introduction.qbk 3.6 KB

  1. [/license
  2. Boost.Bimap
  3. Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Matias Capeletto
  4. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  5. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  6. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. ]
  8. [/ QuickBook Document version 1.4 ]
  9. [section Introduction]
  10. [heading How to use this document]
  11. This documentation contains a large amount of information. Whereas it
  12. may be worth reading it all, this documentation is intended for
  13. programmers with various motives:
  14. [variablelist
  15. [[I have to finished this today, I just want a bidirectional map!][
  16. If your boss will kill you if the project is not finished by the end of
  17. the day, just read the [link boost_bimap.one_minute_tutorial One-minute tutorial].
  18. If you have a background in STL, you can be testing a bimap within ten minutes.
  19. ]]
  20. [[I am a serious programmer and want to learn Boost.Bimap][
  21. Boost.Bimap has a lot to offer if you are prepared to spend some time
  22. reading this documentation. You will need to read [link boost_bimap.the_tutorial The tutorial]
  23. and skim through some of the [link boost_bimap.examples Examples].
  24. The best way to read this documentation is in the order given here.
  25. Just click on the arrow at the right bottom corner as you finish each page.
  26. You may skip the reference section, and return to it later to look up a function
  27. signature or to find a specific metafunction.
  28. ]]
  29. [[I just love C++, I want to see the inner workings of Boost.Bimap.][
  30. If you are a library developer, this documentation is the best place to
  31. learn how Boost.Bimap is implemented. It is strongly recommended that
  32. you first learn to use the library as if you were the second type of
  33. programmer above. This library was developed in the Google SoC 2006, and
  34. the mentor and student generated a great deal of documentation in the
  35. building process. The rationale section is very large and contains a lot
  36. of information. There is a history section for those who might find it
  37. useful. Finally, in the reference section, each entity of the library is
  38. documented and its source code is presented.
  39. ]]
  40. ]
  41. [note
  42. If anything in the documentation is unclear, please email me at ['matias
  43. {dot} capeletto {at} gmail {dot} com], telling me which of the three
  44. types of programmer above you are and which section needs improvement.
  45. Please use the following notation for the subject: ['\[boost\]\[bimap\] Your
  46. problem] as this will help me to identify it more easily. If appropriate,
  47. I will act on your advice to improve the documentation. Thanks and enjoy!
  48. ]
  49. [important
  50. If you should find a bug or would like to see an additional feature in
  51. the library, please use the standard Boost methods of dealing with this
  52. kind of issue rather than emailing me directly. Boost has a very good
  53. system to [@http://www.boost.org/more/bugs.htm track bugs] and
  54. [@http://www.boost.org/more/requesting_new_features.htm features requests],
  55. and using it is the best way of dealing with them as soon as possible.
  56. ]
  57. [heading Navigation]
  58. Used in combination with the configured browser key (usually Alt), the
  59. following keys act as handy shortcuts for common navigation tasks.
  60. * [*General]
  61. * [^[*p]] - Previous page
  62. * [^[*n]] - Next page
  63. * [^[*h]] - home
  64. * [^[*u]] - Up
  65. * [*Main TOC]
  66. * [^[*i]] - Introduction
  67. * [^[*o]] - One minute tutorial
  68. * [^[*t]] - The tutorial
  69. * [^[*b]] - Bimap and Boost
  70. * [^[*r]] - Reference
  71. * [^[*c]] - Compiler specifics
  72. * [^[*v]] - Performance
  73. * [^[*e]] - Examples
  74. * [^[*s]] - Test Suite
  75. * [^[*f]] - Future work
  76. * [^[*m]] - Release notes
  77. * [^[*w]] - Rationale
  78. * [^[*y]] - History
  79. * [^[*a]] - Acknowledgements
  80. [endsect]