Jamfile.v2 9.7 KB

  1. # (C) Copyright Edward Diener 2010-2015
  2. # Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
  3. # Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  4. # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
  5. #
  6. # VariadicMacroData testing Jamfile
  7. #
  8. import testing ;
  9. import ../../predef/check/predef
  10. : check require
  11. : predef-check predef-require ;
  12. project variadic_macro_data_tests : requirements <warnings>on
  13. <test-info>always_show_run_output
  14. <toolset>msvc:<warnings>all
  15. <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>-wd4003
  16. <toolset>clang:<cxxflags>-pedantic-errors
  17. <toolset>gcc:<warnings>all
  18. <toolset>gcc:<cxxflags>-pedantic-errors
  19. [ predef-check "BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.7.4" : : <cxxflags>-ftrack-macro-expansion=0 ]
  20. [ predef-check "BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.3.0" : : <cxxflags>-Wno-variadic-macros ]
  21. <toolset>gcc-4.3.0:<cxxflags>-U__STRICT_ANSI__
  22. <toolset>gcc-4.4.0:<cxxflags>-U__STRICT_ANSI__
  23. <toolset>gcc-4.5.0:<linkflags>"-Wl,--enable-auto-import"
  24. ;
  25. alias variadic_macro_data
  26. :
  27. [ run test_after_array_elem.cpp ]
  28. [ run test_after_identifier_elem.cpp ]
  29. [ run test_after_list_elem.cpp ]
  30. [ run test_after_number_elem.cpp ]
  31. [ run test_after_seq_elem.cpp ]
  32. [ run test_after_tuple_elem.cpp ]
  33. [ run test_after_type_elem.cpp ]
  34. [ run test_array_elem.cpp ]
  35. [ run test_array_empty.cpp ]
  36. [ run test_array_equal.cpp ]
  37. [ run test_array_to_seq.cpp ]
  38. [ run test_array_to_tuple.cpp ]
  39. [ run test_ary.cpp ]
  40. [ compile test_assert.cpp ]
  41. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail.cpp ]
  42. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_array.cpp ]
  43. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_identifier.cpp ]
  44. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_is_empty.cpp ]
  45. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_is_identifier.cpp ]
  46. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_is_number.cpp ]
  47. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_list.cpp ]
  48. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_number.cpp ]
  49. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_seq.cpp ]
  50. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_tuple.cpp ]
  51. [ compile-fail test_assert_fail_vcstring.cpp ]
  52. [ compile test_assert_is_array.cpp :
  53. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  54. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_array_fail.cpp :
  55. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  56. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_array_fail2.cpp :
  57. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  58. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_array_fail3.cpp :
  59. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  60. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_array_fail4.cpp :
  61. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  62. [ compile test_assert_is_empty.cpp :
  63. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  64. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_empty_fail.cpp :
  65. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  66. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_empty_fail2.cpp :
  67. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  68. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_empty_fail3.cpp :
  69. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  70. [ compile test_assert_is_identifier.cpp :
  71. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  72. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_identifier_fail.cpp :
  73. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  74. [ compile test_assert_is_list.cpp :
  75. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  76. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_list_fail.cpp :
  77. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  78. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_list_fail2.cpp :
  79. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  80. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_list_fail3.cpp :
  81. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  82. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_list_fail4.cpp :
  83. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  84. [ compile test_assert_is_number.cpp :
  85. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  86. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_number_fail.cpp :
  87. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  88. [ compile test_assert_is_seq.cpp :
  89. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  90. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_seq_fail.cpp :
  91. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  92. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_seq_fail2.cpp :
  93. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  94. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_seq_fail3.cpp :
  95. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  96. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_seq_fail4.cpp :
  97. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  98. [ compile test_assert_is_tuple.cpp :
  99. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  100. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_tuple_fail.cpp :
  101. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  102. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_tuple_fail2.cpp :
  103. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  104. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_tuple_fail3.cpp :
  105. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  106. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_tuple_fail4.cpp :
  107. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  108. [ compile test_assert_is_type.cpp :
  109. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  110. [ compile-fail test_assert_is_type_fail.cpp :
  111. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  112. [ compile test_doc_assert.cpp :
  113. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  114. [ compile-fail test_doc_assert_fail.cpp :
  115. <define>BOOST_VMD_ASSERT_DATA=1 ]
  116. [ run test_doc_empty.cpp ]
  117. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail.cpp ]
  118. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail2.cpp ]
  119. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail3.cpp ]
  120. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail4.cpp ]
  121. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail6.cpp ]
  122. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail7.cpp ]
  123. [ compile-fail test_doc_empty_fail8.cpp ]
  124. [ run test_doc_equality.cpp ]
  125. [ run test_doc_example_switch.cpp ]
  126. [ run test_doc_get_type.cpp ]
  127. [ run test_doc_identifier.cpp ]
  128. [ run test_doc_identifier_subtyping.cpp ]
  129. [ run test_doc_modifiers_filter.cpp ]
  130. [ run test_doc_modifiers_identifier.cpp ]
  131. [ run test_doc_modifiers_index.cpp ]
  132. [ run test_doc_modifiers_return_type.cpp : : : [ predef-require "BOOST_COMP_CLANG == 0" or "BOOST_COMP_CLANG >= 10" ] ]
  133. [ run test_doc_modifiers_splitting.cpp ]
  134. [ run test_doc_number.cpp ]
  135. [ run test_doc_type.cpp ]
  136. [ run test_doc_pp_data_types.cpp ]
  137. [ run test_doc_sequence.cpp ]
  138. [ run test_doc_sequence_access.cpp ]
  139. [ run test_doc_sequence_convert.cpp ]
  140. [ run test_doc_whyhow.cpp ]
  141. [ run test_equal.cpp ]
  142. [ run test_equal_array.cpp ]
  143. [ run test_equal_identifier.cpp ]
  144. [ run test_equal_list.cpp ]
  145. [ run test_equal_multi.cpp ]
  146. [ run test_equal_number.cpp ]
  147. [ run test_equal_seq.cpp ]
  148. [ run test_equal_tuple.cpp ]
  149. [ run test_equal_type.cpp ]
  150. [ run test_identifier_elem.cpp ]
  151. [ run test_identifier_equal.cpp ]
  152. [ run test_is_array.cpp ]
  153. [ run-fail test_is_array_fail.cpp ]
  154. [ run-fail test_is_array_fail2.cpp ]
  155. [ run-fail test_is_array_fail3.cpp ]
  156. [ run-fail test_is_array_fail4.cpp ]
  157. [ run test_is_empty.cpp ]
  158. [ compile-fail test_is_empty_fail.cpp ]
  159. [ run test_is_identifier.cpp ]
  160. [ run test_is_list.cpp ]
  161. [ run-fail test_is_list_fail.cpp ]
  162. [ run-fail test_is_list_fail2.cpp ]
  163. [ run-fail test_is_list_fail3.cpp ]
  164. [ run-fail test_is_list_fail4.cpp ]
  165. [ run test_is_number.cpp ]
  166. [ run test_is_parens_empty.cpp ]
  167. [ run test_is_seq.cpp ]
  168. [ run-fail test_is_seq_fail.cpp ]
  169. [ run-fail test_is_seq_fail2.cpp ]
  170. [ run-fail test_is_seq_fail3.cpp ]
  171. [ run-fail test_is_seq_fail4.cpp ]
  172. [ run test_is_tuple.cpp ]
  173. [ run-fail test_is_tuple_fail.cpp ]
  174. [ run-fail test_is_tuple_fail2.cpp ]
  175. [ run-fail test_is_tuple_fail3.cpp ]
  176. [ run-fail test_is_tuple_fail4.cpp ]
  177. [ run test_is_type.cpp ]
  178. [ run test_is_vmd_seq.cpp ]
  179. [ run test_is_vmd_tuple.cpp ]
  180. [ run test_list_elem.cpp ]
  181. [ run test_list_empty.cpp ]
  182. [ run test_list_equal.cpp ]
  183. [ run test_list_to_seq.cpp ]
  184. [ run test_list_to_tuple.cpp ]
  185. [ run test_number_elem.cpp ]
  186. [ run test_number_equal.cpp ]
  187. [ run test_seq_elem.cpp ]
  188. [ run test_seq_equal.cpp ]
  189. [ run test_seq_pop_back.cpp ]
  190. [ run test_seq_pop_front.cpp ]
  191. [ run test_seq_push_back.cpp ]
  192. [ run test_seq_push_front.cpp ]
  193. [ run test_seq_remove.cpp ]
  194. [ run test_seq_size.cpp ]
  195. [ run test_seq_to_array.cpp ]
  196. [ run test_seq_to_list.cpp ]
  197. [ run test_seq_to_tuple.cpp ]
  198. [ run test_sequence_after_elem.cpp ]
  199. [ run test_sequence_elem.cpp ]
  200. [ run test_sequence_enum.cpp ]
  201. [ run test_sequence_size.cpp ]
  202. [ run test_sequence_to_array.cpp ]
  203. [ run test_sequence_to_list.cpp ]
  204. [ run test_sequence_to_seq.cpp ]
  205. [ run test_sequence_to_tuple.cpp ]
  206. [ run test_tuple_elem.cpp ]
  207. [ run test_tuple_equal.cpp ]
  208. [ run test_tuple_pop_back.cpp ]
  209. [ run test_tuple_pop_front.cpp ]
  210. [ run test_tuple_push_back.cpp ]
  211. [ run test_tuple_push_front.cpp ]
  212. [ run test_tuple_remove.cpp ]
  213. [ run test_tuple_size.cpp ]
  214. [ run test_tuple_to_array.cpp ]
  215. [ run test_tuple_to_list.cpp ]
  216. [ run test_tuple_to_seq.cpp ]
  217. [ run test_type.cpp ]
  218. [ run test_type_elem.cpp ]
  219. [ run test_type_equal.cpp ]
  220. [ run test_variadic_macro.cpp ]
  221. ;