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  15. <H1><A name=sec:bandwidth></a><tt>profile</tt> </H1>
  16. <PRE> (1)
  17. template &lt;typename Graph&gt;
  18. typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertices_size_type
  19. profile(const Graph&amp; g)
  20. (2)
  21. template &lt;typename Graph, typename VertexIndexMap&gt;
  22. typename graph_traits&lt;Graph&gt;::vertices_size_type
  23. profile(const Graph&amp; g, VertexIndexMap index_map)
  24. </PRE>
  25. <p>The<b> profile</b> is the sum of all the maximum distances between the <i>i-th</i>
  26. vertex and any of its neighbors with an index <i>j&gt;i</i>.</p>
  27. <p><BR>
  28. <I>B(G) = max { |index[u] - index[v]|&nbsp;&nbsp;| (u,v) in E }</I><BR>
  29. </p>
  30. <H3>Defined in</H3>
  31. <A
  32. href=""><TT>boost/graph/profile.hpp</TT></A>
  33. <BR>
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  38. <TD noWrap>Copyright © 2001-2002</TD>
  39. <TD>Marc Wintermantel, ETH Zurich (<A
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