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  13. <title>Serialization - Derivation from an Existing Archive</title>
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  22. <h1 align="center">Serialization</h1>
  23. <h2 align="center">A Simple Logging Archive Class</h2>
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  27. <hr>
  28. The purpose of this example is to help clarify the usage of the
  29. <a href="archives.html"><strong>Archive Concept</strong></a>
  30. so that one can implement his own archive classes.
  31. <a href="../example/simple_log_archive.hpp" target="simple_archive_hpp">
  32. <code>simple_log_archive.hpp</code></a> implements a simple but useful
  33. archive class. This class can be used to send any serializable types
  34. on an output text stream in a readable format. Usage of this facility
  35. is trivially easy:
  36. <pre><code>
  37. #include "simple_log_archive.hpp"
  38. ...
  39. // display the complete schedule
  40. simple_log_archive log(std::cout);
  41. log << schedule;
  42. </code></pre>
  43. and it produces the following output
  44. <pre><code>
  45. schedule
  46. count 6
  47. item
  48. first
  49. driver bob
  50. hour 6
  51. minute 24
  52. second ->
  53. stops
  54. count 3
  55. item ->
  56. latitude
  57. degrees 34
  58. minutes 135
  59. seconds 52.56
  60. longitude
  61. degrees 134
  62. minutes 22
  63. seconds 78.3
  64. ...
  65. </code></pre>
  66. The complete example is <a href="../example/demo_simple_log.cpp" target="demo_simple_log_cpp">
  67. <code>demo_simple_log.cpp</code></a>. Look at
  68. <a href="archive_reference.html#trivial">Trivial Archive</a> to get a
  69. better understanding of how this works.
  70. Also, note the following:
  71. <ul>
  72. <li>Only 160 lines of code.
  73. <li>Header only - linking with the serialization library not required.
  74. <li>Displays ALL <a href="serialization.html"><strong>Serializable</strong></a> types.
  75. <li>Lacks some features.
  76. <ul>
  77. <li>it will not display the data from the derived type given the pointer to a
  78. polymorphic base class. That is, only displays the information of the base class.
  79. To add that see the next example.
  80. <li>doesn't display information serialized as binary data
  81. </ul>
  82. </ul>
  83. <hr>
  84. <p><i>&copy; Copyright <a href="http://www.rrsd.com">Robert Ramey</a> 2002-2010.
  85. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  86. accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  87. </i></p>
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