs when
  955. `ip::address_v4::broadcast()` is used on 64-bit platforms.
  956. * Fixed a problem on older Linux kernels (where epoll is used without timerfd
  957. support) that prevents timely delivery of deadline_timer handlers, after the
  958. program has been running for some time
  959. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5045 #5045]).
  960. [heading Asio 1.4.7 / Boost 1.45]
  961. * Fixed a problem on kqueue-based platforms where a `deadline_timer` may
  962. never fire if the `io_service` is running in a background thread
  963. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4568 #4568]).
  964. * Fixed a const-correctness issue that prevented valid uses of
  965. `has_service<>` from compiling
  966. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4638 #4638]).
  967. * Fixed MinGW cross-compilation
  968. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4491 #4491]).
  969. * Removed dependency on deprecated Boost.System functions
  970. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4672 #4672]).
  971. * Ensured `close()`\/`closesocket()` failures are correctly propagated
  972. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4573 #4573]).
  973. * Added a check for errors returned by `InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount`
  974. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4574 #4574]).
  975. * Added support for hardware flow control on QNX
  976. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4625 #4625]).
  977. * Always use `pselect()` on HP-UX, if it is available
  978. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4578 #4578]).
  979. * Ensured handler arguments are passed as lvalues
  980. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4744 #4744]).
  981. * Fixed Windows build when thread support is disabled
  982. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4680 #4680]).
  983. * Fixed a Windows-specific problem where `deadline_timer` objects with expiry
  984. times set more than 5 minutes in the future may never expire
  985. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4745 #4745]).
  986. * Fixed the `resolver` backend on BSD platforms so that an empty service name
  987. resolves to port number `0`, as per the documentation
  988. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4690 #4690]).
  989. * Fixed read operations so that they do not accept buffer sequences of type
  990. `const_buffers_1` ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4746 #4746]).
  991. * Redefined `Protocol` and `id` to avoid clashing with Objective-C++ keywords
  992. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4191 #4191]).
  993. * Fixed a `vector` reallocation performance issue that can occur when there are
  994. many active `deadline_timer` objects
  995. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4780 #4780]).
  996. * Fixed the kqueue backend so that it compiles on NetBSD
  997. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4662 #4662]).
  998. * Fixed the socket `io_control()` implementation on 64-bit Mac OS X and BSD
  999. platforms ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4782 #4782]).
  1000. * Fixed a Windows-specific problem where failures from `accept()` are
  1001. incorrectly treated as successes
  1002. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4859 #4859]).
  1003. * Deprecated the separate compilation header `<boost/asio/impl/src.cpp>` in
  1004. favour of `<boost/asio/impl/src.hpp>`
  1005. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4560 #4560]).
  1006. [heading Asio 1.4.6 / Boost 1.44]
  1007. * Reduced compile times. (Note that some programs may need to add additional
  1008. `#include`s, e.g. if the program uses `boost::array` but does not explicitly
  1009. include `<boost/array.hpp>`.)
  1010. * Reduced the size of generated code.
  1011. * Refactored `deadline_timer` implementation to improve performance.
  1012. * Improved multiprocessor scalability on Windows by using a dedicated hidden
  1013. thread to wait for timers.
  1014. * Improved performance of `asio::streambuf` with `async_read()` and
  1015. `async_read_until()`. These read operations now use the existing capacity of
  1016. the `streambuf` when reading, rather than limiting the read to 512 bytes.
  1017. * Added optional separate compilation. To enable, add
  1018. `#include <boost/asio/impl/src.cpp>` to one source file in a program, then
  1019. build the program with `BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION` defined in the
  1020. project\/compiler settings. Alternatively, `BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK` may be
  1021. defined to build a separately-compiled Asio as part of a shared library.
  1022. * Added new macro `BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_FENCED_BLOCK` to permit the disabling of
  1023. memory fences around completion handlers, even if thread support is enabled.
  1024. * Reworked timeout examples to better illustrate typical use cases.
  1025. * Ensured that handler arguments are passed as `const` types.
  1026. * Fixed incorrect parameter order in `null_buffers` variant of `async_send_to`
  1027. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4170 #4170]).
  1028. * Ensured `unsigned char` is used with `isdigit` in `getaddrinfo` emulation
  1029. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4201 #4201]).
  1030. * Fixed handling of very small but non-zero timeouts
  1031. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4205 #4205]).
  1032. * Fixed crash that occurred when an empty buffer sequence was passed to a
  1033. composed read or write operation.
  1034. * Added missing `operator+` overload in `buffers_iterator`
  1035. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4382 #4382]).
  1036. * Implemented cancellation of `null_buffers` operations on Windows.
  1037. [heading Asio 1.4.5 / Boost 1.43]
  1038. * Improved performance.
  1039. * Reduced compile times.
  1040. * Reduced the size of generated code.
  1041. * Extended the guarantee that background threads don't call user code to all
  1042. asynchronous operations
  1043. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3923 #3923]).
  1044. * Changed to use edge-triggered epoll on Linux.
  1045. * Changed to use `timerfd` for dispatching timers on Linux, when available.
  1046. * Changed to use one-shot notifications with kqueue on Mac OS X and BSD
  1047. platforms.
  1048. * Added a bitmask type `ip::resolver_query_base::flags` as per the TR2 proposal.
  1049. This type prevents implicit conversion from `int` to `flags`, allowing the
  1050. compiler to catch cases where users incorrectly pass a numeric port number as
  1051. the service name.
  1052. * Added `#define NOMINMAX` for all Windows compilers. Users can define
  1053. `BOOST_ASIO_NO_NOMINMAX` to suppress this definition
  1054. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3901 #3901]).
  1055. * Fixed a bug where 0-byte asynchronous reads were incorrectly passing an
  1056. `error::eof` result to the completion handler
  1057. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4023 #4023]).
  1058. * Changed the `io_control()` member functions to always call `ioctl` on the
  1059. underlying descriptor when modifying blocking mode
  1060. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3307 #3307]).
  1061. * Changed the resolver implementation to longer require the typedefs
  1062. `InternetProtocol::resolver_query` and `InternetProtocol::resolver_iterator`,
  1063. as neither typedef is part of the documented `InternetProtocol` requirements.
  1064. The corresponding typedefs in the `ip::tcp`, `ip::udp` and `ip::icmp` classes
  1065. have been deprecated.
  1066. * Fixed out-of-band handling for reactors not based on `select()`.
  1067. * Added new `BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_THREADS` macro that allows Asio's threading
  1068. support to be independently disabled.
  1069. * Minor documentation improvements.
  1070. [heading Asio 1.4.4 / Boost 1.42]
  1071. * Added a new HTTP Server 4 example illustrating the use of stackless coroutines
  1072. with Asio.
  1073. * Changed handler allocation and invocation to use `boost::addressof` to get the
  1074. address of handler objects, rather than applying `operator&` directly
  1075. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2977 #2977]).
  1076. * Restricted MSVC buffer debugging workaround to 2008, as it causes a crash with
  1077. 2010 beta 2 ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3796 #3796],
  1078. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3822 #3822]).
  1079. * Fixed a problem with the lifetime of handler memory, where Windows needs the
  1080. `OVERLAPPED` structure to be valid until both the initiating function call
  1081. has returned and the completion packet has been delivered.
  1082. * Don't block signals while performing system calls, but instead restart the
  1083. calls if they are interrupted.
  1084. * Documented the guarantee made by strand objects with respect to order of
  1085. handler invocation.
  1086. * Changed strands to use a pool of implementations, to make copying of strands
  1087. cheaper.
  1088. * Ensured that kqueue support is enabled for BSD platforms
  1089. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3626 #3626]).
  1090. * Added a `boost_` prefix to the `extern "C"` thread entry point function
  1091. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3809 #3809]).
  1092. * In `getaddrinfo` emulation, only check the socket type (`SOCK_STREAM` or
  1093. `SOCK_DGRAM`) if a service name has been specified. This should allow the
  1094. emulation to work with raw sockets.
  1095. * Added a workaround for some broken Windows firewalls that make a socket
  1096. appear bound to when it is in fact bound to
  1097. * Applied a fix for reported excessive CPU usage under Solaris
  1098. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3670 #3670]).
  1099. * Added some support for platforms that use older compilers such as g++ 2.95
  1100. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3743 #3743]).
  1101. [heading Asio 1.4.3 / Boost 1.40]
  1102. * Added a new ping example to illustrate the use of ICMP sockets.
  1103. * Changed the `buffered*_stream<>` templates to treat 0-byte reads and writes as
  1104. no-ops, to comply with the documented type requirements for `SyncReadStream`,
  1105. `AsyncReadStream`, `SyncWriteStream` and `AsyncWriteStream`.
  1106. * Changed some instances of the `throw` keyword to `boost::throw_exception()` to
  1107. allow Asio to be used when exception support is disabled. Note that the SSL
  1108. wrappers still require exception support
  1109. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2754 #2754]).
  1110. * Made Asio compatible with the OpenSSL 1.0 beta
  1111. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3256 #3256]).
  1112. * Eliminated a redundant system call in the Solaris [^/dev/poll] backend.
  1113. * Fixed a bug in resizing of the bucket array in the internal hash maps
  1114. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3095 #3095]).
  1115. * Ensured correct propagation of the error code when a synchronous accept fails
  1116. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3216 #3216]).
  1117. * Ensured correct propagation of the error code when a synchronous read or
  1118. write on a Windows HANDLE fails.
  1119. * Fixed failures reported when `_GLIBCXX_DEBUG` is defined
  1120. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3098 #3098]).
  1121. * Fixed custom memory allocation support for timers
  1122. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3107 #3107]).
  1123. * Tidied up various warnings reported by g++
  1124. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/1341 #1341],
  1125. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2618 #2618]).
  1126. * Various documentation improvements, including more obvious hyperlinks to
  1127. function overloads, header file information, examples for the handler type
  1128. requirements, and adding enum values to the index
  1129. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/3157 #3157],
  1130. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2620 #2620]).
  1131. [heading Asio 1.4.2 / Boost 1.39]
  1132. * Implement automatic resizing of the bucket array in the internal hash maps.
  1133. This is to improve performance for very large numbers of asynchronous
  1134. operations and also to reduce memory usage for very small numbers. A new
  1135. macro `BOOST_ASIO_HASH_MAP_BUCKETS` may be used to tweak the sizes used for
  1136. the bucket arrays. (N.B. this feature introduced a bug which was fixed in
  1137. Asio 1.4.3 / Boost 1.40.)
  1138. * Add performance optimisation for the Windows IOCP backend for when no timers
  1139. are used.
  1140. * Prevent locale settings from affecting formatting of TCP and UDP endpoints
  1141. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2682 #2682]).
  1142. * Fix a memory leak that occurred when an asynchronous SSL operation's
  1143. completion handler threw an exception
  1144. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2910 #2910]).
  1145. * Fix the implementation of `io_control()` so that it adheres to the
  1146. documented type requirements for IoControlCommand
  1147. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2820 #2820]).
  1148. * Fix incompatibility between Asio and ncurses.h
  1149. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2156 #2156]).
  1150. * On Windows, specifically handle the case when an overlapped `ReadFile` call
  1151. fails with `ERROR_MORE_DATA`. This enables a hack where a
  1152. `windows::stream_handle` can be used with a message-oriented named pipe
  1153. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2936 #2936]).
  1154. * Fix system call wrappers to always clear the error on success, as POSIX
  1155. allows successful system calls to modify errno
  1156. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2953 #2953]).
  1157. * Don't include termios.h if `BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_SERIAL_PORT` is defined
  1158. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2917 #2917]).
  1159. * Cleaned up some more MSVC level 4 warnings
  1160. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2828 #2828]).
  1161. * Various documentation fixes
  1162. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2871 #2871]).
  1163. [heading Asio 1.4.1 / Boost 1.38]
  1164. * Improved compatibility with some Windows firewall software.
  1165. * Ensured arguments to `windows::overlapped_ptr::complete()` are correctly
  1166. passed to the completion handler
  1167. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2614 #2614]).
  1168. * Fixed a link problem and multicast failure on QNX
  1169. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2504 #2504],
  1170. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2530 #2530]).
  1171. * Fixed a compile error in SSL support on MinGW / g++ 3.4.5.
  1172. * Drop back to using a pipe for notification if eventfd is not available at
  1173. runtime on Linux ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2683 #2683]).
  1174. * Various minor bug and documentation fixes
  1175. ([@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2534 #2534],
  1176. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2541 #2541],
  1177. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2607 #2607],
  1178. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2617 #2617],
  1179. [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2619 #2619]).
  1180. [heading Asio 1.4.0 / Boost 1.37]
  1181. * Enhanced CompletionCondition concept with the signature
  1182. `size_t CompletionCondition(error_code ec, size_t total)`, where the return
  1183. value indicates the maximum number of bytes to be transferred on the next
  1184. read or write operation. (The old CompletionCondition signature is still
  1185. supported for backwards compatibility).
  1186. * New windows::overlapped_ptr class to allow arbitrary overlapped I/O
  1187. functions (such as TransmitFile) to be used with Asio.
  1188. * On recent versions of Linux, an eventfd descriptor is now used (rather than
  1189. a pipe) to interrupt a blocked select/epoll reactor.
  1190. * Added const overloads of lowest_layer().
  1191. * Synchronous read, write, accept and connect operations are now thread safe
  1192. (meaning that it is now permitted to perform concurrent synchronous
  1193. operations on an individual socket, if supported by the OS).
  1194. * Reactor-based io_service implementations now use lazy initialisation to
  1195. reduce the memory usage of an io_service object used only as a message
  1196. queue.
  1197. [heading Asio 1.2.0 / Boost 1.36]
  1198. * Added support for serial ports.
  1199. * Added support for UNIX domain sockets.
  1200. * Added support for raw sockets and ICMP.
  1201. * Added wrappers for POSIX stream-oriented file descriptors (excluding regular
  1202. files).
  1203. * Added wrappers for Windows stream-oriented `HANDLE`s such as named pipes
  1204. (requires `HANDLE`s that work with I/O completion ports).
  1205. * Added wrappers for Windows random-access `HANDLE`s such as files (requires
  1206. `HANDLE`s that work with I/O completion ports).
  1207. * Added support for reactor-style operations (i.e. they report readiness but
  1208. perform no I/O) using a new `null_buffers` type.
  1209. * Added an iterator type for bytewise traversal of buffer sequences.
  1210. * Added new `read_until()` and `async_read_until()` overloads that take a
  1211. user-defined function object for locating message boundaries.
  1212. * Added an experimental two-lock queue (enabled by defining
  1213. `BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_TWO_LOCK_QUEUE`) that may provide better `io_service`
  1214. scalability across many processors.
  1215. * Various fixes, performance improvements, and more complete coverage of the
  1216. custom memory allocation support.
  1217. [heading Asio 1.0.0 / Boost 1.35]
  1218. First release of Asio as part of Boost.
  1219. [endsect]