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  12. <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 style="clear: both">Custom payloads</h1></div></div></div>
  13. <p>So far in this tutorial, type <code>EC</code> in <code>result&lt;T, EC&gt;</code> has always been a
  14. <code>std::error_code</code> or <code>boost::system::error_code</code>. With <code>NoValuePolicy</code>
  15. set to <a href="../../reference/aliases/default_policy.html" class="api-reference"><code>default_policy&lt;T, EC, EP&gt;</code></a>
  16. , <code>EC</code> needs
  17. in fact to merely satisfy the trait
  18. <a href="../../reference/traits/is_error_code_available.html" class="api-reference"><code>is_error_code_available&lt;T&gt;</code></a>
  19. for <code>EC</code> to be treated as if an <code>error_code</code>. Outcome specialises that
  20. trait for <code>std::error_code</code> and <code>boost::system::error_code</code>,
  21. hence they &ldquo;just work&rdquo;.</p>
  22. <p>If no specialisation exists, <code>trait::is_error_code_available&lt;EC&gt;</code> is true
  23. if there exists some ADL discovered free function <code>make_error_code(EC)</code>.</p>
  24. <p>Thus, we can in fact use any custom <code>EC</code> type we like, including one carrying additional
  25. information, or <em>payload</em>. This payload can carry anything you like, and you can tell
  26. Outcome to do various things with that payload under various circumstances. For example:</p>
  27. <ol>
  28. <li>If the user tries to observe an unsuccessful <code>result</code>, throw a custom exception
  29. containing the cause of failure with accompanying context from the payload.</li>
  30. <li>If the user ever constructs an <code>outcome</code> from a payload carrying <code>result</code>,
  31. set the exception ptr in the constructed <code>outcome</code> to a custom exception
  32. containing the cause of the failure with accompanying context from the payload.</li>
  33. <li>Transmit a stack backtrace specifying the exact point at which failure occurred,
  34. symbolising that backtrace into human readable text at the moment of conversion into human
  35. readable text.</li>
  36. <li>Upon a namespace-localised <code>result</code> from library A being copy/moved into a
  37. namespace-localised <code>result</code> from C bindings library B, set the C <code>errno</code> if
  38. the error code and category map onto the <code>errno</code> domain.</li>
  39. </ol>
  40. <p>There are many, many other options of course. This tutorial can only cover a
  41. reasonable subset. This section covers Example 1 above, throwing custom exceptions
  42. with payload upon observation of an unsuccessful <code>result</code>.</p>
  43. </div><p><small>Last revised: February 08, 2019 at 22:18:08 UTC</small></p>
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