using_boost_locale.js 4.5 KB

  1. var using_boost_locale =
  2. [
  3. [ "Locale Generation", "locale_gen.html", [
  4. [ "Basics", "locale_gen.html#locale_gen_basics", null ],
  5. [ "Variant", "locale_gen.html#locale_gen_variant", [
  6. [ "Non ICU Backends", "locale_gen.html#locale_gen_variant_non_icu", null ],
  7. [ "ICU Backend", "locale_gen.html#locale_gen_variant_icu", null ]
  8. ] ]
  9. ] ],
  10. [ "Collation", "collation.html", null ],
  11. [ "Text Conversions", "conversions.html", [
  12. [ "Case Handing", "conversions.html#conversions_case", null ],
  13. [ "Unicode Normalization", "conversions.html#conversions_normalization", null ],
  14. [ "Notes", "conversions.html#conversions_notes", null ]
  15. ] ],
  16. [ "Numbers, Time and Currency formatting and parsing", "formatting_and_parsing.html", [
  17. [ "Numbers and number manipulators", "formatting_and_parsing.html#numbers_formatting", null ],
  18. [ "Currency formatting", "formatting_and_parsing.html#currency_formatting", null ],
  19. [ "Date and Time formatting", "formatting_and_parsing.html#date_and_time_formatting", null ],
  20. [ "Internals", "formatting_and_parsing.html#formatting_internals", null ]
  21. ] ],
  22. [ "Messages Formatting (Translation)", "messages_formatting.html", [
  23. [ "Introduction", "messages_formatting.html#messages_formatting_into", null ],
  24. [ "Loading dictionaries", "messages_formatting.html#msg_loading_dictionaries", null ],
  25. [ "Message Translation", "messages_formatting.html#message_translation", [
  26. [ "Indirect Message Translation", "messages_formatting.html#indirect_message_translation", null ],
  27. [ "Plural Forms", "messages_formatting.html#plural_forms", null ],
  28. [ "Adding Context Information", "messages_formatting.html#adding_context_information", null ],
  29. [ "Working with multiple messages domains", "messages_formatting.html#multiple_gettext_domain", null ],
  30. [ "Direct translation (Convenience Interface)", "messages_formatting.html#direct_message_translation", null ]
  31. ] ],
  32. [ "Extracting messages from the source code", "messages_formatting.html#extracting_messages_from_code", [
  33. [ "Custom Filesystem Support", "messages_formatting.html#custom_file_system_support", null ]
  34. ] ],
  35. [ "Non US-ASCII Keys", "messages_formatting.html#msg_non_ascii_keys", [
  36. [ "Questions and Answers", "messages_formatting.html#msg_qna", null ]
  37. ] ]
  38. ] ],
  39. [ "Character Set Conversions", "charset_handling.html", [
  40. [ "Convenience Interface", "charset_handling.html#codecvt", null ],
  41. [ "std::codecvt facet", "charset_handling.html#codecvt_codecvt", null ],
  42. [ "Integration with Boost.Iostreams", "charset_handling.html#codecvt_iostreams_integration", null ],
  43. [ "Limitations of std::codecvt", "charset_handling.html#codecvt_limitations", null ]
  44. ] ],
  45. [ "Boundary analysis", "boundary_analysys.html", [
  46. [ "Basics", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_basics", null ],
  47. [ "Iterating Over Segments", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_segments", null ],
  48. [ "Basic Iteration", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_segments_basics", null ],
  49. [ "Using Rules", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_segments_rules", [
  50. [ "Locating Segments", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_segments_search", null ]
  51. ] ],
  52. [ "Iterating Over Boundary Points", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_break", null ],
  53. [ "Basic Iteration", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_break_basics", null ],
  54. [ "Using Rules", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_break_rules", [
  55. [ "Locating Boundary Points", "boundary_analysys.html#boundary_analysys_break_search", null ]
  56. ] ]
  57. ] ],
  58. [ "Localized Text Formatting", "localized_text_formatting.html", null ],
  59. [ "Working with dates, times, timezones and calendars.", "dates_times_timezones.html", [
  60. [ "Introduction", "dates_times_timezones.html#dates_times_timezones_intro", null ],
  61. [ "Handling Dates and Time", "dates_times_timezones.html#dates_times_timezones_dt", null ],
  62. [ "Time Zone", "dates_times_timezones.html#dates_times_timezones_tz", null ],
  63. [ "I/O Operations on date_time objects", "dates_times_timezones.html#dates_times_timezones_io", null ],
  64. [ "Questions and Answers", "dates_times_timezones.html#dates_times_timezones_qna", null ]
  65. ] ],
  66. [ "Getting information about the current locale", "locale_information.html", null ],
  67. [ "Working with multiple locales", "working_with_multiple_locales.html", null ]
  68. ];