gildas_requests__part_iii.lua 5.8 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : Quests/TheElddarGrove/gildas_requests__part_iii.lua
  3. Script Author : Dorbin
  4. Script Date : 2022.07.08 10:07:14
  5. Script Purpose : Qeynos Cloth Armorquest 3
  6. Zone : TheElddarGrove
  7. Quest Giver: Gildas Cedartree
  8. Preceded by: Gildas' Requests - Part II
  9. Followed by: Gildas' Requests - Part IV
  10. --]]
  11. require "SpawnScripts/Generic/DialogModule"
  12. function Init(Quest)
  13. AddQuestStepKill(Quest, 1, "I should destroy the defiled torrents I find within Stormhold to try and recover any bone fragments I find for Gildas.", 12, 100, "I'm looking for any information as to the origins of the undead within Stormhold. If you could venture there and destroy some of the defiled torrents and bring back some of their bone shards it would help further my research. The library is always a good source of information, if you could bring me any information you find there it may be of help. And finally, I have heard reports of various jelly like creatures within Stormhold. Can you collect me some samples of these creatures so I can verify that they differ from those found within our catacombs? - Gildas", 92, 150012,150229)
  14. AddQuestStepKill(Quest, 2, "I must gather any information I can find within the library in Stormhold", 8, 100, "I'm looking for any information as to the origins of the undead within Stormhold. If you could venture there and destroy some of the defiled torrents and bring back some of their bone shards it would help further my research. The library is always a good source of information, if you could bring me any information you find there it may be of help. And finally, I have heard reports of various jelly like creatures within Stormhold. Can you collect me some samples of these creatures so I can verify that they differ from those found within our catacombs? - Gildas", 2179, 150054,150268)
  15. AddQuestStepKill(Quest, 3, "I should destroy any of the more powerful gelatinous masses I find within Stormhold in an attempt to find any information about their origin for Gildas.", 12, 100, "I'm looking for any information as to the origins of the undead within Stormhold. If you could venture there and destroy some of the defiled torrents and bring back some of their bone shards it would help further my research. The library is always a good source of information, if you could bring me any information you find there it may be of help. And finally, I have heard reports of various jelly like creatures within Stormhold. Can you collect me some samples of these creatures so I can verify that they differ from those found within our catacombs? - Gildas", 769, 150025,150240,150049,150263,150241,150026)
  16. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 1, "Step1Complete")
  17. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 2, "Step2Complete")
  18. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 3, "Step3Complete")
  19. UpdateQuestZone(Quest,"Stormhold")
  20. end
  21. function Accepted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  22. FaceTarget(QuestGiver, Player)
  23. Dialog.New(QuestGiver, Player)
  24. Dialog.AddDialog( "A few things in Antonica never cease to cause problems. It's a shame we need the walls of Qeynos ... we'd have such a lovely view without them. Please take this scroll; my requests are written on it.")
  25. -- Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/selwyn_oakheart/qey_south/quests/selwyn_oakheart/selwyn001.mp3", 390832885, 49061382)
  26. PlayFlavor(QuestGiver,"","","ponder", 0, 0, Player)
  27. Dialog.AddOption( "Perhaps one day Gildas.")
  28. Dialog.Start()
  29. end
  30. function Declined(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  31. -- Add dialog here for when the quest is declined
  32. end
  33. function Deleted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  34. -- Remove any quest specific items here when the quest is deleted
  35. end
  36. function Step1Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  37. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 1, "I have destroyed the defiled torrents I found within Stormhold and recovered bone fragments for Gildas.")
  38. CheckProgress(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  39. end
  40. function Step2Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  41. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 2, "I have gathered tattered pages from the guardian writs within Stormhold.")
  42. CheckProgress(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  43. end
  44. function Step3Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  45. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 3, "I have destroyed the gelatinous masses I found within Stormhold.")
  46. CheckProgress(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  47. end
  48. function CheckProgress(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  49. if QuestStepIsComplete(Player, 5614, 1) and QuestStepIsComplete(Player, 5614, 2) and QuestStepIsComplete(Player, 5614, 3) then
  50. UpdateQuestTaskGroupDescription(Quest, 1, "I have completed all that Gildas has asked of me. I should return to him.")
  51. UpdateQuestZone(Quest,"The Elddar Grove")
  52. AddQuestStepChat(Quest, 4, "I should return to Gildas in The Elddar Grove.", 1, "I need to speak to Gildas Cedartree in The Elddar Grove.", 11, 2070033)
  53. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 4, "QuestComplete")
  54. end
  55. end
  56. function QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  57. -- The following UpdateQuestStepDescription and UpdateTaskGroupDescription are not needed, parser adds them for completion in case stuff needs to be moved around
  58. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 4, " I have returned to Gildas in The Elddar Grove.")
  59. UpdateQuestTaskGroupDescription(Quest, 2, "I have spoken to Gildas Cedartree in The Elddar Grove.")
  60. UpdateQuestDescription(Quest, "Gildas has rewarded me with a silver touched shoes.")
  61. GiveQuestReward(Quest, Player)
  62. end
  63. function Reload(Quest, QuestGiver, Player, Step)
  64. if Step == 1 then
  65. Step1Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  66. elseif Step == 2 then
  67. Step2Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  68. elseif Step == 3 then
  69. Step3Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  70. elseif Step == 4 then
  71. QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  72. end
  73. end