anoldnote.lua 2.3 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : ItemScripts/anoldnote.lua
  3. Script Purpose :
  4. Script Author : Dorbin
  5. Script Date : 05/17/2023
  6. Script Notes :
  7. --]]
  8. local Quest = 235
  9. function examined(Item, Player)
  10. if CanReceiveQuest(Player,Quest) then
  11. Dialog1(Item,Player)
  12. else
  13. AddConversationOption(conversation, "[Keep the old note as a keepsake.]")
  14. AddConversationOption(conversation, "[Toss the note in the wind. You no longer need it.]", "QuestFinish")
  15. StartDialogConversation(conversation, 2, Item, Player, "You've read this note already. \n\n \"May Tunare bless your life, as she has blessed mine. My name is Phyndin Silverystream. I've since left this forest,...\"")
  16. end
  17. end
  18. function Dialog1(Item,Player)
  19. conversation = CreateConversation()
  20. if CanReceiveQuest(Player,Quest) then
  21. OfferQuest(nil,Player,Quest)
  22. end
  23. if GetQuestStep(Player,Quest)==2 then
  24. AddConversationOption(conversation, "[Read the note.]", "Dialog2")
  25. end
  26. AddConversationOption(conversation, "[Put the note away.]", "CloseItemConversation")
  27. StartDialogConversation(conversation, 2, Item, Player, "To whomever finds this note: May Tunare bless your life, as she has blessed mine. My name is Phyndin Silverystream. I've since left this forest, but I left behind a token of my life here. If you found this note on my furry friend, then I believe you worthy enough to carry it--should you find it. Check the tree in the stream...")
  28. end
  29. function Dialog2(Item,Player)
  30. conversation = CreateConversation()
  31. if GetQuestStep(Player,Quest)==2 then
  32. SetStepComplete(Player,Quest,2)
  33. end
  34. AddConversationOption(conversation, "[Put the note and map away.]", "CloseItemConversation")
  35. StartDialogConversation(conversation, 2, Item, Player, "Though penned crudely, the map seems fairly easy to follow. By tracing the river through the map, you manage to make out that the spot marked on it is a fairly large tree overlooking the waterfall. A small fern is shown growing next to the tree, though depending on how long ago this map was made, the fern could be gone by now.")
  36. end
  37. function QuestFinish(Item,Player)
  38. CloseItemConversation(Item,Player)
  39. if HasItem(Player,3776) then
  40. RemoveItem(Player,3776,1)
  41. end
  42. end