aGraystoneGuildbruiserDojoBarbarian133772275.lua 36 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : SpawnScripts/qeynos_combined02/aGraystoneGuildbruiserDojoBarbarian133772275.lua
  3. Script Author : Rylec
  4. Script Date : 2021.03.07 06:03:16
  5. Script Purpose :
  6. :
  7. --]]
  8. function spawn(NPC)
  9. local model = MakeRandomInt(1,6)
  10. if model == 1 then
  11. SetModelType(NPC, "132") -- human female
  12. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "132")
  13. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5529")
  14. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5530")
  15. HumanCosmetics(NPC)
  16. elseif model == 2 then
  17. SetModelType(NPC, "134") -- human male
  18. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "134")
  19. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5533")
  20. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5534")
  21. HumanCosmetics(NPC)
  22. elseif model == 3 then
  23. SetModelType(NPC, "109") -- dwarf female
  24. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "109")
  25. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5473")
  26. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5474")
  27. DwarfCosmetics(NPC)
  28. elseif model == 4 then
  29. SetModelType(NPC, "110") -- dwarf male
  30. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "110")
  31. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5477")
  32. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5478")
  33. DwarfCosmetics(NPC)
  34. elseif model == 5 then
  35. SetModelType(NPC, "111") -- barbarian female
  36. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "111")
  37. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5457")
  38. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5458")
  39. BarbarianCosmetics(NPC)
  40. else
  41. SetModelType(NPC, "112") -- barbarian male
  42. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_model_type", "112")
  43. SpawnSet(NPC, "chest_type", "5461")
  44. SpawnSet(NPC, "legs_type", "5462")
  45. BarbarianCosmetics(NPC)
  46. end
  47. SetEquipment(NPC, 3, 991, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)
  48. SetEquipment(NPC, 7, 4570, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)
  49. SetEquipment(NPC, 8, 992, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)
  50. local Forearms_chance = MakeRandomInt(1,100)
  51. if Forearms_chance < 51 then
  52. SetEquipment(NPC, 5, 1009, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)
  53. else
  54. SetEquipment(NPC, 5, 0)
  55. end
  56. AddTimer(NPC, 6000, "EmoteLoop")
  57. end
  58. function hailed(NPC, Spawn)
  59. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  60. local Type = GetModelType(NPC)
  61. local choice = MakeRandomInt(1,2)
  62. if Type == 132 then
  63. if choice == 1 then
  64. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_race_good/ft/eco/good/human_eco_race_good_hail_gf_2d0e8823.mp3", "Almost time to stop and have an ale, isn't it?", "wink", 1106325239, 2982056892, Spawn)
  65. else
  66. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/human_eco_race_good/ft/eco/good/human_eco_race_good_hail_gf_837968a9.mp3", "Oh, my aching back! As good a time to stop and chat as any, I say.", "yawn", 3270846909, 2717985314, Spawn)
  67. end
  68. elseif Type == 134 then
  69. if choice == 1 then
  70. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Almost time to stop and have an ale, isn't it?", "", 0, 0, Spawn)
  71. else
  72. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Oh, my aching back! As good a time to stop and chat as any, I say.", "yawn", 0, 0, Spawn)
  73. end
  74. elseif Type == 109 then
  75. if choice == 1 then
  76. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/dwarf_eco_race_good/ft/eco/good/dwarf_eco_race_good_hail_gf_bce06b4a.mp3", "A hard day of adventuring makes one long for home, don't it?", "", 2210732036, 3144200859, Spawn)
  77. else
  78. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/dwarf_eco_race_good/ft/eco/good/dwarf_eco_race_good_hail_gf_c221a26e.mp3", "Ah, what I wouldn't give to be cradling a mug of good dwarven ale.", "", 409704670, 4015848226, Spawn)
  79. end
  80. elseif Type == 110 then
  81. if choice == 1 then
  82. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "A hard day of adventuring makes one long for home, don't it?", "", 0, 0, Spawn)
  83. else
  84. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Ah, what I wouldn't give to be cradling a mug of good dwarven ale.", "", 0, 0, Spawn)
  85. end
  86. elseif Type == 111 then
  87. if choice == 1 then
  88. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "I'm not used to this weather, but my people can adapt to any change in order to survive.", "", 0, 0, Spawn)
  89. else
  90. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Treasures from the past can be found throughout the lands, for those who care to look.", "", 0, 0, Spawn)
  91. end
  92. elseif Type == 112 then
  93. if choice == 1 then
  94. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/barbarian_eco_race_good/ft/eco/good/barbarian_eco_race_good_hail_gm_d571c130.mp3", "I'm not used to this weather, but my people can adapt to any change in order to survive.", "", 3421348121, 1004876500, Spawn)
  95. else
  96. PlayFlavor(NPC, "voiceover/english/barbarian_eco_race_good/ft/eco/good/barbarian_eco_race_good_hail_gm_5a6b643f.mp3", "Treasures from the past can be found throughout the lands, for those who care to look.", "", 3614931515, 1601871948, Spawn)
  97. end
  98. end
  99. end
  100. function respawn(NPC)
  101. spawn(NPC)
  102. end
  103. function BarbarianCosmetics(NPC)
  104. local Type = GetModelType(NPC)
  105. local HairType = 0
  106. if Type == 111 then
  107. HairType = MakeRandomInt(1136,1140)
  108. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", HairType)
  109. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", HairType)
  110. else
  111. HairType = MakeRandomInt(1133,1140)
  112. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", HairType)
  113. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", HairType)
  114. end
  115. local FaceHairType = MakeRandomInt(1185,1189)
  116. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", FaceHairType)
  117. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_facial_hair_type", FaceHairType)
  118. local overall_look = MakeRandomInt(1,6)
  119. if overall_look == 1 then -- Light chestnut (yellowish)
  120. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "206 162 137")
  121. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "206 162 137")
  122. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "47 100 102")
  123. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "47 100 102")
  124. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "37 22 5")
  125. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "37 22 5")
  126. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "37 22 5")
  127. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "37 22 5")
  128. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "27 15 35")
  129. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "27 15 35")
  130. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "27 15 35")
  131. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "27 15 35")
  132. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "79 28 15")
  133. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "79 28 15")
  134. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "111 64 0")
  135. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "111 64 0")
  136. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "29 21 28")
  137. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "29 21 28")
  138. elseif overall_look == 2 then -- White
  139. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "229 215 216")
  140. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "229 215 216")
  141. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "47 95 110")
  142. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "47 95 110")
  143. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "119 147 147")
  144. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "119 147 147")
  145. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "119 147 147")
  146. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "119 147 147")
  147. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "193 100 45")
  148. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "193 100 45")
  149. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "193 100 45")
  150. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "193 100 45")
  151. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "114 112 142")
  152. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "114 112 142")
  153. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "152 138 129")
  154. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "152 138 129")
  155. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "105 26 26")
  156. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "105 26 26")
  157. elseif overall_look == 3 then -- Bright yellow
  158. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "191 197 197")
  159. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "191 197 197")
  160. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "38 78 71")
  161. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "38 78 71")
  162. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "190 133 13")
  163. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "190 133 13")
  164. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "190 133 13")
  165. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "190 133 13")
  166. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  167. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  168. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  169. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  170. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "209 131 22")
  171. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "209 131 22")
  172. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "199 150 48")
  173. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "199 150 48")
  174. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "246 219 114")
  175. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "246 219 114")
  176. elseif overall_look == 4 then -- Chestnut
  177. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "166 167 167")
  178. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "166 167 167")
  179. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "52 104 87")
  180. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "52 104 87")
  181. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "0 0 0")
  182. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "0 0 0")
  183. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "0 0 0")
  184. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "0 0 0")
  185. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "0 0 0")
  186. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "0 0 0")
  187. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "0 0 0")
  188. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "0 0 0")
  189. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "38 22 21")
  190. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "38 22 21")
  191. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "120 50 0")
  192. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "120 50 0")
  193. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "54 45 28")
  194. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "54 45 28")
  195. elseif overall_look == 5 then -- Dark yellow
  196. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "191 197 197")
  197. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "191 197 197")
  198. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "35 75 76")
  199. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "35 75 76")
  200. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "97 67 10")
  201. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "97 67 10")
  202. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "97 67 10")
  203. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "97 67 10")
  204. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "139 47 30")
  205. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "139 47 30")
  206. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "139 47 30")
  207. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "139 47 30")
  208. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "56 33 26")
  209. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "56 33 26")
  210. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "94 59 11")
  211. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "94 59 11")
  212. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "91 21 51")
  213. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "91 21 51")
  214. elseif overall_look == 6 then -- Dark yellow NY
  215. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "191 197 197")
  216. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "191 197 197")
  217. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "38 78 71")
  218. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "38 78 71")
  219. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "190 133 13")
  220. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "190 133 13")
  221. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "190 133 13")
  222. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "190 133 13")
  223. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  224. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  225. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  226. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  227. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "209 131 22")
  228. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "209 131 22")
  229. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "199 150 48")
  230. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "199 150 48")
  231. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "246 219 114")
  232. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "246 219 114")
  233. end
  234. end
  235. function DwarfCosmetics(NPC)
  236. local Type = GetModelType(NPC)
  237. local HairType = 0
  238. if Type == 109 then
  239. HairType = MakeRandomInt(1135,1140)
  240. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", HairType)
  241. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", HairType)
  242. else
  243. HairType = MakeRandomInt(1136,1140)
  244. local bald_chance = MakeRandomInt(1,100)
  245. if bald_chance < 11 then
  246. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", "0")
  247. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", "0")
  248. else
  249. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", HairType)
  250. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", HairType)
  251. end
  252. end
  253. local FaceHairType = MakeRandomInt(1164,1191)
  254. if Type == 109 then
  255. local beard_chance = MakeRandomInt(1,100)
  256. if beard_chance < 11 then
  257. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", FaceHairType)
  258. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_facial_hair_type", FaceHairType)
  259. else
  260. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", "0")
  261. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_facial_hair_type", "0")
  262. end
  263. else
  264. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", FaceHairType)
  265. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_facial_hair_type", FaceHairType)
  266. end
  267. local overall_look = MakeRandomInt(1,7)
  268. if overall_look == 1 then -- Dark beige
  269. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "225 171 169")
  270. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "225 171 169")
  271. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "70 59 31")
  272. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "70 59 31")
  273. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "83 77 59")
  274. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "83 77 59")
  275. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "83 77 59")
  276. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "83 77 59")
  277. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "75 47 0")
  278. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "75 47 0")
  279. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "75 47 0")
  280. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "75 47 0")
  281. elseif overall_look == 2 then -- Light reddish beige
  282. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "224 178 171")
  283. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "224 178 171")
  284. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "59 119 134")
  285. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "59 119 134")
  286. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "213 133 99")
  287. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "213 133 99")
  288. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "213 133 99")
  289. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "213 133 99")
  290. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "93 33 15")
  291. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "93 33 15")
  292. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "93 33 15")
  293. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "93 33 15")
  294. elseif overall_look == 3 then -- Dark brown
  295. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "213 189 156")
  296. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "213 189 156")
  297. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "50 62 34")
  298. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "50 62 34")
  299. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "61 52 29")
  300. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "61 52 29")
  301. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "61 52 29")
  302. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "61 52 29")
  303. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "56 47 2")
  304. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "56 47 2")
  305. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "56 47 2")
  306. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "56 47 2")
  307. elseif overall_look == 4 then -- Dark Chestnut
  308. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "200 198 174")
  309. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "200 198 174")
  310. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "34 70 78")
  311. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "34 70 78")
  312. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "36 22 6")
  313. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "36 22 6")
  314. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "36 22 6")
  315. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "36 22 6")
  316. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "50 41 28")
  317. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "50 41 28")
  318. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "50 41 28")
  319. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "50 41 28")
  320. elseif overall_look == 5 then -- Dark orange
  321. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "196 146 123")
  322. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "196 146 123")
  323. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "121 176 192")
  324. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "121 176 192")
  325. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "119 43 9")
  326. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "119 43 9")
  327. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "119 43 9")
  328. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "119 43 9")
  329. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "66 28 9")
  330. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "66 28 9")
  331. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "66 28 9")
  332. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "66 28 9")
  333. elseif overall_look == 6 then -- White (light grey/yellowish)
  334. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "245 248 246")
  335. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "245 248 246")
  336. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "131 163 133")
  337. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "131 163 133")
  338. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "247 239 212")
  339. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "247 239 212")
  340. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "247 239 212")
  341. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "247 239 212")
  342. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "54 47 3")
  343. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "54 47 3")
  344. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "54 47 3")
  345. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "54 47 3")
  346. elseif overall_look == 7 then -- Light beige
  347. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "209 217 217")
  348. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "209 217 217")
  349. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "97 105 57")
  350. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "97 105 57")
  351. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "159 155 143")
  352. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "159 155 143")
  353. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "159 155 143")
  354. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "159 155 143")
  355. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "165 155 144")
  356. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "165 155 144")
  357. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "165 155 144")
  358. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "165 155 144")
  359. end
  360. end
  361. function HumanCosmetics(NPC)
  362. local hair = MakeRandomInt(1121,1140)
  363. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type", hair)
  364. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type", hair)
  365. local beard = MakeRandomInt(1164,1191)
  366. local beard_chance = MakeRandomInt(1,100)
  367. if beard_chance < 51 then
  368. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", "0")
  369. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_facial_hair_type", "0")
  370. else
  371. SpawnSet(NPC, "facial_hair_type", beard)
  372. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_facial_hair_type", beard)
  373. end
  374. local overall_look = MakeRandomInt(1,14)
  375. if overall_look == 1 then -- Bright yellow
  376. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "206 162 137")
  377. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "206 162 137")
  378. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "47 100 102")
  379. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "47 100 102")
  380. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "194 164 6")
  381. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "194 164 6")
  382. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "194 164 6")
  383. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "194 164 6")
  384. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "188 168 37")
  385. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "188 168 37")
  386. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "188 168 37")
  387. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "188 168 37")
  388. elseif overall_look == 2 then -- Extra light chestnut (towards yellow)
  389. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "241 245 221")
  390. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "241 245 221")
  391. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "38 65 40")
  392. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "38 65 40")
  393. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "100 70 10")
  394. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "100 70 10")
  395. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "100 70 10")
  396. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "100 70 10")
  397. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "231 170 26")
  398. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "231 170 26")
  399. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "231 170 26")
  400. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "231 170 26")
  401. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "56 33 26")
  402. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "56 33 26")
  403. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "94 59 11")
  404. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "94 59 11")
  405. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "200 165 96")
  406. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "200 165 96")
  407. elseif overall_look == 3 then -- Light orange
  408. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "210 188 159")
  409. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "210 188 159")
  410. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "74 130 98")
  411. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "74 130 98")
  412. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "184 128 10")
  413. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "184 128 10")
  414. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "184 128 10")
  415. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "184 128 10")
  416. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "37 10 14")
  417. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "37 10 14")
  418. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "37 10 14")
  419. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "37 10 14")
  420. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "213 84 34")
  421. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "213 84 34")
  422. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "2 0 0")
  423. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "2 0 0")
  424. elseif overall_look == 4 then -- Orange with bright highlights
  425. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "234 244 244")
  426. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "234 244 244")
  427. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "37 76 88")
  428. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "37 76 88")
  429. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "121 38 35")
  430. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "121 38 35")
  431. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "121 38 35")
  432. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "121 38 35")
  433. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  434. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  435. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  436. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "233 184 31")
  437. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "91 21 51")
  438. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "91 21 51")
  439. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "159 88 0")
  440. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "159 88 0")
  441. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "246 219 114")
  442. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "246 219 114")
  443. elseif overall_look == 5 then -- Light chestnut
  444. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "245 249 245")
  445. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "245 249 245")
  446. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "43 70 43")
  447. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "43 70 43")
  448. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "37 22 5")
  449. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "37 22 5")
  450. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "37 22 5")
  451. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "37 22 5")
  452. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "121 38 35")
  453. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "121 38 35")
  454. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "121 38 35")
  455. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "121 38 35")
  456. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "79 28 15")
  457. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "79 28 15")
  458. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "111 64 0")
  459. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "111 64 0")
  460. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "91 21 51")
  461. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "91 21 51")
  462. elseif overall_look == 6 then -- Chestnut
  463. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "241 245 221")
  464. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "241 245 221")
  465. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "102 154 140")
  466. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "102 154 140")
  467. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "0 0 0")
  468. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "0 0 0")
  469. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "0 0 0")
  470. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "0 0 0")
  471. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "15 1 21")
  472. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "15 1 21")
  473. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "15 1 21")
  474. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "15 1 21")
  475. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "38 22 21")
  476. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "38 22 21")
  477. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "120 50 0")
  478. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "120 50 0")
  479. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "29 21 28")
  480. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "29 21 28")
  481. elseif overall_look == 7 then -- Chestnut and brown skin
  482. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "46 35 12")
  483. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "46 35 12")
  484. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "105 85 44")
  485. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "105 85 44")
  486. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "40 20 7")
  487. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "40 20 7")
  488. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "40 20 7")
  489. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "40 20 7")
  490. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "47 42 59")
  491. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "47 42 59")
  492. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "47 42 59")
  493. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "47 42 59")
  494. elseif overall_look == 8 then -- Dark brown
  495. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "176 156 105")
  496. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "176 156 105")
  497. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "67 132 116")
  498. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "67 132 116")
  499. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "33 24 12")
  500. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "33 24 12")
  501. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "33 24 12")
  502. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "33 24 12")
  503. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  504. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  505. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  506. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  507. elseif overall_look == 9 then -- Dark brown and brown skin
  508. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "46 35 12")
  509. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "46 35 12")
  510. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "105 85 44")
  511. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "105 85 44")
  512. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "33 24 12")
  513. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "33 24 12")
  514. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "33 24 12")
  515. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "33 24 12")
  516. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  517. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  518. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  519. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "11 6 1")
  520. elseif overall_look == 10 then -- Lige grey towards white
  521. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "181 132 94")
  522. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "181 132 94")
  523. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "31 68 69")
  524. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "31 68 69")
  525. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "213 209 159")
  526. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "213 209 159")
  527. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "213 209 159")
  528. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "213 209 159")
  529. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "56 40 19")
  530. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "56 40 19")
  531. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "56 40 19")
  532. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "56 40 19")
  533. elseif overall_look == 11 then -- Dark grey
  534. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "186 191 170")
  535. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "186 191 170")
  536. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "38 77 88")
  537. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "38 77 88")
  538. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "59 58 73")
  539. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "59 58 73")
  540. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "59 58 73")
  541. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "59 58 73")
  542. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  543. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  544. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  545. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  546. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "43 36 70")
  547. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "43 36 70")
  548. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "64 76 74")
  549. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "64 76 74")
  550. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "114 112 142")
  551. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "114 112 142")
  552. elseif overall_look == 12 then -- Dark grey and brown skin
  553. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "46 35 12")
  554. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "46 35 12")
  555. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "105 85 44")
  556. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "105 85 44")
  557. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "59 58 73")
  558. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "59 58 73")
  559. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "59 58 73")
  560. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "59 58 73")
  561. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  562. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  563. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  564. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "119 147 147")
  565. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "43 36 70")
  566. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "43 36 70")
  567. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "64 76 74")
  568. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "64 76 74")
  569. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "114 112 142")
  570. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "114 112 142")
  571. elseif overall_look == 13 then -- Black with white highlights
  572. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "179 188 188")
  573. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "179 188 188")
  574. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "105 165 179")
  575. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "105 165 179")
  576. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "15 1 21")
  577. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "15 1 21")
  578. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "15 1 21")
  579. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "15 1 21")
  580. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "211 220 220")
  581. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "211 220 220")
  582. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "211 220 220")
  583. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "211 220 220")
  584. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color1", "29 21 28")
  585. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color1", "29 21 28")
  586. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_color2", "39 32 39")
  587. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_color2", "39 32 39")
  588. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_highlight", "161 165 168")
  589. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_highlight", "161 165 168")
  590. else -- Light black
  591. SpawnSet(NPC, "skin_color", "176 156 105")
  592. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_skin_color", "176 156 105")
  593. SpawnSet(NPC, "eye_color", "67 132 116")
  594. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_eye_color", "67 132 116")
  595. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_color", "39 50 50")
  596. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_color", "39 50 50")
  597. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_color", "39 50 50")
  598. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_color", "39 50 50")
  599. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_type_highlight_color", "18 11 0")
  600. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_type_highlight_color", "18 11 0")
  601. SpawnSet(NPC, "hair_face_highlight_color", "18 11 0")
  602. SpawnSet(NPC, "soga_hair_face_highlight_color", "18 11 0")
  603. end
  604. end
  605. function EmoteLoop(NPC)
  606. local choice = MakeRandomInt(1,14)
  607. local timer = math.random(5000,10000)
  608. if choice == 1 then -- cackle
  609. PlayAnimation(NPC, 125)
  610. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  611. elseif choice == 2 then -- converse_male04
  612. PlayAnimation(NPC, 2983)
  613. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  614. elseif choice == 3 then -- confused
  615. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11214)
  616. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  617. elseif choice == 4 then -- converse_male05
  618. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11236)
  619. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  620. elseif choice == 5 then -- converse_male06
  621. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11237)
  622. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  623. elseif choice == 6 then -- converse_male07
  624. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11238)
  625. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  626. elseif choice == 7 then -- converse_male10
  627. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11241)
  628. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  629. elseif choice == 8 then -- converse_male11
  630. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11242)
  631. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  632. elseif choice == 9 then -- doubletake
  633. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11415)
  634. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  635. elseif choice == 10 then -- happy
  636. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11668)
  637. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  638. elseif choice == 11 then -- heckno
  639. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11680)
  640. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  641. elseif choice == 12 then -- howl
  642. PlayAnimation(NPC, 11718)
  643. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  644. elseif choice == 13 then -- smile
  645. PlayAnimation(NPC, 12285)
  646. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  647. else -- wink
  648. PlayAnimation(NPC, 13304)
  649. AddTimer(NPC, timer, "EmoteLoop")
  650. end
  651. end