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  12. <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 style="clear: both">Tutorial</h1></div></div></div>
  13. <ol class="children children-li"><li>
  14. <a href="./tutorial/essential.html" >Essential</a>
  15. <p>The absolute minimum that you need to know to get started with Outcome immediately.</p><ol><li>
  16. <a href="./tutorial/essential/before.html" >Before we begin</a>
  17. <p>Essential information before you begin the tutorial.</p><li>
  18. <a href="./tutorial/essential/result.html" >result&lt;&gt;</a>
  19. <p>Gentle introduction to writing code with simple success-or-failure return types.</p><li>
  20. <a href="./tutorial/essential/outcome.html" >outcome&lt;&gt;</a>
  21. <p>Success-or-failure return types where failure can take two forms, expected/handled failure and unexpected/abort failure.</p><li>
  22. <a href="./tutorial/essential/no-value.html" >No-value policies</a>
  23. <p>Describes the concept of NoValuePolicy and how to use no-value policies.</p><li>
  24. <a href="./tutorial/essential/conventions.html" >Conventions</a>
  25. <p>Why you should avoid custom <code>E</code> types in public APIs.</p></li></ol><li>
  26. <a href="./tutorial/advanced.html" >Advanced</a>
  27. <p>If you have a bit more time, this covers all the time-saving ways you can customise and automate Outcome for various use cases, especially in larger codebases made up of multiple third party libraries.</p><ol><li>
  28. <a href="./tutorial/advanced/payload.html" >Custom payloads</a>
  29. <p>Success-or-failure return types where extra information in addition to the error code accompanies failure.</p><li>
  30. <a href="./tutorial/advanced/constructors.html" >Result returning constructors</a>
  31. <p>How to metaprogram construction of objects which use result<T, EC> to return failure instead of throwing a C++ exception.</p><li>
  32. <a href="./tutorial/advanced/hooks.html" >Hooking events</a>
  33. <p>Intercepting useful events such as initial construction, copies and moves so you can capture backtraces, fire debug breakpoints etc.</p><li>
  34. <a href="./tutorial/advanced/interop.html" >Interoperation</a>
  35. <p>Interoperating with std::expected<T, E> and other ValueOrError concept matching types.</p></li></ol></li></ol>
  36. </div><p><small>Last revised: October 17, 2017 at 22:41:15 &#43;0100</small></p>
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