collating_names.qbk 2.7 KB

  1. [/
  2. Copyright 2006-2007 John Maddock.
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  5. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
  6. ]
  7. [section:collating_names Collating Names]
  8. [section:digraphs Digraphs]
  9. The following are treated as valid digraphs when used as a collating name:
  10. "ae", "Ae", "AE", "ch", "Ch", "CH", "ll", "Ll", "LL", "ss", "Ss", "SS", "nj", "Nj", "NJ", "dz", "Dz", "DZ", "lj", "Lj", "LJ".
  11. So for example the expression:
  12. [pre \[\[.ae.\]-c\] ]
  13. will match any character that collates between the digraph "ae" and the character "c".
  14. [endsect]
  15. [section:posix_symbolic_names POSIX Symbolic Names]
  16. The following symbolic names are recognised as valid collating element names,
  17. in addition to any single character, this allows you to write for example:
  18. [pre \[\[.left-square-bracket.\]\[.right-square-bracket.\]\]]
  19. if you wanted to match either "\[" or "\]".
  20. [table
  21. [[Name][Character]]
  22. [[NUL] [\\x00]]
  23. [[SOH] [\\x01]]
  24. [[STX] [\\x02]]
  25. [[ETX] [\\x03]]
  26. [[EOT] [\\x04]]
  27. [[ENQ] [\\x05]]
  28. [[ACK] [\\x06]]
  29. [[alert] [\\x07]]
  30. [[backspace] [\\x08]]
  31. [[tab] [\\t]]
  32. [[newline] [\\n]]
  33. [[vertical-tab] [\\v]]
  34. [[form-feed] [\\f]]
  35. [[carriage-return] [\\r]]
  36. [[SO] [\\xE]]
  37. [[SI] [\\xF]]
  38. [[DLE] [\\x10]]
  39. [[DC1] [\\x11]]
  40. [[DC2] [\\x12]]
  41. [[DC3] [\\x13]]
  42. [[DC4] [\\x14]]
  43. [[NAK] [\\x15]]
  44. [[SYN] [\\x16]]
  45. [[ETB] [\\x17]]
  46. [[CAN] [\\x18]]
  47. [[EM] [\\x19]]
  48. [[SUB] [\\x1A]]
  49. [[ESC] [\\x1B]]
  50. [[IS4] [\\x1C]]
  51. [[IS3] [\\x1D]]
  52. [[IS2] [\\x1E]]
  53. [[IS1] [\\x1F]]
  54. [[space] [\\x20]]
  55. [[exclamation-mark] [!]]
  56. [[quotation-mark] ["]]
  57. [[number-sign] [#]]
  58. [[dollar-sign] [$]]
  59. [[percent-sign] [%]]
  60. [[ampersand] [&]]
  61. [[apostrophe] [\']]
  62. [[left-parenthesis] [(]]
  63. [[right-parenthesis] [)]]
  64. [[asterisk] [\*]]
  65. [[plus-sign] [+]]
  66. [[comma] [,]]
  67. [[hyphen] [-]]
  68. [[period] [.]]
  69. [[slash] [ / ]]
  70. [[zero] [0]]
  71. [[one] [1]]
  72. [[two] [2]]
  73. [[three] [3]]
  74. [[four] [4]]
  75. [[five] [5]]
  76. [[six] [6]]
  77. [[seven] [7]]
  78. [[eight] [8]]
  79. [[nine] [9]]
  80. [[colon] [\:]]
  81. [[semicolon] [;]]
  82. [[less-than-sign] [<]]
  83. [[equals-sign] [=]]
  84. [[greater-than-sign] [>]]
  85. [[question-mark] [?]]
  86. [[commercial-at] [@]]
  87. [[left-square-bracket] [\[]]
  88. [[backslash][\\]]
  89. [[right-square-bracket][\]]]
  90. [[circumflex][~]]
  91. [[underscore][_]]
  92. [[grave-accent][`]]
  93. [[left-curly-bracket][{]]
  94. [[vertical-line][|]]
  95. [[right-curly-bracket][}]]
  96. [[tilde][~]]
  97. [[DEL][\\x7F]]
  98. ]
  99. [endsect]
  100. [section:named_unicode Named Unicode Characters]
  101. When using [link boost_regex.unicode Unicode aware regular expressions] (with the `u32regex` type), all
  102. the normal symbolic names for Unicode characters (those given in Unidata.txt)
  103. are recognised. So for example:
  104. [pre \[\[.CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I.\]\] ]
  105. would match the Unicode character 0x0418.
  106. [endsect]
  107. [endsect]