test_suite.qbk 6.1 KB

  1. [/license
  2. Boost.Bimap
  3. Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Matias Capeletto
  4. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  5. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  6. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. ]
  8. [/ QuickBook Document version 1.4 ]
  9. [section Test suite]
  10. The Boost.Bimap test suite exercises the whole spectrum of functionalities provided by the library.
  11. Although the tests are not meant to serve as a learning guide, the interested reader may find it
  12. useful to inspect the source code to gain familiarity with some of the least common features
  13. offered by Boost.Bimap.
  14. [table
  15. [[Program ][Description ]
  16. ]
  17. [[[@../../test/test_tagged.cpp
  18. test_tagged.cpp ]]
  19. [Tagged idiom checks ]]
  20. [[[@../../test/test_mutant.cpp
  21. test_mutant.cpp ]]
  22. [Test the mutant idiom ]]
  23. [[[@../../test/test_structured_pair.cpp
  24. test_structured_pair.cpp ]]
  25. [Test structured pair class ]]
  26. [[[@../../test/test_mutant_relation.cpp
  27. test_mutant_relation.cpp ]]
  28. [Test the relation class ]]
  29. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_set_of.cpp
  30. test_bimap_set_of.cpp ]]
  31. [Library interface check ]]
  32. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_multiset_of.cpp
  33. test_bimap_multiset_of.cpp ]]
  34. [Library interface check ]]
  35. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_unordered_set_of.cpp
  36. test_bimap_unordered_set_of.cpp ]]
  37. [Library interface check ]]
  38. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_unordered_multiset_of.cpp
  39. test_bimap_unordered_multiset_of.cpp ]]
  40. [Library interface check ]]
  41. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_list_of.cpp
  42. test_bimap_list_of.cpp ]]
  43. [Library interface check ]]
  44. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_vector_of.cpp
  45. test_bimap_vector_of.cpp ]]
  46. [Library interface check ]]
  47. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_convenience_header.cpp
  48. test_bimap_convenience_header.cpp ]]
  49. [Library interface check ]]
  50. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_ordered.cpp
  51. test_bimap_ordered.cpp ]]
  52. [Test set and multiset based bimaps ]]
  53. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_unordered.cpp
  54. test_bimap_unordered.cpp ]]
  55. [Test unordered_set and unordered_multiset based bimaps ]]
  56. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_sequenced.cpp
  57. test_bimap_sequenced.cpp ]]
  58. [Test list and vector based bimaps ]]
  59. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_unconstrained.cpp
  60. test_bimap_unconstrained.cpp ]]
  61. [Test bimaps with unconstrained views ]]
  62. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_serialization.cpp
  63. test_bimap_serialization.cpp ]]
  64. [Serialization support checks ]]
  65. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_property_map.cpp
  66. test_bimap_property_map.cpp ]]
  67. [Property map concepts for the set and unordered set views ]]
  68. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_modify.cpp
  69. test_bimap_modify.cpp ]]
  70. [`replace`, `modify` and `operator[]` ]]
  71. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_lambda.cpp
  72. test_bimap_lambda.cpp ]]
  73. [Test lambda modified idom support ]]
  74. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_assign.cpp
  75. test_bimap_assign.cpp ]]
  76. [Test Boost.Assign support ]]
  77. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_project.cpp
  78. test_bimap_project.cpp ]]
  79. [Projection of iterators support ]]
  80. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_operator_bracket.cpp
  81. test_bimap_operator_bracket.cpp ]]
  82. [`operator[]` and `at()` functions ]]
  83. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_info.cpp
  84. test_bimap_info.cpp ]]
  85. [Information hooking support ]]
  86. [[[@../../test/test_bimap_extra.cpp
  87. test_bimap_extra.cpp ]]
  88. [Additional checks ]]
  89. [[[@../../test/compile_fail/test_bimap_info_1.cpp
  90. test_bimap_info_1.cpp ]]
  91. [Information hooking compilation fail test ]]
  92. [[[@../../test/compile_fail/test_bimap_info_2.cpp
  93. test_bimap_info_2.cpp ]]
  94. [Information hooking compilation fail test ]]
  95. [[[@../../test/compile_fail/test_bimap_info_3.cpp
  96. test_bimap_info_3.cpp ]]
  97. [Information hooking compilation fail test ]]
  98. [[[@../../test/compile_fail/test_bimap_mutable_1.cpp
  99. test_bimap_mutable_1.cpp ]]
  100. [Mutable members compilation fail test ]]
  101. [[[@../../test/compile_fail/test_bimap_mutable_2.cpp
  102. test_bimap_mutable_2.cpp ]]
  103. [Mutable members compilation fail test ]]
  104. [[[@../../test/compile_fail/test_bimap_mutable_3.cpp
  105. test_bimap_mutable_3.cpp ]]
  106. [Mutable members compilation fail test ]]
  107. ]
  108. [endsect]