core.qbk 1.6 KB

  1. [/
  2. Copyright 2014 Glen Joseph Fernandes
  3. (glenjofe@gmail.com)
  4. Distributed under the Boost Software License,
  5. Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
  6. or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  7. ]
  8. [library Boost.Core
  9. [quickbook 1.6]
  10. [id core]
  11. [copyright 2014 Peter Dimov]
  12. [copyright 2014 Glen Fernandes]
  13. [copyright 2014 Andrey Semashev]
  14. [dirname core]
  15. [license Distributed under the
  16. [@http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt Boost Software License,
  17. Version 1.0].
  18. ]
  19. ]
  20. [template simplesect[title]
  21. [block '''<simplesect><title>'''[title]'''</title>''']]
  22. [template endsimplesect[]
  23. [block '''</simplesect>''']]
  24. [section Introduction]
  25. The Boost.Core library is a collection of core utilities. The
  26. criteria for inclusion is that the utility component be:
  27. * simple,
  28. * used by other Boost libraries, and
  29. * not dependent on any other Boost modules except Core
  30. itself, Config, Assert, Static Assert, or Predef.
  31. [endsect]
  32. [include addressof.qbk]
  33. [include alloc_construct.qbk]
  34. [include checked_delete.qbk]
  35. [include default_allocator.qbk]
  36. [include demangle.qbk]
  37. [include empty_value.qbk]
  38. [include enable_if.qbk]
  39. [include exchange.qbk]
  40. [include explicit_operator_bool.qbk]
  41. [include first_scalar.qbk]
  42. [include ignore_unused.qbk]
  43. [include is_same.qbk]
  44. [include lightweight_test.qbk]
  45. [include no_exceptions_support.qbk]
  46. [include noinit_adaptor.qbk]
  47. [include noncopyable.qbk]
  48. [include null_deleter.qbk]
  49. [include nvp.qbk]
  50. [include pointer_traits.qbk]
  51. [include quick_exit.qbk]
  52. [include ref.qbk]
  53. [include scoped_enum.qbk]
  54. [include swap.qbk]
  55. [include typeinfo.qbk]
  56. [include uncaught_exceptions.qbk]
  57. [include use_default.qbk]