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  20. <h3><a href="http://www.boost.org"><img height="86" width="277" alt="C++ Boost" src="../../../boost.png" border="0"></a></h3>
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  23. <h1 align="center">Serialization</h1>
  24. <h2 align="center">Rationale</h2>
  25. </td>
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  28. <hr>
  29. <dl class="index">
  30. <dt><a href="#serialization">The term "serialization" is preferred to "persistence"</a></dt>
  31. <dt><a href="#archives">Archives are not streams</a></dt>
  32. <dt><a href="#strings">Strings are treated specially in text archives</a></dt>
  33. <dt><a href="#typeid"><code style="white-space: normal">typeid</code> information is not included in archives</a></dt>
  34. <!--
  35. <dt><a href="#footnotes">Footnotes</a></dt>
  36. -->
  37. </dl>
  38. <h2><a name="serialization"></a>The term "serialization" is preferred to "persistence"</h2>
  39. <p>
  40. I found that persistence is often used to refer
  41. to something quite different. Examples are storage of class
  42. instances (objects) in database schema <a href="bibliography.html#4">[4]</a>
  43. This library will be useful in other contexts besides implementing persistence. The
  44. most obvious case is that of marshalling data for transmission to another system.
  45. <h2><a name="archives"></a>Archives are not streams</h2>
  46. <p>
  47. Archive classes are <strong>NOT</strong> derived from
  48. streams even though they have similar syntax rules.
  49. <ul>
  50. <li>Archive classes are not kinds of streams though they
  51. are implemented in terms of streams. This
  52. distinction is addressed in <a href="bibliography.html#5">[5]</a> item number 41.
  53. <li>We don't want users to insert/extract&nbsp;data
  54. directly into/from &nbsp;the stream .&nbsp; This could
  55. create a corrupted archive. Were archives
  56. derived from streams, it would possible to
  57. accidentally do this. So archive classes
  58. only define operations which are safe and necessary.
  59. <li>The usage of streams to implement the archive classes that
  60. are included in the library is merely convenient - not necessary.
  61. Library users may well want to define their own archive format
  62. which doesn't use streams at all.
  63. </ul>
  64. <h2><a name="primitives"></a>Archive Members are Templates
  65. Rather than Virtual Functions</h2>
  66. The previous version of this library defined virtual functions for all
  67. primitive types. These were overridden by each archive class. There were
  68. two issues related to this:
  69. </ul>
  70. <li>Some disliked virtual functions because of the added execution time
  71. overhead.
  72. <li>This caused implementation difficulties since the set of primitive
  73. data types varies between platforms. Attempting to define the correct
  74. set of virtual functions, (think <code style="white-space: normal">long long</code>,
  75. <code style="white-space: normal">__int64</code>,
  76. etc.) resulted in messy and fragile code. Replacing this with templates
  77. and letting the compiler generate the code for the primitive types actually
  78. used, resolved this problem. Of course, the ripple effects of this design
  79. change were significant, but in the end led to smaller, faster, more
  80. maintainable code.
  81. </ul>
  82. <h2><a name="strings"></a><code style="white-space: normal">std::strings</code> are treated specially in text files</h2>
  83. <p>
  84. Treating strings as STL vectors would result in minimal code size. This was
  85. not done because:
  86. <ul>
  87. <li>In text archives it is convenient to be able to view strings. Our text
  88. implementation stores single characters as integers. Storing strings
  89. as a vector of characters would waste space and render the archives
  90. inconvenient for debugging.
  91. <li>Stream implementations have special functions for <code style="white-space: normal">std::string</code>
  92. and <code style="white-space: normal">std::wstring</code>.
  93. Presumably they optimize appropriately.
  94. <li>Other specializations of <code style="white-space: normal">std::basic_string</code> are in fact handled
  95. as vectors of the element type.
  96. </ul>
  97. </p>
  98. <h2><a name="typeid"></a><code style="white-space: normal">typeid</code> information is not included in archives</h2>
  99. <p>
  100. I originally thought that I had to save the name of the class specified by <code style="white-space: normal">std::type_of::name()</code>
  101. in the archive. This created difficulties as <code style="white-space: normal">std::type_of::name()</code> is not portable and
  102. not guaranteed to return the class name. This makes it almost useless for implementing
  103. archive portability. This topic is explained in much more detail in
  104. <a href="bibliography.html#6">[7] page 206</a>. It turned out that it was not necessary.
  105. As long as objects are loaded in the exact sequence as they were saved, the type
  106. is available when loading. The only exception to this is the case of polymorphic
  107. pointers never before loaded/saved. This is addressed with the <code style="white-space: normal">register_type()</code>
  108. and/or <code style="white-space: normal">export</code> facilities described in the reference.
  109. In effect, <code style="white-space: normal">export</code> generates a portable equivalent to
  110. <code style="white-space: normal">typeid</code> information.
  111. <!--
  112. <h2><a name="footnotes"></a>Footnotes</h2>
  113. <dl>
  114. <dt><a name="footnote1" class="footnote">(1)</a> {{text}}</dt>
  115. <dt><a name="footnote2" class="footnote">(2)</a> {{text}}</dt>
  116. </dl>
  117. -->
  118. <hr>
  119. <p><i>&copy; Copyright <a href="http://www.rrsd.com">Robert Ramey</a> 2002-2004.
  120. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  121. accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  122. </i></p>
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